
Saltwater Fever

Already addicted to Captivity as a Child, a Baptism by Shamu on a trip to Florida gave me Saltwater Fever that lasted most of my life until I grew up. The Fever finally broke when I realized I was just killing the Sea Life I cared So much about for nothing but Money.


Mile Marker Pirates

There is a fleet of Diver Down and Snorkel Pirates Scouring the Florida Keys for Today’s Booty worth more than All the Gold and Jewels that’s ever Sailed the Seas. From Key West to Key Largo the Pirates have mapped out U.S. Hwy. 1 for the different Treasures found at Mile Markers up and down our National Marine Sanctuary! Lol!

The landlubbers have been Hornswoggled while the Flagships of the Pirate Fleet set Sail on the Sunset of Extinction to Pillage and Plunder our National Treasury.

Conservation Camouflage

All Public or Private Aquariums and Zoos use Conservation to Hide their True Nature of Exploiting Animals, Creatures and Fish for Nothing but Fun and Money.


We’re Gonna Need A Bigger Tank!

The S.S. Titanic is going down again with 4 crooked tailed Whale Sharks, appearing in their own egotistical broadcast evidence hitting the Inevitable Reality Burg of…If their so Endangered…Why do you have 4? Isn’t the Whale Wars still going on?


Acme Aquarium

As their Looney Tunes play over and over in the minds of their Minion’s they will never catch Conservation. Beep! Beep!

Their Smoke Bombs, Traps and Slingshot Rockets they strap themselves into will always Flop at the Ticket Booth and leave them dangling over their own cliff. Zatang!

Aqua Man’s Mental Ability

The Best Superpower besides flying is definitely Aqua Man’s mental Ability to tell All the Fish and Sea Life to Run from Humans until we grow up and How Sorry we are.

That would be cool!

Sea Monkey Stole My Money!

If I had a nickel for every batch of Brine Shrimp I hatched for food I’d be a rich retired Pirate. Every year Millions of Dollars are spent on other Life Forms used as food for the Involuntary Captives behind the Monkey Bars.

Monkey See…Monkey Do…Don’t waste your Money at the Zoo!

Home Day!

As we find ourselves inside our house…the streets and stores are quiet as a mouse.

We should always remember this day…by celebrating it the same way.

Cleaner air and returning wildlife…is a gift we can give from inside.

We all may live in different zones…But we All Call Earth a Home.

Eye Patched!

The Eye Patch of a Pirate is Not to Cover a Lost Eye But the Horrible things they Don’t want to See.

Always Look Both Eyes!

Own that Ship!

History is Full of small insignificant rudders that have steered Huge ships to the uncharted waters of our Destiny.

Follow the compass to Your True North and you’ll find the Treasure that is YOU!

The Blue Pearl

When I was a child I did a book report on the Black Pearl about a Giant Manta Ray protecting a valuable Giant Black Pearl in the Bay. Flash forward 20 years and I found myself Diving for Flame Scallops in the Florida Keys, when a Shadow of a Giant Manta Ray moved over the top of me as to protect the Scallops themselves. Now doing a book report on my own story in the year of perfect vision and hindsight of the complete picture puzzle that would be my life, I’ve come to realize the Blue Pearl of Life…Is the treasure, Not the Pearl inside.

First Step for Their Kind

The Wildlife Alarm is going off like Groundhog Day and this Time is NOW to take the First Step in our Earth Landing of our Lost World. Our Footprints in the Ashes of Extinction are on the Beaches of Eternity as Sand Signals of what we once were but wash away in the Inevitable Tide of Life being Free.


Dear Earth,

Happy Earth Day!

We hope you have a Great Day this year as we think about you and every Living Creature you hold up Including Us, even though we do terrible things to you and yours the rest of the year. We would just like to say, we’re Sorry and we’ll try to do better this time. Not next time but Now, we’ll Prioritize our Public Necessities to Help cool the temper felt by all. Please give Us another chance to Right our Wrongs by Learning from our mistakes and showing we Can Live without Destroying.

Sincerely yours,

Prisoners of Hope

Crikey! Where’s the Aquarium?

Ending their Season with a poof and a final meal of propaganda the very Definition of Documentary is left Hungry for the (Factual Record or Report) of the Whole truth that happens when things Don’t go right at a 100 Million Dollar a year Aquarium. There’s a camera every time they weigh something for nothing but they can’t strap a Go Pro to a necessary minion to show the Rest of the Story. We crave the Dark side of Everything else in our Human Society but we won’t show the Dark side of the Aquarium. The Empire will surely Strike Back in the Sea War but the Can’t-walks of Earth will prevail against the Grip of the Aquarium.

May the Freedom be with Them!

Earth Days

As we spin away our Earth Days watching TV shows about wasting Animals and Destroying our Environment for Fun, the Blind go merrily on Believing what they are told to be Educational information piped in, paid for propaganda Corrupting our Society as a Plague of Deception keeping us in the Dark Ages. History will Restart the Clock the Day we open our eyes and treat the Earth and All it’s inhabitants as you would want to be treated.

That will be Earth Day!

Ship in a Bottle

I’m a ship in a Bottle ready to sail. I’ve hoisted my Anchor and my flags won’t fail.

Someone once told me to “Own that Ship.” Tell everyone about every single trip.

To the bottom of my soul and back I’ve sold the Souls of others Like Crack.

But the Last thing I would like to say…is selling a life is the Last thing I’d do today.

Animal Advocates

Use what you Got…Do what you Can!

Wisdom is All around us…All we have to do is Listen.

Pass it along to the next link in the chain of hope that Our Descendants won’t live the same mistakes by teaching their children Not to Hurt Animals for Fun like we Did.

This My Good Eye!

Once, only seeing what they wanted me to see. Now I have seen with my own Eye what they didn’t want me to see.

There are two Eyes to every story but to see the Truth you must use Both.


I have snorkeled to the depths of my own dreams only to find out they should be Free!


Children dream to be Adults…Adults dream to be Children But it’s someone else’s dream we live.

Safe in the Wild

Some Aquariums are Pleading for Donations due to the lack of front door Ticket Sales which pay for Food, Power and other Essential Supplies used to Rescue and Display(Exploit) Animals for Profit. They Fear for the Survival of All the Creatures in their Care if they don’t get a Bailout or enough fools to pay for this Unessential Trap for Wildlife that would be Much Safer and Free in the Wild.


Captivity Virus

Many different Animals and Creatures from around the World all mixed together in close proximity to Humans, sounds like every place I’ve ever worked or owned. From Aquarium, Pet Store to Zoo the Wildlife Market is a Dangerous Risk just for Amusement and Profits.

Welcome to America…May we take your Order? Our Pet Stores are Open, Essential and Deliver while the rest of us experience our own version of Captivity.

Rethink Public Priorities!

The Lonely Lighthouse

Although a lighthouse stands alone, it’s among many around the world shining for the safety of others they’ll never know. Stand for something even if it seems like you’re the only one standing.

Sea Change

To have a breakthrough…Something has to be broke.

Breaking the bondage of Captivity can only be done by living it.

Momentary Moratorium

As we Stop being us, Global Conservation is the Positive Side of a Worldwide Moratorium of taking Wildlife for Food or Fun. Nature will once again Flourish without our Daily Removal to Supply the Chain. We get sick and Wildlife gets better. (Pause.. and think about that)

Falling Starfish

Starfish Starfall your the last Starfish of all.

We touched you in our tanks for fun and all you did was try to run.

In our hands you fall apart…should’ve left them alone from the start.

Human Pets

As we all learn the lesson of Captivity in our Quarantine from Freedom to make normal choices, our lives will become more like the Pets we Own, Sell and Display for Fun.

The only difference is we hopefully won’t have to do tricks for food or starve!

The Sandman

As I lie here dying in the Sand… Thinking about my life as a man…

I begged and pleaded with the Sea… To bring someone who could rescue me…

There’s just one condition I somehow knew… To spread a little sand before the day is new…

For in the sandy corners of our eyes… Is a reminder of our Ocean’s demise.

National Pet Store

Why do we tag the word “National” on things that are the most UnAmerican, UnFree, Killing for Profit Businesses in the Land? Do we really Believe Aquariums, Pet Stores and Zoos Help Animals? Should we really tack “National” or “Non-profit” on Dead Animals for Dead Presidents? We the People will think Not Someday, when we Grow Up and Move On as a Nation past our Country’s blemishes to a better Example and Stewards Shinning on that Hill. Or will we be known as the World’s National Hypocrites?

Flying Sharks

Baby Sharks are shipped Air Cargo through many Airlines who provide the only cog to keep the Animal Exploitation Business going. If All Creatures couldn’t fly the friendly skies to their inevitable deaths, they would just have to stay where they belong and add to the biodiversity of nature instead of someone else’s pocket.


What in the Heck are you letting them Teach your Children and Grandchildren? Have you watched what their pumping into your Kids on Saturdays and Sundays they call Educational and Informational? If you stand for Nothing at All, at least Stand for your Family and our Society as a whole by Demanding the Teaching of our Descendants… Be the Truth!

Like A Pirate Out Of Time

Captains Log Stardate 2000 and somethin’…

We may be 200 years too late but there’s still plenty to plunder it’s just laying there in the Florida sand like a tourist covered with oil, the secret’s in the crust. I hear universal laughter ring out as they make enough money to buy paradise. Nothings meant to last, with fruitcakes in the city, I’d rather be knee deep in the water somewhere. But I still don’t know where I’m gonna go when the volcano blows. I think I’ll just toss out my anchor and practice what I preach. Heaven on Earth with an onion slice. I’ll soon be a cheeseburger in paradise.

That is all I have to say… Have a Very Fruitful Day.

Beautiful Prisons

I used to build Beautiful Prisons for Creatures I Liked and Hoped they’d be Happy and go on with Life. But one look in their eyes and you could see… they’d rather be Free… than Belong to Me. So Unlock the Cages and Break the Glass… NO ONE will be Happy… until their Free at Last.

The Blue Pearl

We are the Blue Pearl in the Universal Oyster amongst the Sea of Stars that holds the greatest treasure of all. Life! From the tiniest speck in the Sea to the Humans called we the creatures of Planet Earth make up the Bluest Blue ever known. Every life we let go of changes our true color forever until nothing will be left but the black we hold back.

Sand Dollars

We once found life in the sand worth money to many men. We took and we took. We sold and we sold. But each time we did we lost a little bit of our soul. So make yourselves wiser and take our advice. Always think twice before selling a life.

Mile Marker Moonshine

Mile Marker Moonshine is made in the Dark of a Full Moon at MM 79 during a King Tide. 5 gallon buckets and kitty litter scoopers are all that’s needed for this magical concoction worth 10,000 dollars a gallon one hundred miles away.

Just add Blue legged hermits, saltwater and a few million unwitting fools buying a clean up crew because they were told to and presto… we’re all drunk on Mile Marker Moonshine killing our only Living Coral Reef in the Continental United States we call a “National Sanctuary”.

Profitable Conservation

Do you know how much money Universities make testing drugs on sharks for the Drug Companies while selling Shark Tagging Tickets in the name of Conservation?

Did you know a Public Aquarium can make 100 Million Dollars a year killing Sea Life calling it Conservation and Non-Profit?

Did you know Zoos only breed Animals to sell to other Zoos and call It Conservation?

The business of Conservation has surpassed the initial Cause for the chase of money instead of true Conservation helping Animals and the Environment for Free.

Sea Secret

Pssst. Please tell two people to tell two people and so on…that Aquariums, Marine Parks, and half the other businesses that claim non-profit conservation are the Cause of the environmental destruction plaguing our planet, Not The Cure!

Aquarium Show

Penguins on Parade as Ambassadors of their species dancing like a Mary Poppins movie for all the people to see who bought a ticket to an illusion of happy creatures in a musical.

But behind the curtain of reality is a business exploiting animals forcing them to perform for survival against their will existing in prison type cages when not on display or performing.

Cute is the new money and an egg is the new Conservation Camouflage used to cover all the other life destroyed on a daily basis throughout the rest of the Aquarium, Encounter, Park or Zoo.

Don’t fall for the Magic Show of Captivity, for behind the curtain is a Horror Show, history will shame us for!

Missing Media

The Industry making billions from exploiting animals for profit, is also spending billions in different media propaganda, convincing billions to believe that captivity and Private or Public display of animals for amusement is somehow good for the animals and us.

Where are all the books, magazines, movies, songs, and T.V. shows, etc. about animals in captivity? Why can’t I buy a children’s book for my grandchildren that shows where their first pet fish really comes from? Or why they shouldn’t support Aquariums and Zoos or have most pets at all? Why can’t we sing along to Set’em Free or Don’t buy a ticket to Captivity? Where’s our anti-captivity magazine or Saturday morning cartoon Snorkel Pirates? How about a documentary showing the reality of Aquariums and Zoos killing more life than they put on parade?

Looks like we have a lot of catching up to do with our missing media. Where are all the people in the world who care about animals enough to use their abilities and talents to change what has just become part of normal?

Life’s Nursery

Aquarium collectors have found a loophole to remove mass amounts of life directly from the source. Diverting entire spawns of the next generations meant for the sea into the nothingness of the Aquarium Industry. No Limits, No Restrictions on offspring has opened a floodgate of Environmental Theft causing extinctions worldwide. Baby fish, corals and invertebrates must be protected from Predators in the Nursery of Life.

Aquarist of the Year

This year’s fish God has found a new loophole to damage even more unprotected areas of the environment. Harassing native species during their natural spawning of the next generations. Gametes and trillions of their future offspring are being taken during just one collection event. Hailed as some kind of conservation their falsely labeled Aqua-cultured fish, corals and inverts are sent into the same flawed system destroying the rest so more is needed next month, which is the only sustainability they care about.

Using one or two creatures to look good to the public while causing the extinction of many other species is nothing to get an award for! And in fact should be stopped before this far more destructive fishing method is implemented everywhere. Killing creatures at their source will doom the wild populations forever.

Self Accreditation

Did you know Public Aquariums and Zoos decide themselves who gets accredited so they can buy and sell rare endangered species to one another? Like the kids watching the cookie jar they promise the well being of the animals are their top priority. We all know money is always number one. Should we really let the companies that are abusing and exploiting nature for profit tell us what life they can put on display or how well they care for them?

Collection Cove

America has it’s own Cove collecting dolphins and other marine life being Rescued from the wild to fill a park. Worth a million dollars dead or alive after insurance. Their weekend morning propaganda shows dolphin collecting as Educational/Informational.

Should we let the very business of exploiting animals on display for profit teach our society a false education using misleading and wrong information?


All one needs to be a Pirate in the Florida Keys is a fishing license and a diver down flag but the flagships of the Pirate fleet plundering our marine sanctuary have a Pirate permit allowing them to pillage tons of marine life and with a Special Activities permit even endangered species are in danger.

Animal Cracker Conservation

Due to the demand of pubic opinion, animal crackers are now free from their bondage of captivity behind the bars on their box. Real animals however are still being exploited in cages worldwide for amusement.