The Sandman

As I lie here dying in the Sand… Thinking about my life as a man…

I begged and pleaded with the Sea… To bring someone who could rescue me…

There’s just one condition I somehow knew… To spread a little sand before the day is new…

For in the sandy corners of our eyes… Is a reminder of our Ocean’s demise.

National Pet Store

Why do we tag the word “National” on things that are the most UnAmerican, UnFree, Killing for Profit Businesses in the Land? Do we really Believe Aquariums, Pet Stores and Zoos Help Animals? Should we really tack “National” or “Non-profit” on Dead Animals for Dead Presidents? We the People will think Not Someday, when we Grow Up and Move On as a Nation past our Country’s blemishes to a better Example and Stewards Shinning on that Hill. Or will we be known as the World’s National Hypocrites?

Flying Sharks

Baby Sharks are shipped Air Cargo through many Airlines who provide the only cog to keep the Animal Exploitation Business going. If All Creatures couldn’t fly the friendly skies to their inevitable deaths, they would just have to stay where they belong and add to the biodiversity of nature instead of someone else’s pocket.


What in the Heck are you letting them Teach your Children and Grandchildren? Have you watched what their pumping into your Kids on Saturdays and Sundays they call Educational and Informational? If you stand for Nothing at All, at least Stand for your Family and our Society as a whole by Demanding the Teaching of our Descendants… Be the Truth!

Like A Pirate Out Of Time

Captains Log Stardate 2000 and somethin’…

We may be 200 years too late but there’s still plenty to plunder it’s just laying there in the Florida sand like a tourist covered with oil, the secret’s in the crust. I hear universal laughter ring out as they make enough money to buy paradise. Nothings meant to last, with fruitcakes in the city, I’d rather be knee deep in the water somewhere. But I still don’t know where I’m gonna go when the volcano blows. I think I’ll just toss out my anchor and practice what I preach. Heaven on Earth with an onion slice. I’ll soon be a cheeseburger in paradise.

That is all I have to say… Have a Very Fruitful Day.