For Decades Experts Sold Us into Believing Yet Another Debunked Miracle Cure Causing Deaths of Fish, Sea Life and People.
Prime Example of Why, We Must Question Everything being Pushed on Willing Targets of Customers from Birth to Grave. Propaganda Captivity of Both Animal and Human, Is the Business Model of All Companies Exploiting Nature for It’s Own Good. Without a Demand, There’s No Need for a Supply of Money Made from Wildlife for Human Indoctrination.
Follow the Pretty Lights, Everyone’s Doing it, As Seen On TV, All the Experts Agree at This Time Science is Peer Reviewed and Sponsored for…So it Must Be True! Absolutely Not!
In the Immortal Words of Dudley Do-Rights Arch Enemy, (Sidney Whiplash) “Curses!” Foiled Again!
Society is Falling For More Than It’s Standing For in a History of Shifting Science.
There’s Nothing Wrong with Their Science…But Something Has to Be Done about Their Mad Scientists.
The Colors of the Dark Hobby
Many Colors are Found in the Full Spectrum of Light But There’s Many More Lost In the Dark.
Colorful Life Turns to Green, Gold and Red Through the Blue Cloudy of Yellow Aquarium Wastewater Pouring Out Brown, Grey and Clear Death.
Mixed All Together with the Color of Dirt in a Vast Ocean of Empty Dreams and Mirages of Hopes Buried By Sands of Time and Blind Hobbyists Seeing Wrong.
If the Dark Hobby Had a Rainbow it Would Lead to a Pot of Gold that Used to Be Alive with the Colors Of Our Past.
The Dark Hobby
When I was a Child…I Believed Like a Child. I Fell Hook, Line and Tanks for a Hobby that Led Me Into Decades of Dark Deception and False Beliefs.
Destroying Wildlife for Amusement and Eventually a Living From Their Dying, I Had Become the Exact Opposite of Loving Animals and Original Intentions.
Using Our Love and Curiosity for Really Cool Creatures, the Business of Indoctrination Makes One Believe We Are Helping Nature By Wasting it In Our Aquariums, Cages & Dead-ends By Any Means.
Learning and Teaching From Our Mistakes is the Only Way to Prevent Others from Being Hobbyist’s of the Dark and Life Long Regrets Once in the Light of Looking Back.
The Dark Industry
Under the Bright Lights, People See “Pretty Fish” and Cool Animals But in the Darkness behind the Hobby Many, Many, Many Creatures are Harmed in the Making of Sustainable Suckers Buying Extinction.
Beyond the Hobby, Lies a Huge System in Corruption of Aquariums, Charities and Zoos Exploiting Nature, Claiming Good, If We Give Them More Money and the Very Life we’re Trying to Protect.
Wasting Wildlife and Partnering with Business as usual, is the Dark from Hobby to Industry Causing Extinction that Must Be Brought To The Light!
We Must Not Forget this Extinction Business is Far More than Just a Hobby Wasting All Sorts of Life Worldwide on a Daily Basis.
Many Greenwashed/Bluewashed Methods of Aquacultured, Tank Raised, Captive-Bred Propaganda Does Far More Damage to the Already Stressed Environment than Traditional Collection. #PlanktonTows and Source Collection (Spawn Harvesting of #TargetedSpecies) is Falsely Labeled to Sell More while Destroying Trillions.
Air Lines, Attractions, BLNR, C.I.T.E.S, Clubs, Collectors, Encounters, Fish and Wildlife, Governmental Wildlife Agencies, Magazines, Manufactures, Media, NOAA, Pet Stores, Public Aquariums, Shipping Companies, Societies, Theme Parks, Universities, Wholesale Facilities and Zoos Compromise an Archaic Industry Wasting the World’s Precious Resources for No Good Reason!
It Doesn’t Matter What They’re Called or Where they Come From, All Wildlife Needs Protected From the Dark Money and Objectives of All Those Using Life For Profit.
#TrueIntentions, #FollowTheMoney. #NoAquaculture, #NoTankRaised, #NoCages, #NoZoos, #NoAquariums, #NoCaptivity, #NoCompromise!
Immoral Compass
Always pointing True South the Business of Exploiting Nature takes Many forms. Hiding in Plain Sight, Extinction is Called “Conservation” with a Billion Dollar Twist to Cover the Reality of Using Nature.
Greenwashing the Dark Hypocrisy with the Very Companies Causing the Decline in Wildlife Numbers Worldwide, is Covering the Environment Red.
If You Can’t Join Them, Beat Them…Should Be the Motto of Every True Animal Advocate with a Moral Compass Pointing to Truth and Justice for All Life Without a Financial Conflict of Interest.
Baptized by Sea World’s Shamu in 1975, I Developed a Bad Case of #SaltwaterFever that Led Into #TheDarkHobby and Profession.
From Pet Stores to Collecting, Wholesalers and Public Aquariums, I’ve Learned Many Ways to Exploit Nature for Money Over the Years.
I’ve Bred Endangered Species, Could Grow a Million Saltwater Mushrooms a Year and Could Scoop Up 1 Million Blue Legged Hermit Crabs Every Month…Just to Name a Few.
Getting Rich Destroying Nature is Easy But Choosing to Help Those You’ve Hurt, is Environmental Restitution and Restoration for Both.
Paid in Freedom, I’m the Richest, Poorest Wildlife Advocate on Earth.
Regretful Pirate
Florida’s Yellow Tang…Is an Angel
Queen of the Atlantic and Aquarium Industry in the Continental United States.
This Valuable Sought After Aquarium Trinket is Worth Millions of Dollars Annually, Just Because It’s a Pretty Fish.
Blue and Green to Gold this Unlucky Species is Doomed to Death By Tank, Public and Private.
The Queen Angle is Collected From Our National Marine Sanctuary, Pumped through an Archaic Supply Chain, Sold for Entertainment and Reordered Every So Often As Needed.
This Eco-Illogical Ethic Removes Not Only the Parent Fish but Their Missing Offspring Slowly Causing Exponential Environmental Extinction.
Two Fish Can Become Many If Left Free but a Tank is Always a Dead End.
Placing a Bounty on Beauty is a Flawed Human Trait.
#BountyOnBeauty #FloridasNext
In the Hands of Humans VS Nature
Do People Go To the #Zoo For Education? Most People Do Not. Conservation? Nope. Research? Maybe, Some Times.
Entertainment is the Driving Force and Intent with a Tsunami of Profits. As the Wave of Tourists Flock in to See Captive Animals, Up Close Encounters and Interactions. Zookeepers Force You to Focus on the Animals and They Become the “Main Attraction”. Is Fun to Pet a Tiger, Feed a Giraffe, or Watching Animals Do Tricks Education, Research or Conservation?
Money Generated Programs Designed to Entrap Visitors, Supporters and Future Investment Opportunities. Messaging and Personal Attraction with the Wildlife as Innocent Bystanders.
Combining Conservation and Education Qualifies and Justifies Keeping Wildlife in Captivity over Centuries as Profiteers Capitalizing on Natures Opportunistic Presentation and Image.
#Aquariums and #Zoos are Guilty of Misdirection, Half-Truths, Deceptive, Misleading and Bold Face Lies And We Fall For It.
With a We Will Dominate Goal Standard Their Fundamental Flaws Contradict Conservation, Education and Research. Hypocritical Behavior Makes it Okay For Them But No One Else. Wildlife is Okay for Only Some Animals while “Ambassadors for their Species or Counter parts” are Spot Lighted.
As We Discover, Investigate and Review these Institutions a Permeant Ban Needs to Be Imposed and the Loopholes Closed For Good!
#HowAboutTheRestOfTheStory? #FactChecks #Looholes #Aquariums #Zoos #MakeThemBelieve #BelieveItOrElse.
If They Say It’s Okay it Must Be. We’ll Take Your Word for it.
With all the Recurring Utterance Aquariums and Zoos Have Told Us For Decades, Using Bias, One-sided Evidence and Half-Truth Speeches…#HowAboutTheRestOfTheStory?
Pro-Conservationists and Animal Advocates Show Different Conclusions. So What’s the Real Truth? Where Can You Find That?
Trying to Remain Objective Without Personal Emotion may all boil down to Ethics, i.e. Social, Religious, Professional, Business and One’s Own. Science and Beliefs Can Change and Laws are added into the mix For Or Against and Don’t Forget Money. With Enough Money You Can Buy Freedom Or Captivity.
Who is Buying or Paying For Freedom?
#FreedomForAll #Ruminate #RethinkCaptivity #Aquaiums #Zoos
#FreedomForAll #Ruminate #RethinkCaptivity #Aquaiums #Zoos
10 Reasons Why We Should Not Go to Zoos.
The Deadly Results of Captive Wildlife in #Aquariums, #ThemeParks and #Zoos Incompetence.
10 Reasons Why We Should Not Go.
- They Only Follow Their Own Bias, Self-Reporting, Inadequate Arguments while Ignoring All Other Evidence.
- Their Hazardous Exhibits Hamper the Nature Life Style of the Animals.
- Their Failed Experiments Can Not Compare to Nature.
- Their CEO’s Million Dollar Salaries Does Nothing For Conservation.
- Their Educational Speech’s Of Biological Attributes and Natural Habitat Threats Detour the Public From Any Real Truth.
- Their Magic Circus Shows Portfolio Consists of Trainers Abilities, Useless Public Feeding Sessions and #RidiculousMediaStunts
- They Misrepresent Themselves as the Saviors of Endangered Wildlife.
- They Misuse Repetitive Words and Twist Definitions to Masquerade any Flaws in Their Treatment of the Animals.
- Wild Animals are Paraded Around, Lead By Leashes and Hand-Reared in order to be the Perfect Ambassador.
- At Best, Their Ethical Views are up for Debate and At Worst…They Have No Ethics! The Deadly Results of Captive Wildlife in #Aquariums, #ThemeParks and #Zoos Incompetence.
When We Were #MileMarkerPirates in the #FloridaKeys #NationalMarineSanctuary We Seen All Sorts of Environmental Damage Being Done By the Private and Public Aquarium Industry.
Chemicals Dumping Into the Water Out Back with a Constant Supply of #SeaLife Coming into Makeshift Holding Tanks…Statewide.
There are Many Threats to Our Last Coral Reefs But it is the Systematic Removal of Valuable Sea Life Directly Destroying the Marine Environment for the Entertainment of Seeing Life In a Tank Instead of #Nature (It’s #NaturalHabitat).
One Box of Blue Legged Hermit Crabs is Worth Over One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000 Retail) to the Pirates of the Florida Keys.
Today’s Treasure is Tomorrows Loss Unless the Needless, Senseless, Taking of #Wildlife is Stopped…Worldwide.
#StopTheDemand #FloridasNext
Aquacultured Myth
Calling a Coral, Fish or Invert, By Another Name Doesn’t Change it’s Fate of Torcher and Death for Entertainment.
#CaptiveBred, #TankRaised Concoctions of Words to Make Us Feel Better about Killing Life For Fun and Money are Simply Marketing Terms that are Terminal.
This Dying Profession will Say and Do Anything to Keep the Image Going and the Money Flowing into Make Believe #Conservation and #FishyMath of Taking More will Somehow Help.
Fund Raising Programs and Fancy Words are Still Doing #MoreHarmThanGood by the Businesses Exploiting Animals and #Nature For Nothing.
It Will Always be Cheaper to Collect Wildlife and Call it by Another Name to Sell More, For More and as Long as this Goes On, There Can Be #NoCompromise in the Selling of Any Life For Captivity.
#Aquacultured #BreedingForCaptivity #BredForCaptivity #NaturalHabitat #OceanConservation
Hybrid Fish
Crossbreeding species to form a “rare”, “designer”, “mixture”, “hybrid’s”, Etc…are praised and rewarded for creating Un-Natural Species adding to False Numbers of “Captive Bred” Aquarium Fish and Glorifying success. “One of a Kind” mixtures generate a Higher Yield in Profits as well. What #Hobbists are willing to pay for these “Scientific” Lab Reproductions are Utterly Ridiculous.
Fish and Corals are exploited in a Whole new meaning of the word when it comes to “Entertainment” for “Viewing Pleasure”. Of Course, whatever the price will be put on the heads of these innocent creatures the Demand for “New and Exciting”.
Nothing more than a Hobby! How Do We Stop this? It may Take… One Person at a Time…One Tank at a Time …One Law at a Time…One State at a Time and One Country at a Time. But what Needs to Happen to Save Our Planet is…#StopTheDemand #DontBuyATank, #Aquarium or a Ticket to Extinction.
#Hobbyists #NumbersScam
Tanked Fish
When “In the Hobby” Parasites and Diseases were only One Problem to contend with, If you Were able to Get a “Healthy” Fish “Quarantining” them was Just as big. Multiple Tanks are Required and Medications or Chemicals can Kill them too. Most of the Chemicals will say; “Not safe for Humans or Animals”. In a “Reef Tank” Corals and Inverts Can Not be Medicated. Other methods and/or species are added to control parasites for Corals and Fish.
“Freshwater Dips” for Saltwater Fish is Extremely Stressful and may Only be a Temporary fix. To get Rid of the Parasites you should remove “All the Fish” from the tank because the life cycle of “Ick” needs a “Fish Host” to repopulate. “Ich” cannot survive without a host fish to carry the disease.

It is recommended the Fish be “Quarantined” for 30 Days before adding it to the aquarium, which may Sometimes be done at the Wholesale Facilities too. Some of the Fish do get “Ick” in the Wild but we have found No Evidence of this happening. Understanding the “Life Cycle of the Parasite” is mostly ignored by hobbyists and the Industry on the whole. Of Course, they can always sell you a bottle of snake oil, and another…and another…Etc.
Reef Fish in the Wild can swim away from these parasites but Fish in a “Closed ” (Aquarium) or “Central Filtration” (Pet Stores or Whole Sale Facility) systems the parasites and diseases can run wild, Contributing to the Deaths of Many, Many Creatures. Replacement fish, the Chemicals, Supplies and Prices of such, are the businesses Sustainable Money Makers…So More Can Be Sold Next Month.
Cheaper or Easier Methods Contribute to the Decline in Wildlife Populations. (See; Ocean to Tanked). Although Some may think it’s Not a problem many species are Declining or Going Extinct all together. #SustainableDebunked. Some also think that Breeding them in Captivity for the “Hobby” saves wildlife but in reality it only creates a Higher Demand while still profiting from wildlife.
Many don’t recognize the “Original” Victims were Collected from the Wild. Many Babies Died Before they were so called “Successful”, They Don’t and Won’t talk about the Rest of the Story.
#Hobby #TankRaised #PetFish #Ick #SaltwaterFish #DontBuyATank
The Aquarium Industry Mixes Thousands of Fish Together in the Same Water and Calls it “Quarantine”.
Diseases and Parasites Spread Quickly so (“Not Safe For Humans or Animals”) Chemicals and Meds are Given to All throughout the System Running Together in “Quarantine”.
It Is this Archaic Method that Dooms Most So More Can Be Sold Next Week for Conservation, And of Course “Money”.
#CureNotIncluded this Rinse and Repeat Scam is a Major Cause of Extinction Wasting Life for Entertainment and “Money”
Encourage and Inspire Wannabe’s in the Destruction of Our Reefs For Marine Fish Bowls.
Public Aquariums Have a Duty to the Proper Care of Nature. Teaching Anyone How to Waste More Life For Entertainment, Breaks the Code of Ethics and Crosses a Line of Doing #MoreHarmThanGood.
Any Public Aquarium or Zoo Keeper Has the Absolute Responsibility to Warn the General Public…Don’t Try This At Home!
#TheDarkHobby #DarkInspiration #Reef2Rainforest #CoralMagazine #FloridaAquarium #Aquariums #PetStores and #Zoos.
I Have Cut Buckets of Enrichment for the Reinforcement of Trained #AquaticAnimals. It’s Nothing More than Cookie Cutter #ConservationClapTrap with a #SustainableStutter as an Ambassador of Extinction…Not Nature.
Using Animals to Keep Money Flowing In and the Wildlife Flowing Out of the Wild, is a Cause Not a Cure to the Declining Wildlife Populations Worldwide.
There are Many Threats But Captivity for Entertainment Is the One Needless Waste We Can Do Something About…Now!
We Must Not Forget this Extinction Business is Far More than Just a Hobby Wasting All Sorts of Life Worldwide on a Daily Basis.
Many Greenwashed/Bluewashed Methods of Aquacultured, Tank Raised, Captive-Bred Propaganda Does Far More Damage to the Already Stressed Environment than Traditional Collection. #PlanktonTows and Source Collection (Spawn Harvesting of #TargetedSpecies) is Falsely Labeled to Sell More while Destroying Trillions.
Air Lines, Attractions, BLNR, C.I.T.E.S, Clubs, Collectors, Encounters, Fish and Wildlife, Governmental Wildlife Agencies, Magazines, Manufactures, Media, NOAA, Pet Stores, Public Aquariums, Shipping Companies, Societies, Theme Parks, Universities, Wholesale Facilities and Zoos Compromise an Archaic Industry Wasting the World’s Precious Resources for No Good Reason!
It Doesn’t Matter What They’re Called or Where they Come From, All Wildlife Needs Protected From the Dark Money and Objectives of All Those Using Life For Profit. #TrueIntentions, #FollowTheMoney.
Where Have All the Fishes Gone?
Any Old Timer or Photographs Can Testify to More Fish, When there Were Less People.
Looking to the Past, Shows a Direct Corresponding Relationship Between Our Populations and the Declining Numbers of Wildlife in the Present or Future…at Any Level.
Sustainable is Dead and Debunked by the Reality that the Demand Will Always Grow, While the Supply Will Not.
Taking Fish for Entertainment or Food is Not Conservation Nor Sustainable Being Peddled by Those Selling Extinction.
To Understand the Future we Have to Look Back in Time.
#SustainableDebunked #SustainableIsDead #RIPSustainable
Saltwater Compass
I Collected My First #Saltwater #Fish off a #Beach in #FortLauderdale Florida in 1975. #Jaws was on the Big Screen and #Shamu was at #SeaWorld while I had the Summer of My Life. Returning from Vacation with my Grandparents to the Midwest I was #Addicted to #SeaLife and Began a Long Journey Back to the #Ocean.
Hanging Out in #PetStores just to Smell the Water and See the Creatures, (I Couldn’t Enough of) Was My School of Experience.
I set up #Tanks and Bought Every #AquariumMagazine and Book I Could find as my #SaltwaterFever progressed into #Obsession and Life Occupation. Inevitably Working at and Owning Several Pet Stores Only Led Back to #Florida where the Supply Comes From.
Learning to Collect, Sell and Display #MarineLife From #MileMarkerPirates and the Public #Aquarium I Worked at Completed My Training as a #ReefMonster…But My #Compass was Still Pointing Towards Saltwater and Anything that had to Do with the #Sea.
When I Found it Pointing Back at Me, as I Learned that My Love for the Sea was Hurting the Sea I Loved as I Filled My #Addiction and #Tanks for a Quick Financial Fix and Egotistical Control Over Life that Should Have Been Free.
It Has Been Many Years Since I Took a Life to Sell in a Pet Store or Display in an #Aquarium or #Zoo and I Work Diligently to Help Others with Their Addiction to #Captivity as I Complete my Training on the Other Side as a Real Reef Master Knowing the True Purpose of Life on Both Sides.
#NewDreamJob #SaltwaterCompass #TrueSouth
Reef Masters
Anyone with Enough Money to Throw into a Box of #Saltwater Can Become a Master Over Pieces of #Reef. We Don’t Need an #Aquarium Figure Head to Tell Us How…But If We Should. World’s Biggest, Largest, Conference and All the #Hobbyists Get is Hired Conflicts of Interests Stroking the Egos of Their Future Little Masters of Lower Life Forms. Needing to Master Their Own Fundamental Flaws in Their System of Old Educated Guesses, Destroying Our #Environment, For No Good Reason Before Telling Others a Fanatically Skewed View of Our Role in Helping #Reefs #Worldwide.
What the Aquarium and Downstream Media Won’t Report is Reality. The Primary Cause to the Destruction of Reefs Around the World are Reef Masters who Can’t Keep #Nature in a Bottle Known as the #Aquarium, #Pet and #Zoo Industry.
#ReefMasters #TeachingExtinction
The #Wildlife Industry is Going to Great Lengths and Spending Much Money to Deceive the Public into Believing #Aquariums and #Zoos are a Collective Ark for All the Animals and #Fish in the World.
Gathering, Selling and Displaying Many of Every Kind is a Boat Load of Money on the S.S. #Conservation Sailing into Extinction.
Life Needs a Planet to Grow and Fill the Bio-Sphere. All the #Cages, #Tanks and #Tubs in the World Will Never Be Enough Room for Life to Flourish Free on #PlanetEarth.
Pass the Crossroads of #Captivity and #Entertainment is Hwy. U.S. 1 through the #FloridaKeys.
This Thoroughfare Between Freedom and Death For Millions of Innocent #Sanctuary Inhabitants is a #MileMarker Troll Road to Extinction.
A #Wildlife One Way to Nowhere From Our Last #CoralReef at the End of the Road…To the End of the Road.
#EndOfTheRoad #WildlifeRoundABout
#Collecting Wild Breeding Colonies at the Source is the First Domino in the Fall of Many #Species in the Name of Progress in #Captive Breeding.
Hiding the True #Nature of Exploiting Even More Nature for Even #Profits is the Harassing and Taking of Nature’s Source of #Sealife for #Wasted, #DeadEnd, #Tanks.
#PlanktonTows and #AquariumCollectors are the Greatest, Needless, Threat Facing an Already Troubled Wildlife.
#CaptiveBred #Wildlife #Aquarium #Collectors. #Unsustainable #SustainableDebunked
Every #Aquarium in the World Needs Replacement #Fish to Maintain the Display Illusion.
The #Sustainable Need For More Life #Sustains a Multi-Billion Dollar Industry that Sustainably Waste, So More Can Be Sold.
Taking Wildlife for #Entertainment Goes Against the Definitions of #Conservation, #Education and #Sustainable as More is Always Needed From a Declining Source Teaching Extinction with #WastedWildlife.
I was Taught to Believe Fish Belong in Aquariums. I Liked how they Looked and Made Me Feel in a Tank. I Had to Have Cooler Creatures than My Friends. I Had to Make Money From My #DarkHobby to Pay For More Life and Stuff.
I Owned, Operated and Monetized My Love For Life, Until I Met the Life I Was Selling.
Characters One and All, Brought Me to Another Stage of a #Fishaholic I Never Seen Coming From the Deep.
Acceptance and Revelations of #Control and Power Over Other Beings is a Responsibility and Privilege, Not a Right To Be Taken Lightly or Advantage of.
Dying in Our Own #Fishbowl is the Next Generations of Earth, Looking Back and We Have No Right to Decide Who Lives or Dies According to Their Value to Us.
Calling All Fishbowl #Keepers and People Who Just Care, What Happens to Every Life Should Be Just and Fair.
Propaganda Dragon, Take #Fish From the #Sea
Frolics in the Money Flow, Of What Once Was Free
Turning Fish to Paper, Is an Empty Goal
#Aquariums and #Zoos ALike, Feed on Empty Souls
Propaganda Dragon, Lies to You and Me
Listen to Their Mighty Blow, Feeding on the #Free
#Cages, #Tanks and #Dungeons, Turning Life to #Gold
People and #Kids ALike, Believing What Their Told
Propaganda Dragon, Leave Fish in the Sea
Release Us From Your Make Believe, Wasting All the Free
Lying to the Public, Living on the Sold
#ProfitableExtinction #ConservationShow
Selling Life and Mine, Like a Five and Dime #TheAquarium Does More #Conservation with It’s Gift Shop Sustainable Toy Program than Killing #WhaleSharkAmbassadors of What Really Happens at #Aquariums.
Crooked Tails and Tales of the #GeorgiaAquaium Will Reveal the Reality of Taking Wildlife for #Entertainment…Doesn’t Help #Nature At All.
Big News…Good News…#FloridaNext?
For the Fishes
TREMENDOUS NEWS for Hawaii’s Reef Wildlife! Court rules ALL aquarium collection statewide illegal, regardless of method of take or area! This ruling finally closes the loopholes, and subsequent “free passes,” the trade has long been given AND importantly, also prohibits air shipments of our reef wildlife, given all capture and commerce is illegal. More news to follow!
November 30, 2020
Hawai‘i Court Rules Commercial Aquarium Collection Without Environmental Review Illegal
Victory: Court closes loophole that allowed industry to illegally extract over half a million marine animals from Hawai‘i reefs since 2017
HONOLULU, HI — The state Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) violated the law by allowing the aquarium trade to continue extracting hundreds of thousands of marine animals from Hawaiʻi’s reefs without first reviewing the environmental and cultural impacts, the state’s environmental court ruled Friday.
In response to the landmark 2017 decision by the Hawai‘i Supreme Court, DLNR allowed the industry to sidestep the court rulings and carry on without environmental review, resulting in the extraction of more than half a million marine animals from Hawai‘i reefs over the past three years.
Today’s court ruling rejected that false distinction and made clear that Hawai‘i’s environmental impact statement laws apply to all aquarium collection, regardless of the extraction equipment used.
The state has work to do,” said Willie Kaupiko, a Native Hawaiian fisherman from Miloliʻi who, for decades, has fought to protect Hawaiʻi’s reefs from the harms and abuses of the aquarium trade.
The plaintiffs in the lawsuit are also extensively involved in the environmental review for aquarium permits in West Hawai‘i and O‘ahu, played a key role in the string of aquarium poaching busts by state enforcement officers along the Kona Coast in the last year, and have been putting pressure on commercial airlines to stop transporting illegally caught reef animals for the aquarium trade.
“This ruling makes clear no collection is legal and, therefore, commercial airlines, which have for years facilitated the trafficking of Hawai‘i’s reef wildlife for the aquarium trade, must finally stop transporting Hawai‘i-captured reef wildlife or risk steep fines under federal laws,” said Rene Umberger, Executive Director of For the Fishes.
To Read the Full article: https://earthjustice.org/news/press/2020/hawaii-court-rules-commercial-aquarium-collection-without-environmental-review-illegal?fbclid=IwAR0YBB9jP6y-KJ423oVa6INcoZxMk6koqvUrXg2a40Imz3XNQWdIE2vhIhg
Buckets of Dirty Money, Barrels of Faulty Laughs
Making Money From Wildlife, Will Surely Never Last
Seeing Nothing Wrong, by Doing Nothing Right
Some Fall in Love, With Money at First Sight
Hearing that is Closed, from Their Tipped Up Nose
If They Could Hear the Screams, the Horror Shows Would Close
Speaking Only Rainbows, Unicorns and Bowls
They Talk A Lot of Money, and Turn the Reefs to Gold
The Morel of the Story, Should be Plain and Clear
Believe the Cries of Others, and Those Who Live In Fear.
The Fish Pipelines Fly in From other World Countries Non-Stop.
Sea and Wildlife Doomed to Captivity for Just being Cool and Valuable.
Handled and Sold Several Times For the Price of Extinction and Mammon.
Live or Die, Worthless Dead End Life.
Promoted as Education of Sustainability and Conservation of Money Making.
Saturday Morning Fictional Characters, Doing Non-Fictional Damage, to Reefs and Blank Minds Worldwide.
The Truth is Free But the Next Generations are Not…in the Darkest Hobby’s Dawn of More.
Fictional Animals
Animals in Captivity are No More than Reflections of Wild Life. #FadedCopies Bred Generation after Generation Forced into Custody of Humans. They are Not Ambassadors for their (Counter Parts) Species in the Wild, At Best, they are Only Remnants of Nature. Even so, #Aquariums, #Hobbyists, #PetStores and #Zoos find More Words to Glorify the Animals to Deter any Unsatisfactory Objective.
By Our Blurred Vision, it’s Likely We Believe, Perceive and Misinterpret the Real Situation.
So If there’s a Next Time you Find Yourself Seeing Wild Life Performing (Behaving) In or Behind a Barrier, Get Your Binoculars out, Take a Closer Look. #ThinkAgain, Before All We have Left are #FictionalAnimals.
Inspirational Sensory Stimulation
Being Mentally Stimulated by Something you See or Hear is Not our Only Senses we Have, Yet We Can Be Deceived by them the Most. Hearing and Seeing Can Be Manipulated and Create False Sounds and Images for our Brains to Process. Taste, Smell and Touch are Associated with Emotions that is a Whole Different set of Senses. We are Guided by Emotions that Influence us the Most and our Brains are Left Last to Process that Information.
When we Go to a Magic Show, we almost Expect to be Deceived, However, #Aquariums, #PetStores and #Zoos Manipulate our Senses to Control our Emotions.
Withholding Information, Dishonesty and Specific Tactics are All Methods of Deception Distorting the Truth. The Repetition of Words Repeated and Repeated Until it becomes a Habitual Habit to Draw More Customers into a form of Acceptance and the Only Way to Break the Chain is to Admit…We Might Be Wrong.
Scientific Objective
With a Sustainable Stutter the Aquarium Industry and Business Partners Sell “Scientific Facts” as a “Gold Standard” of a Flawed Etiology. Fighting the Bad Fight of Destroying Nature for Amusement and Mammon, these Skewed Objective Beliefs are Their Baseless Desires to Keep Killing Innocent Life.
No Facts, Proper Fish Management or Even Close to the Truth, Sold as Solid Data By Deceptive Stakeholders with Financial Incentives. “The Negative Impacts will Be Felt by Everyone” Who’s “Opinions want to call the shots” “At Current Levels” of Profits, Fish Populations and Tanks. Three Crumbling Pillars of Today’s Slavery “Worth a Thousand Pictures” of Tomorrows Extinction Blindly Ignoring the Past.
#PIJAC, #CoralMagazine, #BLNR, #BigIslandOfTropicalFishermen, #NOAA, #FishAndWildlife, #AquariumIndustry along with Thousands of other Companies and #DarkHobbyists that Only Need More Money to “Help Secure the Sustainable Future of Hawaii’s Aquarium Species” According to their Twisted Manifesto of Taking More will Somehow Help Wildlife.
True #Conservationists (Falsely Label Anti-Aquarium Activist’s) Have No Financial Incentives to Leave Life in the Sea and Common Sense Science Proves “No Aquarium Fishery, On the Planet”, is Safe from the Status Quo of Their Cold Standards.
#ScienceFictionFacts #SustainableDebunked #FloridasNext
Scientific Research Depends on what Conclusions they Want to Achieve and Who’s Funding the Project. Basically they are Results that Explain Evidence they Might Agree on Today, But this Can Be Swayed One Way or Another Depending on Policy, Practice or Theory and the Outcome Will Vary.
Sure there are some Scientific Facts we can Rely on and Others, Stated as Facts Which is Not Always the Case. The Facts are Not Suppose to be Prejudiced or Bias, which is the Key Factor that Separates Science from Dogma. A Theory can be Perceived and Sometimes even Back Up by Science, However, also Can Be Proven Wrong, Untrue and False. Research can Prove or Disprove Any Findings they want to Come Up with.
Animals are Used in Many Different Ways as Research. To Test, Prove or Disprove Scientific Experiments in Order to Benefit Humans with No Regards to the Animals. Mice are Genetically “Modified” (Altered) to make their Biology more like Humans. Chemicals are Used to See if they have Harmful Effects. In the UK…Fish, Birds, Reptiles, Amphibians and Mammals are Protected under UK Law and Licenses are Needed. They are Sill Used as “Research” in #Aquariums and #Zoos.
Research Animals are Specially Bred and in Some Cases Wildlife is Caught under “#Conservation and released, Others are Kept for the Rest of Their Lives. The Ones they Keep are Given Medicine, Blood Samples are Taken, they are Scanned, Weighed, Measured Poked and Prodded then Isolated (Quarantined) for 30 Days or More. If they Make it through All That…To Prevent Boredom they are Given Toys or Food as “Enrichment”. Trained with Hand Signals, Sticks, and Whistles so #Keepers and Vets Continue to Make them Appear Healthy and Happy. If they Don’t Die on their own they are “Humanly” Euthanized (Killed) or Sold to Gamers For the Hunt. After Death, Tissue Samples and Blood are Taken, Dissected (Necropsy), Buried or Feed to Other Animals that are Still Alive. If One Establishment is Done with them they are Sold or Traded to Another One to Start the Procedure All Over Again.
Our Future Depends on All the Animals (#WebOfLife) in order to Survive. In #Research it Can Be Ethically and Morally Justified and Accepted…But Should it?
Point Being…Just Because you Can…Don’t Always mean You Should.
#ThinkAgain #HistoryIsWatching #ScienceFictionFacts
All Businesses #OnePriority is Profits First. To Create and See How Many Different Ways they can Generate More Income. They Take Over our Lives, They Dictate the Products We Buy, They Control the Prices, They Manage What We Learn, So Much that it becomes our Way of Life.
Advertisements, Activities, Events, Image, Productivity, Development, Fundraising, Resources (Physical and Financial), Etc. to Create Customers. They Need You to Survive and Grow until We Demand More as Their Profits Increase. With Economic, Social and Human Objectives in mind, they Must Supply Goods and Services that brings Satisfaction.
The Entertainment Businesses have become So Vast that We not Only Depend on it but Continue to Drive the Need, which some People Desire More than others.
But at What Cost?
What Will the End Results Be?
How Long Will it Last?
Minutes, Hours, Days, Weeks, Years…A Life Time?
Is Our Enjoyment Worth More than Life Itself?
Do We Consider Others less Valuable than Us ?
Has Society #Brainwashed Us into Believing it’s the Most Important Thing?
Our Morals Determine the Way We Think and Act, Effects Life itself.
The #AquariumIndustry, #PetStores and #Zoos are Nothing More Than An Entertainment Business with Very Little Morals . Wildlife Exploited as Resources and Products for Show, Image and Profits while Nature Suffers and Life Continues to be Lost. The Price We Pay For in the End, Effects Everyone of Us and the Planet on which We Live.
#DontBuyATicket #ThinkAgain #ChooseLife
If Animals Could Speak
What Would they Say?…
In Captivity…Have a Nice Day?
In Nature We all Hear the Sounds
Of the Creatures Voices…that Rings Wild and Abound
When Behind Bars, Whether Concreate, Glass or Acrylic
All the Voices are Heard Deep within the Clinic
From so Many Different Prospects
Humans Treat them like Objects
Animals from All Over the World
Brought Together like some Kind of Herd
They’re Trying to Tell us Something
While we Ignore the Dumping
We can See, Hear, Smell, Taste and Touch
Without Regarding their Value All that Much
If you Take the Time to Put Yourself in their Shoes
You might Say None of the Belong in #Aquariums, #PetStores or #Zoos
Actions have Consequences and Each Time We Ignore the Importance of Wildlife We Will Destroy Our Existence. Toxic Repercussions Occur when We Choose to Look the Other Way that Causes Death. The More Exposure of Positive Reinforcement Confirming Targeted Species can Result in Debates that last for Years and in the mean time Animals are Disappearing Faster than they can Multiply/Reproduce.
Warning signs have been around for Decades, However, Many Don’t pay Attention until it’s Too Late. Those who Try and Mention anything against Businesses are Blocked, Banned, Censored, Sued or Put in a Box and Quickly Discredit, Humiliate, Bullied, Labeled, or simply just Pushed to the Side all together.
Life should Never be a Discussion, Debate, Picking and Choosing what Lives or what Dies. Yet We have Deemed Ourselves the Overseers, Controlling Existence.
The Loophole Zoos and Aquariums Use in their “Rescue” Operations is Sickening. Conservation, Education, Research and Other terms are Used to Justify Keeping the Animals. Fake Rescue to Collect, Sell, Trade and Barter within the Industry. Be Aware, Be Very Scared they are Now Nothing more than Ghost Animals, Hidden in Plain Site. Selling Tickets, Performing in Shows, Used and Abused. It’s Really No Laughing Matter. Videos Show the Oooh’s, Aaahs, Cheers and Applauses when Animals are Viewed. That’s what they Depend On for Survival? An Invisible Cloak to Masquerade the Effects it has on the Lives of the Animals. When Brought to Light, the Problems are Reveled but Quickly Dismissed, Definitions are Twisted and the True Intensions are Covered Up by Excitement of the Captured.
Weighed and Measured, Poked and Prodded, Molested and Deprived from the Day they Arrive and are Euthanized when they are No Longer Needed. Put to Death Humanely, Seems like an Oxy-Moron when their Lives are at Stake. A Paradox Explained Away with Recognizable Situation, If you Care to Look Behind the Curtain at the Magic Show. The Environment in which the Animals will Live In Will Influence their Behavior, Social, Physical and Mental Development Used in “Scientific Research” Studies with False Results Comparing them to their Previous Life in the Wild. When Babies are “Rescued” Changes are a Life Long (In Most Cases) Life Sentence. Many Zoos and Aquariums will admit “Quarantine” (Isolate) them Until they are Put On Display. Then the “Training” comes into play to make it “Easier” for Them and the Animals.
Human Interaction may Sometimes be Needed when Trying to Save Animals, However there is Less Information about the Failures and Deaths than the Good that they Claim they Do. (#MoreHarmThanGood) Experiments done at Aquariums and Zoos are a Side-Effect that Goes Unspoken, The Total Process Undermines “Conservation” (#ConservationDebunked). “Research” and “Education” Only Telling You Half-Truths.
#GhostAnimals #Zoos #Aquariums #ZooSecrets #AquariumSecrets #Loophole
Going Unnoticed
Many Creatures are Hidden in Plain Site but Unless you Look more Closely they are actually Hidden Diamonds. At First Glance These Animals appear to be Happy, Excited, and a whole host of other Emotions characterized as Natural Behavior. (See: Do Fish have Emotions?) Some are labeled as non-emotional but I believe that theory was just that. #TargetedSpecies also Deserves some Type of Recognition Instead of Passing By and Treated as a Commodity. Species that Has No Emotions, for example; Corals, Sponges, Jelly Fish, Plankton (The Beginning of the Food Chain), Star Fish, Sea Cucumber, Sea Urchin, Sea Anemone, Sea Squirts, Etc. that all Serves an Important Purpose with a few exceptions are Displayed, Touched and Replaced Often. This goes on Every Day, Every Week and Every Year by Company’s that Consider them an Object, Imported To and From All Over the World. (#TheBlueMile)
Many People are Unaware that Species of Wildlife is being Targeted for The Aquarium Industry, Collected According to their Worth or the Demand for More. #TinyTrillions are Harvested at the Source (#PlanktonTow) to Supply the Demand for a Hobby turned Business and Business turned Tourist Attraction. The #ArkOfDestruction is Created by Man Made Lives making #FadedCopies of Nature until they Get it Right while the Unborn Babies are Eliminated. Once brought into Captivity they Never return to the Wild and Those who are Bred in Tanks Never Suspect or Experience what their Life or Purpose was.
Both Public and Home Aquariums have Operated Under the Radar for Decades while Claiming They are Going to Be the (One’s Who Will Save them) “Saviors”. (#ConservationDebunked). If it was so “Sustainable” then Why do they have to Keep Getting More? (Replacements) If they Live Longer or they can Breed so many In Captivity then When will Enough be Enough? (#SustainableDebunked)
Fish, Corals and Inverts are the Life Line in Our Oceans and just Recently has there been a Concern about the Environment and the Impact it has. With Many Other Reasons Contributing to the Devastation Occurring Now the Spot Light is Growing Brighter. Starving Nature of it’s Resources has Proven to Be a Contributing Factor Censored by the very ones who’s Demand and True Intentions are Being Reviled.
This Dying, Archaic Way of Thinking Hopefully will Change in Time…Before It’s Too Late.
#SpotLight #FlashLife
Targeted Species
Wildlife is Targeted for Many Reasons But Mostly for How Much Money they Can Get out of the Animal. Live Animals are Collected for the Same Underlying Reason. If the Amount can’t be Measured in Dollars the Notoriety Will Generate Endorsements adding up to Millions.
Twice the Impact, Funding, Support, Survival, Time is running out, Donate Here, With your Help are some of the Catch Phrases that are used to get More Money. By Funding these efforts Pays for the Final Days of Wildlife. The Animals are Used as “Guinea Pigs” under “Scientific Research”, “Education” and “Conservation” efforts while Constantly being Tested and Collected. The Value of these Animals are placed in the Hands of Humans, Which Species are Saved…or Not. Claiming to be the “Savior” of them they Use them to Make More and More and More Money.
The Agencies that Over See them are Nothing More than #KidsWatchingTheCookieJar Collecting Semen and Eggs to Reproduce Faded Copies of what once was. The Scam of these Behaviors are Masqueraded by Repetition and Misdirection to Constitute their Real Intentions and Shift the Attention Towards Animals. Doing Nothing for the Animals Survival but the Survival of their Business. The Subject Matter Veers to a Conversation Controlled by them to Accentuate a False Narrative.
By Ignoring the Greater Good, these Irreplaceable Species Targeted has No Chance for Survival.
#TargetedSpecies #TheAquarium #TheZoo #AquariumHobbyist #PlanktonTow #HiddenAgenda #FollowTheMoney
Differences in Opinions
What some find as #Amusement, Others find #Cruelty.
What some find as #Ambassadors, Others find #Captivity.
What some find as #Research, Others find #Conflict.
What some find as #Educational, Others find #Deception.
What some find as #Conservation, Others find #Profits.
What some find as #Enrichment, Others find #Training.
What some find as #Facts, Others find #Repetition.
What We Found is If you have an Open Mind You’ll find the #Truth.
“These days, every kid with a marine fishbowl is growing Acropora.” Says the #CoralMagazine and #reef2rainforest Propaganda Machine of the #AquariumIndustry Selling Corals, Fish and Inverts into Extinction with an Epic Egotistical View of their Destructive Business Leading their Fishy News. It’s the Guilty Silence Crying Out Loud for these Hacks Dumbing Down Their Other Target Species known as Consumers, Hobbyists and Victims.
Times are Changing and a Wiser Future Doesn’t include these Archaic Causes to the Decline in Numbers of Wildlife Sold through Sponsor Paid Advertisement Promoting Bowl life.
Key West Cancer
At the End of the Road, in Our National Marine Sanctuary, an Archaic Aquarium is Mile Marker Ground Zero for the Extinction of Our Last Coral Reef. For Almost a Hundred Years this Business has been Spewing Chemicals and Invasive Species into the Marine Eco System through it’s Wastewater Dumping into the Sea/Gulf. From the Daily Dosing of Meds and Chemicals to Slow the Constant Dying, to Water Changes of Species from Around the World, All Water Returns to the Environment, Including Contaminated Touch Tank Soup and Dead Display Animals.
Scientists and Experts Can’t Explain why our Playground is Dying and Their Sanctuary is Unsafe because of Greed and Blind Ignorance Refusing to Sea Change.
The Solution is to Simply Remove and Old Wrong Cancers Eroding at our Society and the Environment.
Like any Addiction Aquariums, Pet Stores and Zoos Relies on Addicts to Boost Profits, Products and Propaganda Any Way They Can with No Regard to the Life Held Captive, a “Manifestation by Compulsive substance despite Harmful Consequences”. Chains and Bars take over the Lives of Others and Leads to Mental Confusion. Compulsive Physiological Behaviors can Interfere with Rational, Sensible, Practical, Reasonable or just Plain Common Sense. Compassion for others is Eliminated and Abuse is Covered up or Ignored. Aggressive Actions Dominate Judgments that threatens Other Lifeforms. Domination and Pride is a Side Effect and Results in a Higher Demand. It Controls You and Distorts the Truth with Temporary Satisfaction Robbing them of Permanent Losses of Life.
Addicts will Create Lies to Endorse and Justify their Behaviors with Any Means Necessary because they Crave the next Possession. It’s Never Enough to Fulfil the Desires of a Momentary Craving. Bondage of Others Becomes the High Light of the Days Wants Not taking into Consideration anyone else’s feelings but their own.
Selfishness becomes Destruction and Takes Root Spreading to Others Creating a Society of Approval. Generational Traditions are Fabricated and Manufactured Replacing Significant Components which are Lethal to Existence. Accumulating Multitudes, a Trillion Dollar Industry, Businesses Thrive while the Innocent Loose their Lives.
True Conservation
If We Stand By and Do Nothing…Nothing Will Ever Change.
When You Pay for a Ticket at an Aquarium or Zoo it Creates a Demand for More Animals in Captivity, Adding to the Illusion Efforts. Conservation By Definition is the “Prevention of a Wasteful use of a resource”, And of Course, Attitudes are formed, “Not My Zoo (or Aquarium)”, “My Zoo’s/Aquarium’s Better than Your Zoo/Aquarium”. Animals are Not Resources, they are the Lifeblood of our Environment and Nature.
Sorry to Say “They Don’t Belong to You” and neither Do the Animals that are there. They Do Not Speak for their Species and are Not “Ambassadors for their counterparts in the Wild”. If anything, They Speak for All the Animals that are Held Captive and Collected to Increase Popularity. Key word…”Wild”, Not Domesticated or Cultivated. Showcasing Animals through Performance Only Electrifies Emotions.
With all the Information out there, Investigating All Facts (If you Dare to Look or Dig Deep enough) and Weighing All the Pros and Cons…the Cons have it.
Picking and Choosing What Animals are Used is like picking and choosing a Child to Keep (For Breeding) or Give Away.
Most of their Con-$ervation is All About How Much More Money They Can Make.
“Education, “Research” and “Conservation” are Today’s Tools Used to Misguide Visitors For Higher Yields, Bigger Bonuses, Induced by Public Reaction Escalating Expansion. Inflated Entertainment Focuses on Production and Diverts Truth from Fiction. Perversion of Idealistic Senses have Devastating Consequences by No Fault of Viewers who are Mesmerized and Provokes Conclusions.
Richard Armour said “Hind Sight is 20/20”, however, “Better Knowledge through Truth” (Regretful Pirates) is the Wisdom Animals Need Most.
#TrueConservation #ConservationDebunked
A Million To None
(Survival of the Chosen)
Aquarium Industry Kills Coral Reefs Worldwide…Feels Guilty and Needs to Cover Their Needless Destruction with
Corals They Choose to Fix the Problem They’re Still Causing.
Some Real Fish News would Be Refreshing for a Sea Change. How About?…
Aquarium Industry Cover Up Promotes a Drop in the Bucket of Extinction Still Pumping Millions of Sea Creatures (Including Corals) Every Month to Doomed Tanks with Genocidal Rage.
Aquarium Societies and Fish Magazines Can’t Undo All the Damage Still being Done on a Daily Basis By Their Faulty Hobby and False Hero’s.
Like a BB Gun Shot at a Freight Train…Promoting Propaganda and Choosing what Survives or Not, is Futile, Worthless and Not Helpful at All!
#SurvivaloftheMostExpensive #SurvivaloftheChosen #Reef2Toilet #MoreHarmThanGood
Sea Rescue Show
Weekend Mornings are Still Teaching Fiction with Cartoons and Con-$ervation Propaganda Shows of Make Believe. Playing Down Reality to Un-Educated People who just Need Programmed What to Think for Their Profitable Narrative.
Aquariums, Zoos and Even Marine Theme Parks Need Everyone to Believe They Are Somehow Good For Nature while Actually Destroying it for Amusement and Money…Which Is Always the Number One Motive of Any Business. The Second, but More Important Motive is to Keep the Scam Going by Spending Mass Amounts of Time and Lost Lives to Display an Illusion Deceiving the Public. Very Little Actually Goes Towards Helping Animals After Most is Spent on Perpetuating Lies.
SeaWorld is Collecting Display Animals and Promoting it as Con-$ervation and Rescue while Taking Far More Wildlife from the Wild, than They Make a Big Deal about Putting Back.
Using a Television Cartoon Dictionary to Misuse Many Words, Animals and Minds as Caustic Ideas Eroding our Society and Environment…This Show Does A Lot More Real Damage than an Acme Explosive.
#CartoonConservation #CartoonPropaganda #PaidCommercial #SeaReacue #ConservationDebunked #FollowtheMoney #SeaWorld
Stealing Life
Aquarium, Pet Stores and Zoos Steal Life that Does Not Belong to Them. It Belongs to All of Us, in Nature and the Environment. They Think They Know, They Think They can Do, They Think They have Control over the Animals. But what They Think They Know is Not what it Appears to Be. They Lead you to Believe the Animals are Better Off in Their Care. They Lead you to Believe They are Doing Something Good. But What they are Actually Doing to Depleting Nature of it’s Biological Diversity Creating an Illusion. Every Animal that is Removed From Their Environment is Leading Towards the Extinction of Animals Worldwide and they want to Blame Everyone and Everything Else…Except Them.
From Ambassadors, Encounters and Shows that Does Not Help the Animals themselves. Forcing them to Perform (Sometimes Several Times a Day) Day after Day, Week after Week, Year after Year for Our Amusement By Using Food to En-Force a Trained Behavior Using them as Tools of the Trade. And by-the-way…How do Selfies Help the Animals?
Driven By Profits, Ticket Sales and All the Extras they Charge, it’s Simply Just Another Business Trying to Figure Out New Ways to Control People for the Love they Have for Animals. Awareness of the Facts are Better than being Deceived for Millions of Dollars a Year for an Industry the Only Focuses on Money. Educating the Public about the Animals Life Span, Weight, Length, Height, Blood Type…Does Not Help Save the Animals From Extinction. Collecting a Wide Range of Animals Creates a Demand for More and More and More.
When Will Enough…Be Enough. Build Bigger Buildings to House All the Animals. Hand out Bigger Bonuses for CEO’s and Hire Marketers that makes Millions of Dollars from Donations, Grants, and Tax Payers. Not to mention Jobs, Jobs, Jobs that are in a Business of Contributing to the Extinction/Destruction Cause. Greed, Selfishness and Profits has Dominated the Captivity World so much that the Demand for More Animals are Acquired to Place in Acrylic, Bars, Concrete, Glass, Tanks and Tubs to call Home.
No matter how Nice the Prison is…It’s Still a Prison! They are Not Allowed to Leave. Some of them are Only Able to Come Out for Shows or Display. They are Held Captive for Servitude…For the Rest of Their Lives.
Animals who will Never Know Freedom at All. Sodomized and Forced to Breed and then the Babies are Ripped Away from their Mothers (Sometimes Before they are Born). Freezing Male Sperm…to Provide a StudBook, and Female Eggs All for Distribution to Other Aquariums and Zoos. Poked, Prodded and Harassed Weekly to check the Health of the Creatures to Ensure they receive just Enough to Keep them Alive. Some are Sterilized never being able to Reproduce. Injected with Supplements, Medicines and a Wide Verity of other Chemicals they live in. Where is food distributed at Designated Times Every Day? Where are the Caretakers in Nature?
Adaptation to Captivity is the Driving Force for these Amazing, Caring, Intelligent Creatures who Deserves More and to Be Free! The Survival of the Species Depends on Whether We Continue Supporting Captivity as Normal. Pride should be in Our Ability to Be Caretakers in Nature and Our Environment. Removing the Animals who Clean-up, Take Care of and Reproduce are Signs of Pride that En-Slaves Humans Behavior and Way of Thinking.
#RethinkCaptivity #NoAquariums #CaptivityKills #CaptivityIsCruel
Faulty Traditions
Any Tradition the Harms Others is Faulty by Design and Should Not Be Blindly Passed Down to Innocent Children or People Who Are Counting on Us to Get Things Right. Some Family Traditions Lead to other Wrong Traditions Even Worse.
Take for example, the Archaic Way We Still Treat Animals, Creatures and Fish for Our Amusement and Profit Leading to the Way We Treat People as Possessions to Control and Hurt for Our Amusement and Profit.
With Traditions Like this Eroding the Future of Humanity and the Environment…We Need New Traditions that Don’t Start with Something in a Cage.
#RethinkCaptivity #NoAquariums #NoPetStores #NoZoos
About Us
Speaking for Sea Life Worldwide.
Hearing the Cry of the Innocent Screaming into the Night! Feeling the Pain of the Creatures of the Sea. Seeing the Unstainable Slaughter Touching Millions a Thought was Born to Be Different. To Do the Right thing…Before it’s the Right thing to Do, Before it’s Too Late, For the Precious Life’s Lost at Sea (or on Land). Sustainably Stopping Unnecessary, Unethical, Unsupervised Injustices Done to the Sea Slaves for Profit.
Exposing a Sea of Scams Hypocritically Claiming to Save the very Oceans they Rape for More Money, Power and Control. To be the Next Kid to Watch Over the Cookie Jar. Self Accreditation, Rules and Laws Made Up For Themselves to Kill More Sea Life than Last Year. The World’s Oceans Simply Can Not Take this Corruption Anymore.
We Need to Protect the Sea Life From the Ways of the Past by Using the Ways of the Present, because What We Do Today Matters Most of All. Some Good Ol’ Fashioned Common Sense Back to Basics Creating Life Instead of Destroying it.
#SustainableDebunked #ExtinctionIsForever #HistoryIsWatching
The Aquarium
With Thousands of Animals in Their Care Very Few Species have Actually Been Released and that’s what They Call Conservation. Very Little is Done to Actually Help the Animals.
Non-Releasable is Another Word they Use to Keep Them in Captivity and Justify Using them as Ambassadors for their Species.
Positive Reinforcement is Another term used by Aquariums and Zoos for Training Behaviors to Exploit the Animals for Amusement.
Conservation, Education and Sustainable are All Common Words they Stress upon to Make people Think they are Doing something Good while Still Breeding and Keeping More Animals for Captive Life.
#TheAquarium #TheZoo
Creative Connection
Disposable Sea Life is Discarded when No Longer Needed or Wanted Instead of being Networked to New Homes for old Friends and Family. Living Donations Doomed Because Nobody Knows Their History or Wants them Anymore. Some have Given their Whole Life to Help Humans but Yet when They are Done with Them They are Euthanized by the Same Animals that Once Kept them Alive. Wasting Lives because They Can Just Get More.
Creative Concepts Conceived in Common Sense Could Create Common Ground for All Mankind to Stand On. Shifting Times of Sand, Sailing on a Tsunami of New Ideas, to Brighten the Way, for All to Share in the Same Glory Given to Every Life Promised on the Start of a Very Long Journey that Shouldn’t Be So Hard After All.
#PetFish #WasteNotWantNot #HistoryIsWatching
Saving Sea Life
Sustainable Sea Life is only Seconds Away from Death. Nine out of Ten that Die Needlessly in their So-Called Expert Care, with Their Self Accredited Industry Standards are Unacceptable and Sub Par by Even Yesterday’s Standards. Set by the Top Predator’s of the Sea…Humans. Sea Life Must Be Saved From Us.
Join Us on a Journey to the Deepest Part of our Own Fate Saving Ourselves, from Ourselves, where the Ocean meets the Sand.
Fishy Facts
The Aquarium Industry Misuses Many Words Like “Sustainable”, “Conservation”, and “Facts” to Cover the Truth of Killing for Money Causing the Worldwide Destruction of Coral Reefs. Just like the Millions of Innocent Creatures Killed for Fun sometimes Smells Fishy about their So-Called Facts to Cover the Real Facts. True Facts are Facts Because they are True, Not Because the Very Business Selling Life to Death Makes Up Lies, Promoted by Sponsors, Selling it as Facts Says So.
The Real Facts about the Aquarium Industry (In this Replacement Type Business) Show the Truth of Killing for Fun and Profit. Millions of Reef Fish, Corals and Inverts are Collected, Mixed Together and Poisoned in Central Filtration Systems so More Can Be Sold Next Week. Since Sea Life Does Not have the Same Protection as other Animals Sold as Pets under Animal Cruelty Laws They can Keep their Fishy Facts going.
Never Believe Lies Sold as Facts By the Very Business and Sponsors Selling their Facts of Death because the Real Facts and Truth is Always Free.
#FishRights #SustainableDebunked #ConservationDebunked #FreeTruth
Conservation Extinction
The World’s Oceans are Gong Extinct, the Scientists are Telling Us. But Yet America is Building More Sea Prisons Called Aquariums, that Hide Under Conservation and Education.
The Real Definition of Conservation – is the act of conserving; prevention of injury, decay, waste, or loss; preservation: official supervision of rivers, forests, and other natural resources in order to preserve and protect them through prudent (adjective acting with or showing care and thought for the future) management. A careful preservation and protection of something especially : planned management of a natural resource to prevent exploitation, destruction, or neglect.
Conservation has become Profitable and Exploiting Animals are Used To Protect something from Change…Funding.
Education…which Means to Teach our Children by Killing for Money and Showing them what Will Soon be Gone in the World’s Seas Caused by the Aquarium Industry. An Education We Need to Do Without.
The Aquarium Industry has Millions of Sea Creatures in it’s Pipeline at any Given Time, while Responsible for the Deaths of Sea Creatures and the Billions (Maybe even Trillions) of their Unborn Babies That Will Never Be.
Some Con-$ervation.
Responsible Sharks
A Federal Licensed Wholesale Facility in Florida that Collects and Sells Nurse Sharks to Pet Stores Claims they Do this “Responsibly”. Torturing to Death or Euthanizing them is Usually the Way they End Up. Warning Us to Stop Telling People the Truth or They Would Sue Us. When We Asked them to Stop Selling Nurse Sharks Just to Pet Stores, They got Real Nasty. Their Attorney said “They Sell Nurse Sharks Legally and Responsibly” and Our Request was Unreasonable. They Should Have Been the Ones to Cease and Desist.
For the Nurse Sharks, Why Would it Be “Unreasonable”? They can Live 30 – 40 Years and Weigh between 200 – 330 Lbs., 7.5 – 9.75 Ft. and in some cases Up to 14 Long. They Die Before they Reach Adulthood, Due to the Insufficient Space and the Water Quality of a Large Fish in a Small Tank. It is a Myth They Only Grow to the Size of the Tank. When they Get Too Big Nobody Wants them and Nobody Will Take them. It’s Illegal to Put them Back. There’s No Long term Plans.
As a X-Pet Store Owner, We were Not “Carefully Screened” and We Didn’t Have the Means to Care for a 14Ft. Shark. It Just took 2 Minutes to Answer 3 Questions so We Could Get One…Just Like Everybody Else.
Responsible? Un-Reasonable? It Seemed like they Wanted to Protect Themselves and Had No Interest in Protecting the Sharks.
Trying to Do What’s Right (For the Sharks) Squashed By Big Corporations Doing Wrong.
The Oceans
If the Oceans Die…We Die.
If We Continue to Collect these Creatures at the Source it Eliminates the Addition of Bio-diversity in the Oceans Needed to Survive.
If We Continue to Support these Industries that Harvest, Display and Exploit Sea Life than the Only Sea Life We Will be able to See Will Be in Tanks Never to be able to Reach Adulthood or their Babies.
The Fish of the Ocean is Not Sustainable whether You Eat It or Keep It for Entertainment.
#SustainableDebunked #RemoveTheDemand
Reep Central
One thing the World Needs Less of is Fakes, Phonies, Scams or Companies Pretending to Be Something They’re Not. Lying Behind the Truth, Claiming Something Good, when All Along it Is Them that’s Doing Wrong in the Name of Profit. Which is What it’s Really All About. Money or “Sponsors” the Aquarium Clubs Call them.
In Other Words…They are In Bed with the Very Companies that are Ripping them Off. Killing Untold Numbers of Fish, Corals, & Inverts Worth Billions of Dollars a Year Above the Table and Billions More Below. Aquarium Nerds Everywhere Worship and Award their Idols…the Masters of Coral Poaching from Other Countries, Signature, Exclusives they Sneak Back in Little Bottles on Airplanes so They Can Be the Only Ones who Own and Sell them for Unbelievable Prices on E-Bay, Craigslist or Reep Central. “We are Saving the Reefs by Stealing them Now…We Might Put them Back Someday, Somehow” They Say! You Can’t Rob a Bank and Tell the Police…”We were Going to Put it Back Someday”.
Stealing is Stealing and Coral Poaching is Coral Poaching. Supporting Your Sponsors that Claim Aquaculture or Mari-culture in the Front Door but Poach Corals out the Back only Feeds an Already Stressed Ocean. Besides…What Good Does it Do to Go through All the Trouble to Grow Corals or Tank Raise Fish Only to be Sent to the Local Place of Death Central Filtration, Copper, UV, Formaldehyde Killing System? Doomed to Live Less than a Month! Millions of Lives and Billions of Dollars Gone Every Year and Nothing Left to Show for it But an Empty Ocean and Rich People that Do Nothing For the Life They Claim to Care About. Sounds More Like an Aquaculture Killing Machine.
Aquarium Societies were Invented & Designed to Seek Out New and Better Information, so All the Members (or Anybody Watching) Can Learn. When it’s All Gone and Dead it Will Do No Good to Put It Back Because it Will Die Too. All the People of a Reep Central Industry are Killing the Reefs! Not Saving Them! It’s Time to Talk About the Truth, Uncover the Scam and Turn On the Light. It Will Never Be Reasonable, Responsible, or Right…to Put a Shark in a Goldfish Bowl…for Twenty Years to Life or the Trillions of Other Life Forms that Will Never be Put Back in the Ocean.
Doctors, Universities, Public or Private Aquariums, Wholesale Facilities, Pet Stores, Etc. Need to Take a Look at Their Mission Statements, Oaths & Morals Again. Hold Themselves to Higher Standards to Be What They Claim. Truly, Set Aside Their Own Desires, Interests & Opinions, Just for a Moment, and Ask Themselves; Is All this Killing for Money Right? Can We Do Better? Shouldn’t Moderators in Chat Forums Be Objective Instead of Preaching their Old School Views that are Wrong anyway? They say “You Can’t Teach an Old Doctor New Tricks” so We Must Learn our Way into True Sustainability for Sea Life By Teaching Our Children the Truth About Keeping Marine Life. We Can’t Continue to Treat Sea Life this Way Indefinitely. Most Dead Within a Month so They Can “Bill it Forward” and Sell More Fish, Corals, Inverts and Junk.
Bills’ are On the Table Now and More are to Come as We Find Out about the True Sustainability and Impacts of These Precious Life Forms that Should Stay In the Ocean. A Society that Claims They Know so Much are More Like The Experts of PVC Glue & Egg-crate, Stick on a Plug & Aiptaisa, Flatworms & Red Bugs and a Host for Spreading Many Other Deceases and Parasites’ within the Aquarium Industry/Hobby. Requiring Sacrifices of Mother Colonies at Your Local House of Death, Fragged on Monday, Sold by Wednesday, Dead by Friday! Rulers of the Land of E-Bay & Craigslist that Promise the Life is Deep Within the Dead Rock and All You have to Do is Rub It, Wait Six Weeks for the Smell to Go Away and Presto it Comes Back to Life, With All the Bad Information.
To Kill More…is To Sell More, and If You’re Successful at Killing More, they Will Be Successful at Selling You More & More & More….Before It Dies On Them!
Aquarium Magazines
The Names being Capitalized upon are Not the Common Names of Aquarium Industry Prey But the False Terms of Aqua-Cultured, Captive Bred, Conservation, Education, Sustainable and Tank Raised. Only able to Promote what Fits the Sponsors Narrative, the Common Misuse of These Important Words, Goes Against the Very Definitions of Common Sense.
#CoralMagazine #Reef2Toilet #FictionByTheBarrel
National Fish
This Article Is Based On True Events And Facts.
In Baltimore Maryland Hundreds of People Die Every Year in the Inner City, but Most of the Paid Murders Take Place in the Inner Harbor at the “National Baltimore Illusion”. A Company that Get’s Paid to Kill Thousands of Fish and Turn Up the Fire on the “Dancing Dolphins” for Profit.
To Maintain this Illusion of a Healthy Ocean Environment by Replacing All the Fish that Die Every Month. They Even Have Another Building Full of More Fish Waiting To Die in what Their So Called Experts call “Quarantine”. Which Begins at a Mobile Home and some Carports in Florida or a Central Filtration Wholesale Sick Factory in California where Another Company Brags about Mixing All the “Quarantined” Fish Together and Pouring Copper, Formaldehyde, Praziquantel, Vinegar, and Other Inappropriate Chemicals on All the Fish for 35 Days. “Quarantine” means Apart!, Independently!, Not Together!
Then Whatever’s Left, (Usually Less than Half) is Sent By the Pallet Full to the “National Joke” in Baltimore where They Go Through a Another 30 Day Process of High Chemical “Quarantine” Procedure…All Together.
Then Whatever’s Left, (Usually Less Than Half) Goes Into the Aquarium where They Slowly Die Off One By One.
The “National Example” Should Be the Best Our Country has to Offer and Not have the Same Death Rates as a Common “Pet Store”.
The “National” Title Should Be Earned Not just Given to Undeserving Companies. Until the Baltimore Killing Machine Steps Up and Learns Sustainable Collecting and Fish Keeping Practices They Should Be Publicly Stripped of their National Title. The Public Should Take a Head Count Every Month so the True Death Rates Can Be Made Public. The Aquarium Must Be Made to Tell The Truth and Count the Fish In and Out (Dead) To Be Posted.
Shouldn’t the Number of Deaths Be “National Information”? What Are the Conditions of Being a National Something??? It’s Just Another Example of a National Hypocrite. They Claim All this Good but Really Do Nothing For The Environment or World But Kill For Money, and in Most Cases Do the Opposite of What They Say Behind Closed Doors Where the Real Unsupervised Injustices Take Place.
We (On Many Occasions) Offered Simple, Practical, Natural, Solutions to these Businesses as an Alternative To “Chemical Poisonings” that would Make Too Much “Common Sense”. They Shut Off Our E-Mail and Threaten To Sue Us If We Did Not Stop. They Can’t Prove Us Wrong Because They Know We Are Right! So We Have No Choice but to Tell the World the So Simple Solution to the High Death Rates These and Other Companies Have Had for 40 Years Standard through out the “National Fish Industry”
“National Help” is What’s Needed, We Must Come Together and Prove We are People Who Care About Other Life and How It’s Treated and We can Be Looked Up To for Truth, Justice, Moral Equality, Honor, and Integrity. Or is the Definition of “National” Just Like the Definition of “Quarantine”?
It’s Time We Define what the True Definition of “National” and “Quarantine” Really Means and Hold Ourselves to Those Standards No Matter The Cost, or How Bad it Hurts. We Must Stand Up and Not Look the Other Way Because it Doesn’t Effect Us. Let’s Do the Right Thing, and Be Proud of What We Can Become.
#Definitions #NationalJoke #NationalAmerica #FishRights
National America
The “National” Aquarium in Baltimore (or “America’s” Aquarium They Like to Call Themselves), Should Be the Best America has to Offer. A “National Example” of the Highest Standards in America or the World Protecting Life with Rescues, Rehabilitation, Real Conservation and Ecology, Not For Profit but For What’s Right. We the People and Our “National Fish” Deserves Better than this “National Joke” Desecrating Our Good Name For Fun and Money. The Freedom Everybody keeps Talking About is the Liberty to Come Together and Do the Right Thing. This Injustice Must Be Fixed in the Name of All that Makes it Wrong.
#NationalJoke #NationalFish
If You Agree that a National Aquarium in Baltimore Should Be Held to a Higher Standard than a Common Pet Store then Help Us Forward this Perpetual E-mail to the National Aquarium in Baltimore and Anybody Else You Can Think Of.
Dear National Aquarium,
If you are receiving this;
Please Consider this One More Vote For What’s Right. A National Aquarium Should Help Protect the Very Creatures They Put on Display and Develop New Innovative Ideas For Real Fish Conservation. The National Aquarium Should Stop Using Irresponsible Wholesalers and Support Sustainable Fish Collecting And Keeping Practices or Not have a “National” Title. Please, Set An Example, for the Rest of the World to See.
The Crowned Jewels They Protect are Like the Trinkets a Crow Collects for Their Nest. They are Shiny, Pretty, and Mean Something to the Crow but In Reality They are Just a Piece of Tin Foil or a Bottle Cap with Very Little Value. The National Aquarium and the University of Maryland Should Be the Ones Saving Sharks, Not the Ones Killing them in the Name of Profit, Conservation, Education and Research for Drug Companies, Which are the True Non-Profit Scams the News Should Be Reporting.
The Oceans are Going Extinct and the Free Ticket to Kill At Will held by a $40 Million Non-Profit Scam is One of the Main Causes, Not Conservation, Education or Non-Profit.
Check Your Definitions Again and You Will See they No Longer Are What They Mean. In Fact, They Are the Exact Opposite from What They Were Meant To Be (Or Claim). In Truth, A Non-Profit Doing Conservation to Educate People on the Scam the Aquarium Business Has Become in the Name of a $40 Million For-Profit Business Selling Tickets at the Expense of Sea Life.
Fine Line
I have Found that the Old Cliche…
There is a Fine Line…Between One Thing or Another. Rings True! Even things You Wouldn’t Think the Line Would Be So Fine. Such As; Then & Now, Love & Hate, War & Peace, God & Country. Standing for What’s Right in the World even if We We’re the Only Ones Standing. To Offer with Open Arms and Integrity, a Democracy of Freedom for Truth and Justice. For We All have a Constitutional Responsibility to Right Any Wrongs We know to be True. But there is a Fine Line between Democracy & Hypocrisy! The Freedom Everybody keeps Talking About, is the Liberty to Come Together and Do the Right thing Because it’s the Right thing to Do. A Solid Rock of Sand Sinking into a Tsunami of Nuclear Power Plants and Oil Spills because of the Fine Line between Conservation & Corruption Called Profit Before All Life on Earth! God, Country and Earth are all but Dead in America Today! Sold to the Highest Bidder for One U.S. Dollar rolled up to snort a line of B.P. Dolphin Dust.
Welcome to America! May We Take Your Order? Supreme Court Size your Unhappy Meal with a Trillion Chinese Dollars and You receive a Toy Election, which you can sit down to eat on Wall Street and Watch a good Dog Fighting Video in Somebody else’s House, Owned by Somebody else’s Bank, Owned by Somebody else’s Country. Somebody call Nine Eleven! Tell them We have Forgotten what We’re Fighting For! After all, isn’t it Us Against Climate Change & Global Warming, Or is there a Fine Line Between Life & Death that Only is Deserved by One Creature or Another Called…Look the Other Way, if I Can’t Have it Nobody Can and Do Unto Others as You Would Your Fine Line between Humans & Animals, Making it Easier to Abuse Both. We have Become Everything We Are Fighting Against.
Arise People! Wake Up the World! Let them Know! We Are Back! Justice has Been Served, the Bell has been Rung, Welcome Home Nation, it’s Been a Long Hard Plight, Release the Eagles, Let’s Declare this Day, Their Independence Day, We are Free to be a Beacon in the Night, Put Me in Coach, I’m Ready to Play, I Promise to Never Again, Look Away, Fine Line or Not, We Are Here To Stay!
Fish Rights
The Aquarium Industry Has an approximate 90% Death Rate, Standard. That Means 90 out of 100 Fish Brought Into Captivity Don’t Live a Month. They Fundamentally Put Them All Together and Pour Chemicals On Them that are “Not Safe” for Humans or Animals. There are Laws to Protect Humans and Animals, But Not Fish! No FDA, No EPA, No Humane Society, No Health Department, No Rules, No Regulations, Just Free Reign to “Kill At Will” with What Ever They Want, “They’re Just Fish”.
Well “Just Fish” Includes; Seahorses, Shrimps, Crabs, Eels, Sharks, Giant Clams, Brain Corals, Acropora, Montipora, Live Rock, Octopus, and Tens of Thousands of Other Creatures. Our Best “Experts” Believe a 90% Death Rate Is Acceptable.
40 Years Ago Someone Wrote a Book Telling Everybody to Use Copper, Formaldehyde, Methane Blue, Malachite Green, etc. to “Cure” Fish of the Disease of Putting Them All Together (Which Makes Them All Sick). To this Day They Still Teach out of the Same Old Books. “It’s Time to Think Outside The Books”.
Fish and Other Creatures of the World Deserve to Be Treated the Same as Other Animals. The FDA Should Have to Check Fish Products to Make Sure they “Do What They Say” and Are Safe for Fish, Corals, Inverts And Humans! You can Put Poison in a Bottle and Sell It as “Reef Safe”, “Good For Both Freshwater And Saltwater”, Killing the Fish and Reef Tanks, also Putting Humans At Risk of Cancer, Because These Chemicals are Not Safe for Humans and All the Other Animals. It Says So Right on the Bottles. But People Put Their Hands Into the Water with said Chemicals (I.E. Class B Carcinogens).
The Health Department Should Make Sure Fish are Not Overcrowded and Kept in Sanitary Conditions and With Appropriate Tank Mates. For ex; Pet Stores Don’t and Can’t put Hamsters, Guinea Pigs, and Rabbits All In the Same Pen, Nor Can they Keep 50 Mice in a 10 Gallon Tank, It’s Cruel and Unsafe to Keep Them Together. Why then, Can They Put Many Different Fish Together in the Same Water to Fight and Make Each Other Sick or Sell Sharks that get 14 Feet, and Weight up to 400 lbs.
Aquariums Should Have to Use Sustainable Collecting Practices. Not the “Standard” 90% Dead like the Rest of the Industry. They Should Set a New Standard and Be An Example of How to Really Treat Animals, Instead of Being an Illusion having to Replace Fish Every Month to Keep The Lie Going. It’s Really Just A Business that is Not Held Responsible for the Life They Kill (Just to Make Money) Nothing More than a Scam…Claiming Conservation, Sustainable, Etc.
It’s Time to Stop Discriminating Against Fish and Other Creatures Just Because the Experts Want to Live in the Past and Don’t Understand Fish Should Not Be Tortured or Treated in an Unfair Manner, Any More than the Rest of the Life on Earth.
Aquariums, Pet Stores, Wholesale facilities, Universities and Home Aquarists All have a Responsibility to Treat Life in General “to The Best of Their Ability”, 90% is Far From Best. Please Help the Forgotten Fish, They Need Your Help Too, it’s Only Fair!
#FishRights #ExceptFish #NotJustAFish
American Sharks
America Sucks Sharks Out of her Own Waters (and Pumps Them Around the World to Countries Smart Enough to Protect Their Own) Selling Off Our Irreplaceable Natural Resources for a Buck. Shipping Innocence Sharks Claiming Conservation, Selling Precious Life Forms, to Live In A Box, in some Foreign Land, with No Rights What-So-Ever. Livestock Wholesaler’s Say that They Sell Them “Legally and Responsibly”. There is Nothing “Responsible” about Selling Sharks that get 14 Feet to Pet Stores that Might End Up in some Small Tank Being Fed Goldfish. When Asked to Stop Selling these Sharks They Said it was an “Unreasonable Request”, Even Though They Claim They Want to Protect the Very Same Sharks! The Logical Conclusion is They Want to Protect the Sharks from Everybody…Except Them. Kids Watching the Cookie Jar Will Rape the Oceans for Money…Every Time.
The National Aquarium in Baltimore Says that We Should Protect Large Sharks from Ending Up In Pet Stores, but Yet the Aquarium Orders Replacement Fish From the Very Same Wholesalers. Which is it? Do They Want to Do the Right Thing or Not? They Say They Don’t Take Living Donations (Sharks) because “They Don’t Know the History of the Fish”. Do They Know the History of Wild Fish? Maybe the National Aquarium Should Set An Example and Not Support Companies that Sell Sharks Irresponsibly, Nor Should They Need to Replace Said Fish.
The World is Watching Us to Set An Example of How To Protect and Treat Life. Do You Think American or National Should Stand For Something Special? We Need To Wake Up and Do What We Say. We Should Set A Better Example and Not be Hypocritical Selling Off Our Depleting Natural Resources For Money. There is a Fine Line between Democracy and Hypocrisy!
So…Pass It On and Tell the Whole World and the National Aquarium Needs to Be Responsible in Order to Be In Charge Over Other Lives. 20,000 Animals, 800 Species and Not One Meant For the Wild.
#FishRights #NationalJoke #HistoryIsWatching #AmericanSharks
Shark Story
Being the Only Aquatic Animal Shelter in America, We were Asked to Come Up with a Reason…Why there Should be a Ban on Selling Nurse Sharks To and In Pet Stores. The Most Obvious is their Size, getting Up to 14 ft. They Should Be Classified as an “Exotic Animal” with All the Rights and Privileges of an “Exotic Animal” Subject to Cruelty Laws and Animal Control Protection from the Dangers to the Sharks and Humans But Because They are “Fish” They have All the Rights of a Goldfish….None!
Which brings Us to the Most Important Reason to Ban the Torture of a Smart Living Creature that has No Protection, is Why they Should Not Be Allowed in the Care of Others that Do Not Care. They are a Peaceful, Loving, Social Creatures that Make Sand Right Out of Their Skin Providing a Necessary Service to the Ocean and Should Therefore Be Banned in All States, Tanks and Zoos.
#FishRights #AmericanSharks #SharkSand
Call For A National Story
Fish and Creatures From the Sea are Being Mistreated and Collected to Extinction for Fun By an Industry that has No (or Very Little) Rules or Laws to Govern Them. They Claim the Taking of Fish is “Sustainable” and They are Also the Same People Who Will “Save” Them.
Creatures are Taken From the Most Important Ecosystem on the Planet to All Life On Earth. They Do Not Have to Be Kept Alive and Can Be Poisoned to Die Later (After the Sale) So More Can Be Sold Next Month By the Aquarium Industry. Not Considered a “Pet” but a “Hobby” Like Stamps, There’s No Protection for Reef Creatures Once They are Sold to a Pet Store, Home or Public Aquarium.
Aquariums are Illusions that Have To Replace their Live Puppets Every Month or so Because They Die Off and Need Replaced. Most of these Multi Million Dollar Non-Profits Make Money Off the Death of Many Creatures but Claim “Conservation” and “Education” to Cover Up the Reality of Killing For Profit. This Extinction Level Event Scam Could Be the Death of Us All If We Let This Go On. By Looking the Other Way and Believing the Experts have the Best Interest of Life in Mind or Even Know How to Care for Creatures Properly.
Dancin’ Dolphins and Conservation Sharks are Today’s Scams Used By So-Called Non-Profit Aquariums That Treat and Keep Fish the Same Way They did 40 Years Ago. Buying from the Very Same Wholesalers that Supply the Pet Stores and the Aquarium Industry, with Nuked, Infected Fish…Sure to Die. This Old School Scam is Believed to Be the Best Way, to Make the Most Money, By the Very Same People, that Have Control Over the Life In the Sea.
This Needless Waste of Life Should Be Illegal Before it’s Too Late. Let Everybody Know about this Injustice To Life.
#SustainableDebunked #ConservationCamouflage #CaptivityKills #FishRights
Tank Raised News
A Whole Story would Include the Reality of the Aquarium Industry Collecting Horseshoe Crabs at the Source, By the Thousands Every Month. Tampa Bay is the Horseshoe Crab’s Nursery for the Gulf of Mexico and Every Month during a Full Moon, Low Tide at the Skyway Bridge, Thousands of Tiny Crabs and Snails are Collected and Sold as Clean Up Crews. Their Sand Sifting Abilities Solve Red Algae Problems by Breaking Up the Thick Layers of Inevitable Red Slime in Tanks and are Pushed by Pet Stores Everywhere. Marine Life is under Attack By Many Sources But this Direct Destruction of Our Marine Ecosystem Is the Primary Cause of Extinction Sold through Paid Propaganda.
The Aquarium Industry has it’s Own False News Reporting a One Sided Narrative Unable to Tell the Rest of the Story. Aquarium Magazines, Online Clubs, Etc. Sell Ads to Companies known as Sponsors that are in the Business of Selling Animals in Captivity and All the Junk that Goes along with the Billions of Dollars. Bottom Lines and Feeders Determine Storylines and Blurry Lines as they Cover Up what’s Really Going On, in the Name of Money.
#FishyNews #NegligibleExtinction
New News
Sea Shepherd and Japan are going Back to War in the Whale Sanctuary to Try and help Stop the Worldwide Global Extinction scientists are Telling Us is happening Right Now, while at the Same Time Conservation on the other hand is Killing the World’s Sea Life in the Name of Education by Building More Aquariums we Don’t Need to Teach us about Life in the Ocean.
FWC wants to Stop Shark Fishing for normal people in Florida but still Sells Tickets to get around it to the same people that Sell the Sharks to Pet Stores around the World including California, so even if the Shark Fin Bill gets Signed into Law they can Still Get around it by Buying a Live Shark Sold as a Pet. Or They Can just Eat some of the 48 Million lbs. of Stingray Fins part of the Annual Quota in the U.S.
Sea World Claims the Death of a Human by Tillikum is the Humans Fault and had Nothing to Do with the Fact it is a “Killer Whale” Human Error is Claiming to be Friends of the Sea by Wanting them All in a Box Instead of their Own Home where They Belong. “NEWS FLASH!”
The Monterey Bay Aquarium is Not Saving the Great White Sharks from their Own Home by Tanking them for a Few Months then Releasing them with an Electronic Parasite stuck in their Back to See where they Go. They Found a way to Get Paid through the Word Conservation to Make even More Money.
Monterey Bay Aquarium Displays 35,000 Animals belonging to over 550 Species. The Monterey Bay Aquarium remains the Only Aquarium in the World to successfully Display a White Shark. However, they claim Their Main Purpose for Keeping a White Shark in this Exhibit was to answer important Research Questions. Those Questions have largely been Answered, so they Will Not Display White Sharks in the Future.
The Marketing Director has Served on the Board as well as Executive and Marketing Committees of the Monterey County Convention and Visitors Bureau, the Press and PR Committee for the Travel Industry Association of America and the Board of the Salinas Valley Half Marathon. She’s currently on the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) Trends Committee and on the Board of the Monterey Jazz Festival. She Knows How to Market to Discrete Segments in a Way that “Speaks Their Language,” both Literally and Figuratively.
The Marketing Directors do such a Good Job of Brainwashing Everybody into Thinking they are Better than other Kill For Profit Aquariums.
They built Another 50 Million Dollar Kill For Conservation and Profit Sea Prison at America’s National Mall in Baltimore. However, in 2003, the National Aquarium Society Board of Directors Signed an Alliance Agreement with the Board of Directors of the National Aquarium in Baltimore, enabling the Two Aquariums to Work Together to Strengthen the Animal Collection and Educational Impact Of The Aquarium. The National Aquarium, Washington, D.C., had a Collection of Over 1,500 Specimens and 250 Species. Approximately 1,700 Fish and other Specimens from it’s Collection were Moved to the National Aquarium in Baltimore.
The National Aquarium has a Living Collection of More than 20,000 Animals from More than 800 Species of Fish, Birds, Amphibians, Reptiles, Marine Mammals and Sharks, as well as through Exclusive Behind-the-Scenes Experiences like Sleepovers and Tours, Science-Based Education Programs and Hands-On Experiences in the field.
The Marketing Director served as Executive Director for the Maryland Office of Tourism Development, where she was Responsible for Marketing the State of Maryland as a Destination – resulted in Record-Breaking Years of Visitation, Visitor Spending and State Sales Tax Revenue across the State. She also Serves on the Boards of Both the National—the U.S. Travel Association—and the City’s—Visit Baltimore—Official Travel and Tourism Industry Organizations.
Should the Directors of Aquariums be on the Boards of Tourism and Travel? On the Trends Committee of AZA that Accredits the Aquariums and Zoos? Isn’t that a Conflict of Interest? Kids Watching the Cookie Jar.
Meanwhile the News will Not Tell the Truth About the Scam, only a One-Sided View of who’s Worth More Money Instead of Trying to Help Stop the Mass Global Extinction Doomed for the World’s Sea Life for Profit. They will Only Tell One Side of the Truth.
The Word of the Decade, “Sustainable” Which Is Being Used Like a Lucky Charm to Be a Good Reason to Keep Killing in the Name of “Conservation” Which Was Last Decade’s Word. Killing Life for Profit is Being Skewed to Make Everyone Think it Is Okay and Even Helps or Saves Them.
Populations of Creatures Around the World are Down and Some Are In Danger of Being Wiped Out All Together, Yet Business Goes On as Usual and Gets Bigger Every Year. As long as They can Lie About the “Facts” and Make Their Own Rules, the Truth will Go Unknown Until the Creatures are Almost Gone So the Ones that Killed Them Can Be the Ones that Magically Bring Them Back…and Make even More Money Working Both Ends.
The Trade in “Wild” Life Around the World is Unsustainable, Far From Conservation and has Become an Outright Scam to Hide the Truth of Killing For Profit.
#SustainableDebunked #SustainableExtinction #TicketToExtinction #ConservationCamofluage
Ark of Death
There Is a Very Important Story Going Untold that Effects Us All.
Sea Life is being Collected, Tortured and Killed Needlessly For Amusement, Fun and Profit By the Millions Everyday.
Mixed Together, Poisoned (to Be Sold to Die) so More can Be Sold Next Month, By an Industry that Claims to Be Doing “God’s Work” Who is Helping Cause the Extinction of the Ocean so They Can Be the “Ark” of the Sea and Maybe Put Them Back Someday. They also Claim that their Taking of Sea Life is “Sustainable”, which goes Against Their Claims of Being the “Savior” and “Ark” for the Whole Ocean.
They are Trying to Cover Up Their Killing with Dogma and Lies of “Sustainability”.
There are Fish and Creatures from the Sea We Can Eat Without Permanent Damage to Wild Populations but Humans Should Never Take or Target Species to Extinction For Fun.
#SustainableDebunked #ArkOfDeath
For as Long as I Can Remember, School was a Dreaded Place they Forced Us to Endure, Endless Hours of Useless Information We Never Needed Anyhow. Taught by Underpaid, Frustrated Teachers Trying to Figure a Way to get People Interested in the Everyday Game of Social Team Work of How to Step On Our Classmates to Get One Rung Higher to Teacher’s Pet.
In other Words, the More Junk We Collect and Store than Everybody Else the More Valuable We Are to Society. And As Long As We Remember How We got Here, and Spell it Right, We Receive a Degree in Old School that Couldn’t Get a Job if Our Life Depended On It… and In Most Cases Does.
Welcome to America…May We Take Your Order? The School of Fast Food is In Session to Feed Wall Street so When it Falls it Will Be the Teachers Fault. After All, they Make a Million Dollars a Year with Benefits to Teach the Same, Old, Boring, Useless Information in Crumbling Schools, Wondering Why Our Children and Society are Falling Down the List of World Levels of Stupid. So the Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Nothing but a Generation of Jerry Springer Lives that Learn Nothing in School to Use in Their Soap Opera of Life.
Schools Should Be a Place to Learn Practical Things of Life. Do You Remember When We Planted Seeds in a Cup or Something? How You Couldn’t Wait to Go to School and See How Much the Little Plant Grew? How Much You Cared for the Life in the Cup, even though You Never Got Anything out of the Plant other than the Vision of the Journey of the Cup Of Life. It Somehow Taught You More About Life than When a little Plant Doesn’t Mean that Much Anymore.
It’s Time to Plant Seeds of Good in Our Children and Teach Them About Real Life and the Things In It. America Could Come Together and Learn a Way Out of this Mess and Teach Our Schools to Be a Place they Want to Go and Work our way Back Up the List of Common Sense, or Have We Forgotten “Liberty and Justice For All”…along with the Other things We No Longer Use In Life.
Captive Animals in Zoos
A Zoo is a Place where Animals Live in Captivity Forever (in Almost All cases) and are Put on Display for People to View and Touch, So They can Make Money. Just Another Business.
There is Plenty of Information out there. Pros and Cons, But it Depends on What Your Looking For. Note: The Pros are Mostly from those who want to Keep them, Display them and Make Money from them. The Groups or Facilities with the Most Money Seems to be Higher on the Searches.
After Spending Hours and Hours, of Doing Research, No One has Yet to Claim Any Responsibility. Accountability for the Animals Deaths are Explained to Shift the Blame towards the Animal.
The Mental Well-being of Animals in Captivity Seems to Be Mostly Ignored by Most of the Ones who Keep them. They Try and Give the Animals Unnatural Stimulation (So they Don’t Go Crazy) but All this “Expert” Knowledge Don’t Compare to Nature. Sure, they Might be Able to Care for their Physical Needs but Animals are Given Just Enough to Survive. Nature Does Not Feed them at 8:00 a.m. Everyday, Nor does it Contain Frozen Food. The Food they are Fed have to be Supplemented.
There is No Migration except to other Zoos. In some Cases Animals are Ripped from their Family Members and Deemed “Un-Releasable” among Many of other Reasons. Some Animals are Forced to Breed by Artificial Methods. Animal DNA changes in Captivity as well as their Babies (offspring). You would Think that All the Reasons Aquariums and Zoos come up with “Conservation”, “Education”, “Rescue”, “Rehabilitation”, “Sustainable”, Etc. what “Wild” Really means.
Anyone who Speaks Up for the Animals are automatically are Labeled. Questions that are Asked are Dismissed, Ignored or just plain Lied to. Their Definitions are Twisted, Misused, and Conformed to fit Their Narrative. An Honest Discussion is hard to have with those who Support Captivity.
With this Being a Multi Billion Dollar a Year Industry (Worldwide Could Be Trillions) they can Pay for Any Information that Supports Them and Bury Any that goes Against Them. Public Affairs Representatives (That are Paid Millions) are Employed to Market Their “Business”, While the Animals Don’t Receive a Penny.
Aquariums and Zoos Claim Conservation by Their Breeding Programs. Claims it Maintains a Healthy, Self-Sustainable Population of Vulnerable Animals to Help their Extinction. If That Were True Then Why are They Not Putting Them in the Wild? Why are the Numbers of “Wild” Animals Collected for Captivity Increasing?
“The Fort Worth Zoo has had a Very Successful History Breeding Jaguars” said Ron Surratt, Fort Worth Director of
Animal Collections, “Our participation in the Jaguar SSP has helped ensure guests will be able to Enjoy Jaguars for Years To Come as We Continue to Contribute to the Survival of the Species”.
Survival? In Captivity? How is That Helping the Survival of the Species? How can it be Considered Conservation? Educating the Public? Behind Glass Walls and in Cages? Jaguars are listed “Near Threatened” by the (IUCN) Red List. Zoos will call them “Wild Encounters” But the Animals are NOT in the Wild at All. In Fact…Just the Opposite!
The Bronx Zoo (Owned By Wildlife Conservation Society). The Zoo is Home to More Than 4,000 Animals of 650 Species (Many of which are Endangered).
The Georgia Aquarium Exhibits Over 100,000 Animals. They Have Replaced 2 Dead Whale Sharks with 2 Males flown in form Taiwan. If they are So Successful…Why Do They Have To “Replace” their Animals? They Claim “Their in the position like Nobody to be Able to Care for these Animals. I have No second doubts about that”.
A number of Belugas Died Yet the Aquarium Claims It’s a “State-of-the-art Facility” and will Get the “Best” Care Possible in Captivity.
There’s NO Accountability for the Deaths that Occur at Zoos or Aquariums. The So-Called Experts Try and Guess What Happens to Them, But Never Admits that Keeping Wild Animals in Captivity…Kills!
Above the Reef, Below the Table
There Are Aquarium Wholesalers, Endorsed By Fish & Wildlife Operating With One Foot in the Legal Trade and One in the Other. We have Personally Seen and Worked At these Shady Wildlife Collectors of Marine Life throughout Florida and Our National Marine Sanctuary.
Illegal Bycatch, Over Collection and Fuzzy Math are the Tools of the Trade Overlooked By the Company Hired to Protect Nature from Us.
Fish & Wildlife has Nothing to Do with Con-Servation But Making Money from Nature. With a History of Mismanagement and the Environment Only Getting Worse, Their Track Record is Racing in a Financial Circle to the Finish Line of Extinction. Blaming Everything But the Needless Taking of Marine Life for Amusement and Profits By Greedy, Selfish Companies who Pay Enough Money is the Primary Cause of the Decline in Numbers of Their Unsustainable Exploitation of Our Wildlife in Our Last Coral Reef.
Sustainable Extinction
The Aquarium Industry Is Killing the Creatures of the World’s Oceans By the Thousands Every Day to the Point of Extinction so They can Claim to be the “Ark” for the Whole Ocean and Magically Put Them All Back After Learning to Live In A Box.
Life and Freedom Should Not Be Controlled By the Business of Making Money at All Cost, Nor Should it Be Determined By the Same People In It for the Profit of what They Call “Sustainable” or “Conservation” or “Education” when In Fact, It’s the Opposite of the Truth which is Just Killing For Money…Nothing More. They are Not the Savior or the Ark of the Sea Creatures They Are Causing to Go Extinct at an Alarming Rate Just For the Fun of Viewing Pleasure.
The Creatures of the Sea Need Our Help to See the Truth and to Spread the Word that This Has Gone On Long Enough. It Will No Longer Be Acceptable to Cause the Extinction of the Ocean and Call It Sustainable.
#SustainableDebunked #TicketToExtinction #ConservationDebunked
My Pet Fish
In the Story Nemo from Disney, the Clown Fish Was Taken From the Ocean and Put Right Into an Aquarium. In Real Life it is Much Different for the Collection of Pet Fish. They Go to Giant Wholesale Facilities that Mix All the Fish Together and Use Chemicals on All of Them.
When you Mix Fish Together they Will Give each other Parasites that Will Kill Most Fish within a Few Weeks and So Will the Chemicals They’re All Exposed to. They Might make it Through the Sale but Die Later, So More Can Be Sold.
Fish Do Not have the Same Rights like Other Pets…In Other Words You Can Torture and Kill All the Fish You Want, Anyway You Want, to Make a Profit At Any Cost and No Laws are Broken.
Have you Seen the Show called Animal Cops? They Will Go In and Take a Dog, Cat or any Other Animal From Someone who is Mistreating them and Even Threaten them with Jail. These Same Laws Don’t Count for Pet Fish. How is this Fair to Fish?
Many of these Fish are Being Collected to the Point of Extinction in the Ocean but Not One Law is Even Bent. These Creatures in the Sea Have an Important Place in the Ecosystem and Should Have the Same Right to Protection from Big Businesses and Needless Killing For Fun as Other Pets Do. They Should Not be Needlessly Killed for Profits because They Do have a Right to Live.
#ChemicalPoisoning #ProfitableExtinction #FishRights
Elemental Equilibrium
Planetary Life Depends On Balance in the Conflicts of Elements Governing Nature. Earth vs Water, Fire vs Ice, Air vs Spirit Must Remain In Balance for Life to Continue, to Exist in this World. Humans vs All Other Life on the Planet Earth is Using the Land to Kill the Water’s of the World and the Fire of Global Warming/Climate Change to Kill Polar Ice Caps with Bad Air Smothering the Spirit of Nature To Death.
The Only Way to Heal Our Home is to Return the Balance Of Power To Nature as Members of a Global Society of Species Sharing and Amazing Place…For Now.
The Truth…
There is a Few Criteria for the Definition of a Subject or Word to Be Actually True According to the Dictionary and the Spirit of What Truth Is, We All Know. Other Words, Such as Peer-Reviewed, Self Accredited, Science Does Not Make It Truth or True But Just Agreed Upon, Whether Right or Wrong. There’s a Degree in Old School Being Taught as Truth But it is In Fact Nothing but Just Plain Wrong Being Passed Down Over and Over by Old Thinkers Thinking They are Right.
Most of the World Upgrades these Old Beliefs Sooner or Later But the Sooner the Better, In the Case of What is Killing Marine Life and the Oceans Worldwide Using False Words like Conservation, Sustainability or Education to Cover the Mass Extinction Being Caused by Just Plain Killing For Money Through Old Wrong Ways.
The Truth is…This Needless Killing Can Be Fixed Right Now Just By Re-Educating Experts, Hobbyists and the Public on Right from Wrong and Telling the Truth in Media Sources, Instead of More Lies and Omitted Truths Spread By the Aquarium Industry Peers and Business Partners.
Follow the Money and You Will Find the Lies Because The Truth Is Always Free.
Shark Tanked
Sharks Do Not Belong in Home Aquariums or Public Aquariums that Can’t Keep Them Alive for Their Life Span. Needing to Replace Most Creatures Every So Often Because They Are Dying Off. Tanked and Animal Planet Recommending to Put Sharks in Home Aquariums is Wrong and Immoral. Nurse Sharks and Many other Animals are Social Creatures that Need Others in a Community to Live a Happy Life. Cruel and Unusual Punishment, For Innocent Creatures, That Did Nothing Wrong, Adds to the Environment Being Wasted.
How would You Like to Live Your life in Your Room Never to See Your Family Again? History Will Judge This to Be Barbaric and Inhumane.
Global Mass Extinction
The World’s Oceans are Going Extinct the Scientist are Telling Us. But Yet America is Building More Sea Prison Killing Machines called “Aquariums” that Hide Under the Words “Conservation”…Which Means…to Protect something from Change…Funding! And “Education”…Which Means…to Teach Our Own Children How To Kill For Money by Showing Them what Will Soon Be Gone in the World’s Seas Because of the “Aquarium Industry” Which has Millions of Sea Creatures in it’s “Pipeline” at any given Time Responsible For the Death of Billions (and Trillions of Their Unborn Babies)! Some Conservation?
Someone Please Do a Story On the Real Truth of Why the World’s Oceans Are Going Extinct!
Priceless Freedom
We Believe Everything Should Have Rights and Freedoms, When Born…but the Truth is…Freedom is Never Free! The Cost has Gone Up Throughout History to Include Not Only Money but…One Piece of Heart to be Given by Someone who Must Let Go because Sometimes They are Better Off Without Us. For the Love of Sea Life…Go Free My Fishy Friends, for the Cost of Your Freedom is Worth the Heart and Soul of Someone who Loves You…
Questionable Definitions
Why Do We Even Have Words to Describe Other Words If the Meanings Don’t Have to Be What They are Meant To Be?
The World is Now Full of Misused Words that Go Against Their Original Dictionary Definitions, We Were Taught to Look Up if We Didn’t Know them. How Can We Teach Our Children One Thing and Do Another Just Because it Pays More and Call it “Non-Profit”, “Conservation” or “Education” when in Truth it’s Just Killing For Profit? Using Any Words Anywhere They Can to make Wrong Look Right is Not Only Hypocritical but Confusion to the Next Generation that Needs to Get It Right Before It’s Too Late. “Sustainable” Extinction by “Advanced” Aquarists mixing “Rescues” in “Quarantine” for Their “Ark” and Calling them “Tank-Raised” is Not Doing “God’s Work” to “Protect” or “Save” the Creatures Being Sold for “Non-Profit” or Killed by a “National” Aquarium but Just Plain Making Money at the Expense of the Life They Claim to “Care” about.
Advanced Aquarists?
Many in the Aquarium Industry Consider Themselves on the Cutting Edge of Aquarium Technology Even Though They Still Believe the Same Old Flaws in the Industry from 40 Years Ago. Holding On to Wrong Ways Passed Down from So-Called Expert to Expert with a Degree in Old School from Nuke’um High. Fish are Poisoned in Central Filtration Systems Everywhere with Chemicals and Meds (Not Safe For Humans Or Animals) in what They Call “Quarantine”. Killing so Many that they Need a Banggai Rescue, While Claiming Sustainability at the Same Time.
Seems to Me, If They Can’t Even get the Definitions of Quarantine and Sustainable Right, They Have No Business Calling Themselves Advanced or Experts with the Responsibility of Saving the Same Fish They Caused to be Near Extinction.
What We Need is Some Real Scientists to Come Forward and Show Them the True Definitions of Advanced, Ark, Quarantine, Sustainable, Rescue and Conservation.
#ChemicalPoisoning #TrueDefinitions #SustainableDebunked #ConservationDebunked
Starfish Star Fall
You’re the Last Starfish of All
We Play With You In Tanks For Fun
Claimed It Was Good for Everyone
It Seems We Don’t Really Know What We Got
When We Let Someone Sell and Touch A lot
Wishing on All the Fallen Stars
We Would Have Loved You From Afar
Marine Aquarium Con of North America
The Annual Aquarium Killers of the Year Gather to Celebrate Their Ego, Lust and Worthless Accomplishments in Destroying Wildlife and the Environment Worldwide For Amusement and Money. Promoting Extinction as an Educational by Con-Serving Nature for Themselves, For a Price…Which Is the Cause of the Decline in Numbers of Wildlife Everywhere. Selling a Narrative to Protect the Needless Taking of More Life Every Month, Wasted in Cages, Tanks and Tubs…For Nothing, Is the Opposite of the Truth Which Is Always Free.
Aquariums, Pet Stores, Zoos and Sponsored Paid Propaganda is Erasing Life in the Wild and Should Not Be Awarded But Shunned By People Who Really Care About Nature.
#MACNA2021 #AquariumMagazines
We Race to the End of Our Circular Track
Learning from Hindsight as We Look Back
The Things We Are Chasing That Never Caught Up
Were With Us All Along as We Win Our Cup
So Remember This While There’s Still Time You
Are the Treasure at the Finish Line.
As We Fight To Light the Way
Slack Minds Fight Back All Day
Little Thinking with Might Mouths
Who’s Opinion Only Counts.
Facts and Truths are Relative Terms
As We Watch Our Oasis Burn
Justice, Liberty and Fairness For All
Is the Only Truth to Break Our Fall.
10,000 Faces
There are Places in America and Around the World, Right Now that Have Tens of Thousands of Lives Each Waiting To Die…Or Be Sold To Die. They Don’t Have a Choice. Nobody Asked Them, They have No Rights, They Don’t Have To Be Fed or Kept Warm and some of Them are Part of Experiments that would Make You Sick.
They went on as Far as You Can See. I have Never Been so Sick to my Stomach in my Life. All those Eyes Looking at us Wondering if We Were There To Kill Them Or Help Them, But We were there Just To Buy Them. We had Never been to a Wholesale Fish Place, We Never Knew there was So Many Places with So Many Creatures Waiting To Die. What could We Do? We Wanted to Buy Them All. But We Couldn’t, so We Asked, “Why do so Many Die after being Treated in this Manner?” Well, We Found Out that they All Run Together with the Same Water, Every Box, Every Cube, Every Tank in the Place Running with the Same Water, Well Not Exactly “Water”, More Like One Part Copper, One Part Formaldehyde, One Part Methylene Blue, One Part This and One Part That, More Like Soup. Soup Made by the Cook or They Call Them Biologist or Director of Husbandry or Some Other BS Title. In Other Words the Guy that Learned in School By the Best People, That for 40 Years We Have Used Many Chemicals, So It Must Be Right. We have a Degree that Says We Know What We Are Doing. What They Have is a Degree In the Old Way of Doing things that Doesn’t Work and Never Will. Ten Thousands Wrongs Don’t Make It Right.
Tiny Trillions
Millions of Sea Creatures Die Every Day in the Aquarium Industry and so Do Their Trillions of Unborn Babies Never Given the Tiny Chance to Be. Mass Extinction on a Global Scale the Scientists Call It…Profit it’s Called by Others. Needless Death is What it Really Is. Generational Genocide is a Profitable Extinction that We Have No Right to Impose on Any Other Life Form…For Our Pleasure. Whales, Dolphins and Shark Fin Soup are Important but So Are the Rest of the Forgotten Just As Important and Number Far More than We Can Imagine.
Sea Secret
I Know What’s Really Killing the World’s Oceans at an Unprecedented Rate. It’s Hiding Right There Under Your Own Noses Disguised as a Business of Conservation and Education. Association of Zoos, Aquariums, Wholesale Facilities and Pet Stores Kill More Life in One Day than Others Do in a Whole Year. Millions Killed Worldwide on a Daily Basis That Never Stops, Sleeps or Takes a Holiday…Is the Real Culprit of the Mass Extinction Dooming Sea Life Everywhere.
Fish, Corals and Inverts from the Sea are the Only Creatures on the Planet that Have NO Rights What-So-Ever, Leading to Their (On-Purpose) Deaths for Our Viewing Pleasure.
Most of the World is Covered with Ocean and the Creatures In It. Do we Really Need to Bring It All On Land to Die in a Box in a Few Days, Claiming We Saved Them from the Sea by Doing So? After All, Educating Our Children in What Will Soon Be Gone, Is Very Important for Them to Get One Last Good Look at What We Killed.
Better to Feed a Whole Country with Fish from the Sea Than to Kill the Same Amount Everyday in the Aquarium Industry for No Good Reason. Our Hearts May Be in the Right Place but They’re Beating to the Wrong Drum.
Free Frags
In the Beginning… All Frags are Born Free on a Bleaching Coral Reef Somewhere on the Dying Planet. Flights of Fish and Wildlife from Around The World, Some Legal, Some Not, but All Allowed According to the Survival of the Most Expensive. Fox’s Watching Over the Chickens and Frags. Masters Over the Sharks and Aquarium Illusions. Kids Watching Over the Cookie Jar, Will Rape the Planet Earth For Profit Every Time, Especially when Their All In Bed Together Making the Rules for Each Other to Make More Money Than Last Year Off Fish and Wildlife from Around The World Creating a Free For All, For Them.
A Free Mother Coral is Ripped from it’s Home, in a Far Away Land, by a Local Reaper, Sold to a Wholesaler for It’s Weight In Rock, Transformed into a Hard Coral Regulated by C.I.T.I.E.S., Owned by Fish & Wildlife, Broke into Pieces on Monday, Sold on Reef Central for It’s Weight In Gold by Wednesday and Dead By Friday. Talk about a Free For All. C.I.T.I.E.S. / Fish & Wildlife Make More Money on Fish & Wildlife than the Aquarium Industry Can Get Their Hands On. Some Corals are Allowed to be Secretly brought into the Country as a Little Chip Worth It’s Weight in Diamonds, Grown Out and Sold on Reef Central by the Very Coral Poachers that CLAIM they are Saving The Reefs by Stealing Rare Pieces of the Coral Reefs and Selling them as “Exclusive”, Tailored Made, Signature Rare Corals with Somebody Else’s Name for $2000 a Chip. Like I said “Worth It’s Weight In Diamonds”. Although Fish & Wildlife have Known about it for Years, the In-Your-Face online Coral Poaching Goes Merrily On.
Thousands of Mother Corals are Chopped Up and Killed Every Year By the Frag Industry, but as long as Everybody Makes Money, Who Cares? We are Saving the Reefs By Killing them Now after all, Fish & Wildlife will Get Paid to Magically Put Them Back Someday Somehow.
I made a Promise to Tell The Truth About the Aquarium Industry No Matter What I Uncovered. I just didn’t Realize How Deep the Corrupt Waters Were. The Best Words I can Think of to Describe the Whole Industry is an…“International Scam”!
From the Collectors to the Aquariums and the Very People Hired to Protect Them (WildLife),Nobody Cares About the LIFE, Only the Money, Power, and Control Over Slaves to Humanity for Our Viewing Pleasure, FAR FROM FREE!
Central Filtration Chemical Poisoning (CFCP)
Many Years Ago the Aquarium Industry went to Central Filtration because it was Cheaper to Set Up and Maintain One Big System that All Runs Together but they Soon Found Out that if you Mix Healthy Fish with a Few Sick Ones, All the Fish would Soon Be Sick. So the Use of Toxic (Not Safe For Humans Or Animals) Chemicals Began Because of this Fundamental Flaw. Most Central Filtration’s Use a Combination of Copper, Formaldehyde, Praziquantel, Methylene Blue, Malachite Green, Rally and Quick Ick Among Several Other Harsh Chemicals and Meds on All the Fish Sick Or Not to Keep the Spread of Parasites and Disease Down but Just Like Chemotherapy it Has Side Effects. Most Fish End Up Dead within a Few Weeks After The Sale. It has Been Done the Same Way for Over 40 Years, it Did Not Work Then and it’s Still Wrong Today but this Is What the Best Experts Still Teach After All These Years as the Best Way to Treat Fish to Die so More Can Be Sold Next Month.
This International Scam Runs Deep and is a Multi-Billion Dollar, Kill More For Profit Replacement Type Business. The Real Money is Made By Selling Bottles of Snake Oil to Try and Keep Them Alive. Or More Junk They Really Don’t Need because the Whole Business is One Big Lie, Spread By Their Magazines and Sponsors In the Industry to Keep the Real Truth In The Dark because They Make More Money If the Fish Die and Need Replaced or Soon Hobbyist would Not Need Them Anymore. Brainwashing their Victims into Killing the Real Victims, so they’re Mostly Dying at One End of the Pipeline to Assure They Can Always Sell into the Other, Is Not Sustainable, Conservation or Education but Just Pure Profit.
There is a Simple Cure to this On Purpose Cancer Plaguing this Old System that Simply Uses True Quarantine and No Chemicals or Meds to Stop the Spread of Disease Naturally But that Would Save Lives Not Money which Is Their Top Priority.
This Outright Waste Of Life For Money Needs to Be Upgraded Before the Only Fish Left are the Ones Stuck in Their Ark They Claim to Be Building For God, while at the Same Time Claiming Sustainability. The Only Thing Sustainable Is The Death of Most Fish Whether Tank Bred, Raised or Wild when Put Into a Central Filtration Chemical Bath Found at Almost All Wholesalers and Pet Stores.
Except Fish
All Animal Cruelty Laws Include the Words “Except Fish” when Describing what Kind of Creatures are Covered By The Laws Subject to Animal Control or the Health Department on things like Space Requirements, Food or Just Plain Whether They Can Be Poisoned or Not. This Loophole is More Like A Black Hole where Many Different Creatures from All Over the World Disappear so More Can Be Sold Without Any Laws to Help Them From Being Mistreated On Purpose Like Other Pets.
Fish are Mixed Together and Dosed with High Concentrations of Harsh Chemicals Not Safe For Humans Or Animals that Would Be Protected from Being Poisoned So They Will Die Later After the Sale So More Can Be Sold. Even the Products that Claim to Help Pet Fish, Corals and Inverts Do Not Have to Do What They Say and Can even Poison and Kill the Creatures Because There Is No Laws Or Organizations to Check the Contents or Causes No Matter What They Do.
Seems to Me Sea Creatures from Around the World Should Have the Same Rights as Other Pets if They are to Be Sold As Pets.
Please Share this Information with Your Local Animal Control, Health Department, Congressmen, Newspaper and Ask Them to Include Pet Fish in Animal Cruelty Laws.
The Aquarium Industry
A Childhood Dream Becomes an Adult Nightmare when you Grow Up to Find Out the Truth Called Wisdom Learned from a Pet Store For Dummy and a Sea World for me.
When We are Children We Love Like Children Without Question and Assume the things around us are Good and Must have our Best Interests in Mind. Until We Grow Up to Find Out the True Nature of things are Much Darker and in Most Cases the Exact Opposite of What We Thought or were Taught them to be. The Experiences of Life has Shown the True Side of Public and Private Aquariums to Be a Replacement Business at the Expense of Life Being Abused In A Box For Money, Not Conservation and Education like They Want Us To Believe.
Poisoned on Purpose to Die so More can be Sold, is Legal because All Animal Cruelty Laws State Every Pet…”Except Fish” which Includes Most Sea Life in the World Can Be Treated Any Old Way We Feel Like to Make the Most Money. Like Kids Watching the Cookie Jar the Aquarium Industry Has Only Themselves to Keep from Abusing Sea Life Around the World to the Point of Extinction For Profit. Hiding under a Tax Evasion Called Non-Profit this Worldwide Extinction Causing Scam has a Free Ticket To Kill At Will while Supporting the Sale of Pets for Kids to Kill and Animal Abuse For Profit.
This Unsustainable Taking Of Life Will Not Be Solved By the Very Same People Claiming To Be the Ark For God By Selling Sea Life Doomed To Die So More Can Be Sold Next Month. Wanting to Be Judge, Jury and now God…This Industry Simply Can Not Be Trusted to Watch Over Itself Any Longer!
National Worldwide Non-Profit Scams are Everywhere Taking from the Reasons They Were Designed to Begin With by Hypocritically Doing the Exact Opposite of Their Original Purpose. Public Aquariums are Killing Fish and Zoos are Killing Animals in the Name of Conservation, Education and Non-Profit while Making Money to Torture and Kill the Very Lives They are Paid to Protect. Their Only Mission is to Make More Money Than Last Year At All Cost, Which Is Really Paid For By the Deaths of Innocent Creatures They Claim to Care About, but Really Only Care About The Money They Make From Them.
Please Do Not Fall for Public Charities Green Washing the Reality of Killing For Profit by Calling it Non-Profit when Their Only Job is to Make More Money to Cover the Truth. True Charities Should Be NO-Profits about Giving, Ran by Volunteers that Only use Their Resources for the Purpose it was Intended Without a “Donate Here” button Everywhere.
It is the Decision of This Non-Profit org. to Become the World’s First No-Profit org. so We can Do the Work Needed Without Being Hypocrites Making Money Off the Very Life We Are Trying To Save, Just to Make More Money. Volunteers Giving Away Truth and Time Will Be the Only Thing to Save The Earth from Business As Usual.
Worth More Free
Aquariums and Zoos Spend Mass Amounts of Tax Free Money to Deceive the Public into Believing Animals are Better in Their Cages, Tanks and Tubs. Using Them as Ambassador’s of Their Species to Gain Public Support of Collecting More Animals for Display and Ticket Sales. Magnifying the Worthless Success of Breeding Something for Captivity as They Cause the Decline in Numbers of the Very Life They Are Helping To Destroy In The Wild.
Their Gain Is Our Loss as All Life Is Worth More Free to Repopulate the Species Without Our Expensive, Worthless Help.
One Pair of Anything Can Have Infinite Generational Offspring in the Environment If Left Free.
#PricelessFree #SeedsNeedPlanted
The Secret Death From The Zoo
As Seen On TV…This Public Deception has Billions of Marketing Tax Free Dollars Broadcasting a One Sided View as Some Kind of Real Informational Secret of What They Want You To See and Believe. Breeding Animals is Publicity Gold and Conservation Camouflage Magnify the False Hopes to Help Species By Selling Their Offspring to Other Aquariums or Zoos. Display Creatures are Constantly Needing Replaced and the Rest are Sold through Their Own Group of Wildlife Brokers (Called AZA) to other Aquariums and Zoos. They Want US to Believe They are Helping the Environment By Breeding and Taking Life That Will Never Be in the Environment as They Secretly Cause the Extinction of the Very Life They Claim to Care So Much About.
Paying for Misinformation to Be Taught as Education on a Planet that will Have No Animals…Is the Real Secret of the Zoo.
#NoZoos #MoreHarmThanGood #RealConservationBeginsAndEndsInTheWild
Pure Conservation
Conservation has been Polluted with Greedy Companies Fouling the Very Definition of Helping the Environment By Taking Better Care of Our Precious Natural Resources. Any Business Making Money From Nature is NOT Conserving Nature for Our Descendants and Theirs. These Toxic Profits Must Be Cleaned Up and Purged from Our Old Wrong System of Believing Anything They Tell Us to Look the Other Way. Shutting Off the Flow of Dirty Money is the Only Way to Get To the Pure Conservation Saving the Environment for the Next Generations of Animals, Creatures and Humans.
Nuke’em High
Many Doctors, Scientists and Experts went to the Old School of Chemical Poisoning to Treat Everything Dying from Their Cure’s of Snake Oil. A Degree in Wrong Learned from Others Who Were Wrong, is an Education We Must Do Without.
Someone Call 1-800-Bad Drugs and Realize Their Fluctuating Facts and Shifting Science Changes with the Time to Find Out the Truth between What We’re Taught and Reality Known as Wisdom. In Most Cases Throughout the Animal Care Business…The Cure Is The Cause Of Death.
Experts Put Life in a Box, which makes it Home Sick and Short Lived. The Go To Archaic Treatment is Something that Must Come in a Bottle Instead of 100 cc’s of Freedom.
100 cc’s of Community Conservation
Wildlife and the Environment Need a Shot of Make Better by the Species Who Caused the Sickness Plaguing Nature. A Herd Mentality of Rethinking Status Quo will Be A Cure But We Can Do Something Together as a Society Right Now to Treat the Symptoms. We Can Stop Supporting Animal Exploitation of Any Kind and Spread the Reality of Taking Nature from the Wild for Amusement by Aquariums, Pet Stores and Zoos.
#SaferInTheWild #CommunityCure
Uncivil War
The Earth is Bi-polar in it’s Battle of Life and Death Fighting to Win At All Cost. Anti-Life Aquariums, Pet Stores and Zoos are Systematically Removing Animals and Creatures From the Wild, while Real Conservationists Try to Save it. Generational Genocide that Breaks the Decency Line of Any War Has been Declared on Innocent, Weaker, Lesser Beings. Captured, Caged and Displayed for Our Amusement in Extinction Camps Selling Tickets, Tanks and Treason, the Self Proclaimed Superior Species is Killing Life for It’s Own Good , Claiming to Be Better than Nature as They Destroy it.
Sea Sells
The Water Is Alive and It Teems with Life
Living Soup that Can Be Cut with a Knife
Taking Pieces of the Wildlife Pie
Will Only Help the Water Die.
Conservation, Education or Whatever You Call It
It Shouldn’t Take from Everyone’s Wallet
The True Cost is Yet To Be Seen
History Will Expose the Crime Scene.
Selling a Life and What To Believe
Is a Thing of the Past, Society Will Leave
Hope is the Value of Life Left Free
Doing What They Do to Fill the Sea.
Making a Living From the Deaths of Others is Not a Good Reason to Keep Doing it.
Many Wildlife Collectors and Corresponding Businesses Pull “Livelihood” from Their Giant Excuse Bag to Proclaim this Old Wrong Thing Must Go On. These Horse and Buggies of Today are the Same Greedy Companies Selling Us what to Believe of Yesterday.
The Demand for More Wildlife is Always Getting Bigger while the Size of the Environment and Populations of Creatures is Static or in Decline Making Sustainable Impossible as a Deadlyhood.
#SustainableDebunked #SustainableIsDead
Yes I Will…Will You?
Animals in Captivity Worldwide, are Crying Out and Yearning For Freedom. Animals Everywhere who Are Being Abused just Want to Be Loved. Where Their Homes are Being Destroyed They are Driven into Uncharted Territories. What All of Them have in Common is Their Hopes and Dreams for Someone, Anyone to Speak, To Stand Up For and Fight for Their Right to Live the way Nature Intended. Wondering what They did Wrong to be Treated so Horribly Fills Their Days and Nights Running From Death. Some will Try to Fight and Some will just Give Up. Some will Barely Exist and Some will be Tracked and Hunted Down. Some will be Poked, Prodded, Weighed, Measured, Tagged, Drugged and Molested in Many Different Ways. Some are Protected by Laws while Others are Excluded Depending on the Demand or the Price (Dead or Alive). Babies are Ripped away From their Parents and Will Spend their Lives Without a Family.
Who Will Be there for the Next Generation…Before It’s Too Late?
What are We Teaching Others from our Actions?
Where are Honor, Integrity, Compassion and Common Sense?
When will Enough…Be Enough?
Why is it Okay for Us to Exist…But Not Them?
How can We Say “Liberty And Justice For All” while Holding Others in Captivity?
Do We Continue Down the Road of Death or Speak Up, Fight For and Do Something…For Life?
Will Work For Fish
Spending Half a Lifetime Taking Life From Nature, I’ve Accumulated a Huge Debt to the Environmental Piggy Bank that Must Be Paid In Full Before I Go. It will take Much Overtime Working To Save More Life Than I Destroyed Over the Years Doing My Dream Job. It Doesn’t Take Donations, Ticket Sales or Non-Profit Tax Free Money to Do Real Conservation Reversing the Archaic Process of Animal Exploitation For Amusement.
No Benefits, Only Dedication and Loyalty to My Former Prey of Blood, Salt and Tears Using Love, Heart and Truth for Souls and Reality Conserving Nature. The Balance Always Comes Due and the Only Way to Clear the Ledger is To Work For Fish and All Life on Earth Paying the Bills of our Existence.
#EnvironmentalDebt #NewDreamJob
The Aquarium and Zoo Industry Makes Money Destroying Animals and Fish While Claiming They’ll Save Them for More Money. Wasting Life at Both Ends of this Unsustainable Job Security Has the Commodity They Claim to Care So Much About, Going In Circles Down the Toilet of Extinction. This Full Circle Scam Runs Deeper then the Sea being Emptied Daily for Amusement and Profits, By the Business Who’s Job Is…Animal Exploitation. Their Reasons of Motive Always Circles Back to Them…Not Nature, in the Anti-Conservation Shows of Fiction…Deceiving The Public.
Aquariums and Zoos Are Killing Animals and Fish While Destroying the Environment For Money Made From All Ends of the Financial Strings Unweaving the Web of Life in a Vicious Circle.
Saltwater Compass
I Collected my First Saltwater Fish off a Beach in Fort Lauderdale Florida. It was 1975…Jaws was on the Big Screen and Shamu was at Sea World while I Had the Summer of my Life. Returning from Vacation with my Grandparents to the Midwest I was Addicted to Sea Life and Began a Long Journey Back to the Ocean.Hanging Out in Pet Stores Just to Smell the Water and See the Creatures I Couldn’t Get Enough of, was my School of Experience. I Set Up Tanks and Bought Every Aquarium Magazine and Book I Could Find as my Saltwater Fever Progressed into Obsession and Life Occupation. Inevitably Working At and Owning Several Pet Stores Only Led Back to Florida Where the Supply Comes From.Learning to Collect, Sell and Display Marine Life from Mile Marker Pirates and the Public Aquarium I Worked at Completed my Training as a Reef Monster. But my Compass was Still Pointing Towards Saltwater and Anything that Had to Do with the Sea.When I Found it Pointing Back at Me as I Learned that My Love for the Sea was Hurting the Sea I Loved Filling my Addiction and Tanks For a Quick Financial Fix and Egotistical Control Over Life That Should Be Free.It Has Been Many Years Since I Took a Free Life to Sell in a Pet Store or Display in an Aquarium or Zoo and I Work Diligently to Help Others with Their Addiction to Captivity as I Complete My Training On The Other Side as a Real Reef Master Knowing the True Purpose of Life on Both Sides.
The Aquarium Magazine
When I was a Young Hobbyist Buying Aquarium Magazines Just for the Pet Solutions Order Form inside I Believed Every Word I Read within, Not Knowing that Their Sponsors Like Pet Solutions Controlled what News the Aquarium Magazines could Write. I Learned that it is Impossible for Magazines to tell the Whole Truth if it goes Against Their Sponsors Narrative. Sound Familiar? All those Years spent Believing their False Propaganda was Not a “Waste” though. Showing what Not To Do or Buy as a System Designed to Deceive Hobbyists into Killing and Replacing Life while Selling More Junk in-between. I can Now See Right Through Their Lies and Misused Words while Knowing All They’ve Omitted.
An Anti-Aquarium Magazine Could Report All The Facts Without an Internal Conflict but there Doesn’t seem to be Any Media that tells the Other Side of the Story.
Where are the Books, Cartoons, Documentaries, Movies, Magazines, TV Shows, Songs, Pod Casts, etc. About What Really Happens to Animals?
Coming Soon…I Hope.
Help Wanted!
Animal What?
As I found myself trying to explain Peta’s behavior to my Grandchildren and Why we were a Different kind of Animal Activist…I Quickly realized Peta gives a Bad Name to those who Care About Animals but Don’t Hate Humans.
Petitions, Protests and Disrespecting a Country into Shaming what You Want Seems to actually have Very Little Effect or Animal Cracker Results in the Real World. In Fact…With New Laws against Filming Animals Abuse, one could Argue they’ve made it Worse. Loving Animals until you become one and learn to Hate Humans goes against the Ethical Treatment of Both.
The Grandkids and I agreed, perhaps Animal Advocate Would be a Better Term to describe Helping People take Better Care of Animals by Encouraging them to Led By Example.
We Can Still “Act” when Needed but there is So Much More we Can Do as “Advocates” Teaching Others from Our Mistakes while We Fight For Those Who Can’t.
The Last Yellow Tang
Compromising with the Aquarium Industry in a Doomed Propaganda Effort to Make People Believe This Yellow Tang is OK to Kill But That One is Not, Is Causing the Extinction of All Yellow Tangs by Promoting False Hopes of a Business Wasting Fish That Will Never Somehow Magically Save Fish.
Conservation, Decency and Preservation Should Be For…All the Fish, Not Just Some…But All!
Aqua Cultured, Tank Raised or Wild, A Fish…Is Still A Fish and Deserves to Be Treated Like the Last Yellow Tang…Before It Is!
Dear Earth,
We Hope you have a Great Day as We Think about You and Every Living Creature You Hold Up, Including Us, Even Though We Do Terrible Things to You and Yours.
We would just like to Say “We’re Sorry” and We’ll Try to Do Better this Time…Not Next Time…But Now! We’ll Prioritize Our Public Necessities to Help Cool the Temper Felt By All.
Please, Give Us Another Chance to Right Our Wrongs by Learning From Our Mistakes and Showing We Can Live Without Destroying.
Sincerely Yours,
Prisoners of Hope
Pee World
Collecting Dolphins and Other Marine Life by a Theme Park that Deems Their Rescues as “Non-Releasable” is the Furthest Thing From Conservation, Exploiting Nature for Money. Swimming in Their Own Waste, While On Display, So A Business Can Make Millions…Is Never Better than a Chance to Live or Die in the Wild.
All Life Should Be Labeled Non-Collectible to Any Company Using Life for Profits and Selling a Weekend Show as Rescue While Hunting Innocent Creatures.
I Can’t Dive 55
There’s a State Park Near Mile Marker 55 off Hwy. U.S. 1 in the Florida Keys, that All the Aquarium Pirates Steer Clear of. Like Pennekamp in Key Largo and the Naval Base in Key West. The Rest of the Mile Marker’s Hold Different Treasures Found by Diver Down’s Collecting For the Wildlife Trade of Aquariums, Pet Stores and Zoos.
From the Southern Most Archaic Aquarium to the Walmart in Homestead, the Barrel of Sea Life is Worth Billions Annually to the Ones Plundering it. Speeding to Extinction and Selling Tickets to a Fake Conservation Show, All Begins with a Diver Down in Our National Marine Sanctuary and the Flushing of a Toilet.
As this Pirate Looks at 55 and the Needless Waste of Life…I Can’t Dive Without Regrets as a Former Diver and Driver of Sea Life Up the Only Road I’ve Ever Known.
Hotel Aquariums
As Mile Marker Pirate’s of the Florida Keys, We would Set Up Mobil Collecting Stations at Hotels and Motels Closer to the Sources of Life. Bio-Wheel Filters, Totes and Synthetic Sea Water Mixed in the Bathtub with a Maxi-jet Power Head One Day and…Instant Wholesale Facility and Small Aquarium the Next.
We Could Have Sold Tickets and Charged Admission to a Hotel Room (that cost $35 a Day) Filled with All Sorts of Cool Creatures We would Find But the Living Commodities Were Destined for a Known Shipper Plane Ride to Somewhere the Creatures Were Worth More Money Being Displayed in Home and Public Aquariums than a Hotel Room.
As Long As There’s a Legal Demand for Replacement Life from the Sea, There Will Also Be Another Demand for Life…At All Cost.
Kissed By A Jellyfish
We were Collecting at the Horseshoe Crater near Mile Maker Forty-One in the Florida Keys. Local Legends Proclaiming a Car and a Giant Eel that Lives at the Bottom of this Deep Hole Next to Hwy. One. We Never got that Deep as Snorkel Pirates But we would Go Deep Enough to Get Flame Scallops Attached to the Sides of the Drop Off.
One Day, A Giant Manta Ray Circled Over the Top of Us, as If to Protect the Area, So we Decided Real Quick to Collect other Critters in the Shallows. Handing Upside Down Jellyfish to Someone with a Bucket until I Noticed My Lips Felt Weird Around My Snorkel. Apparently as we Collected the Jellies they were Releasing Stinging Cells that could Only Penetrate Soft Areas Like My Lips, that Swelled Up Like a Blowfish by the Time we got Back to the Truck. The Recommended Treatment for Jellyfish Stings are Ammonia or Urine.
Now There Are Many Lessons We Learn in Aquarium Collection School…But this is One…I’ll Never Forget!
Chasing Porky
I Was Snorkeling at Mile Maker 67 One Day when I Spotted a Huge Porcupine Puffer Hovering above a Large Flat Slab about 8 Foot Down. These are My Favorite Fish of All Time and I Wanted Him Bad for My Tank. I had Never Seen One So Big and Beautiful Smiling Back at Me with those Big Blue Eyes and Permanent Smile. I Pulled Out My Net and Swam as Fast as I Could, as He Ducked Under the Rock and Came Out the Other Side Behind Me. He had a New Shimmy to His Swim as He Looked to Be Playing Tag with Me Waiting for My Turn. After Several Attempts I Realized I Was Never Going to Catch this Fish and He was Just Having Fun with Me. About that Time, Someone Began Yelling “Shark! Shark!” ,“Get out of the Water!”. Scrambling to Shore Only to Find Out a Landlubber Seen a Dolphin Fin.
Never Went Back to Catch that Fish, But I’m Glad I Didn’t Now. Thinking Back about that Day, The Special Behavior and The Connection of Life at Play…I Know Fish, Are Not!…Just…Fish!
Circling Barracuda
Hunting Seahorses at Mile Marker 35 Between the Corky Sea Fingers and Purple Sea Whips, Was a Favorite Collection Spot by All.
I Was Slowly Snorkeling along in about 7 ft. of Coral Reef Looking Waters, Looking for the Shape of a Horse’s Head on a Perfect Day in Paradise, when I Noticed a Large Group of Barracuda in the Distance Looking Back. Not Thinking much of it, I continued my Aquarium Collection, which Takes Focus to Find Rare Life Camouflaged into the Background. Next Time I Looked up, the Barracuda Had Surrounded Me in a Large Circle that Got Smaller Every Time they went Around. Being a Freshwater Conch, I wasn’t Sure What to Do or What They Might Do. The Circle Closed to Just Outside of My Reach with a Net…When I Peed in the Water. A Couple of Minutes Later the Barracuda’s Circle Started Slowly Getting Bigger Until I couldn’t See Them Any Longer.
Not Sure What Happened that Day But I Never Looked at Barracuda the Same Way Again. From Then On I would Respect Their Territory and Steer Clear of Any I Seen
I See…
I See…A World Living Together in Harmony with Nature and Others.
I See…A Brighter Future Exploring the Stars with a New Motive.
I See…A Beautiful Blue Pearl Floating Through Space as Universal Treasure.
I See…A Chance to Waste It All…For Nothing.
I See…Us Coming Together For the Greater Good…Because of Our Differences.
I See…Tomorrow, Because of Today and the Sake of Those From the Past.
I See…The Mind Following the Mouth as We Speak the Direction’s of Our Life.
I See…Light in the Dark Because I Look at Hope with Both Eyes.
I See…Others Looking at the Full Glass When They’re Tired of Complaining about Empty.
I See…You! Being the Difference…That Makes a Difference…In Everything.
Trade Wind
Long before Squid Ink was put to Parchment we Have Been Trading Life for Rum and Money. But the Pirates of Today are Trading Life for Death and Extinction. The Wildlife Trade is Blowing Non-Stop from Nature to Tanks and Cages Called Conservation, Educating Other Pirates to Make More Loot Saving the Very Life the Plunder. Sustainable Job Security Working Both Ends of the Financial Fleet Paying for this Doomed Expedition.
Captain Kangaroos Collecting For Their Pouch, Will Be the Undoing of Eco Systems Worldwide As Long As The Wildlife Trade Wind Blows.
Pirates Note: Who’d a thought, I’d have a chance to get up Today and write Captain Kangaroo and Release the Krakens in the Same Article.
This Job is So Much Better than a Pirate.
Courageous Chickens
There was a Mother Hen Found Dead Covering Her Still Alive Baby Chicks after a Wildfire Burned Through.
If a Chicken would Give It’s Life for Her Chicks…What More Should We Do To Protect Our Young From the Danger’s of Life?
The Wildfire Teaching Our Children is Destroying the Next Generations with Wrong Ideas and Thoughts of Distorted Beliefs.
Nature Would Be a Better Teacher of Courage and Ideas than Human Media and Missing Parents.
The Makers of “Life in a Bottle” are Proud to Present…The “Scam-o-Matic”
It’s a Dicer…It’s a Chopper…It’s a Multi-Functional Tool to Change Any Business into a Non-Profit Scam.
Just Add the Wildlife of Choice and Push the Easy Donate Button and Presto…Conservation in a Bottle that Can Be Sold for Tax Free Dirty Money that Can be Cleaned in Our Pocket Media…Sold Separately.
But Wait…There’s More…Buy and Believe Now and Will Double Our Destruction with Public Deception Educating Our Young Future Suckers…I mean Customers, Creating the Demand for a Closet Full of Junk…Plus Shipping and Handling.
Bridge Over Polluted Water
Hwy. US One in the Florida Keys is a Long Series of Bridges Running through Our National Marine Sanctuary and Only Living/Dying Coral Reef in the Continental United States. A Playground and Toilet for the Rich and Poor using Bridges to Pollute and Plunder From Mile Marker Zero to Key Largo.
Chemicals, Invasive Species and Human Feces Found In Our Last Coral Reef, along with a Conservation Commission Selling Licenses to Kill, Has Turned Sanctuary into Death. Getting Worse Daily Under Current Management Has Polluted the Conservation Hired to Protect Our Natural Resources from Ourselves. The Corruption Runs Deeper than the Polluted Waters Under the Bridges of Extinction and is the Undertow that Makes Things Worse. Protecting Nature is Not an Opportunity to Make Money from Nature and True Conservation Doesn’t Sell Tickets!
Dear Aquarium
Dear Aquarium,
You Say the Creatures on Display are in Trouble from Many things around the World But You Always Fail to Mention All the Life You Waste in Tanks and Cages For Money.
You Claim Conservation, Education and Non-Profit Making Millions. But Shouldn’t Conservation Include the First Step of Not Taking More Display Life From The Wild?
You Have Been Lying and Cheating Your Way Out of my Heart for Years and I just Can’t Take It Any More.
Making a Living From the Dying of Others is Not what I Signed Up For.
Formally Yours,
An X-Aquarium Minion
Spamburger Helper
Just Add 2 Cups of Watered Down Conservation and a Stick of Donations and Presto…A Disgusting Meal for the Masses to Digest. Sure…You can Eat it, But it Tastes Like Spamburger Helper Served on a Gold Platter at a Charity Event. Donate Here…Donate There…Donate Everywhere and We will Save the Endangered, Aqua Cultured Spam. Tank Raised from Wild Babies and Displayed Until Death, We are Educating the Public Through Our Aquariums and Zoos Example of How To Make Money Saving the Very Products Were Selling.
Shark Weak
Let’s See…
We have a National Aquarium that Only Rescues Dead Presidents while Claiming Shark Conservation.
Many Companies Have Made Billions Tagging All the Sharks in the World…For Nothing.
The Captivity Networks are Killing More Sharks than Fisherman with False Paid Propaganda being Fed Like Chum to Hungry Couch Sharks.
The Aquarium in Georgia Claims Conservation while Torturing Whale Sharks in a Tiny Drop of the Ocean. Wrinkled Tails and Regular Replacements are the Opposite of Helping Sharks.
Pet Stores Still Sell Sharks that Will Outgrow Any Home Aquarium and No Public Aquarium will take them because they “Don’t Know the History of the Animal.”
Shark Collecting is Done by Third Rate Pirates in Our National Marine Sanctuary while Fish and Wildlife Make More Money From the Wildlife They’re Hired to Protect (than Anyone), Under the Guise of Conservation.
Shark Numbers Continue to Dwindle Worldwide Under the Status Quo of Profitable Conservation and Misinformation Being Paid to Teach Public Deception on a Planet that will Have No Animals.
Coral Reefs For Sale
Welcome to America…May We Take Your Order?
We have a Special on Fish, Crabs, Corals, Shrimp and Snails Caught Daily from Our Precious National Sanctuary of Marine Life in a Barrel of Sea Monkeys Grandfathered into Plundering Our Natural Resources for Amusement and Profits. Selling Our Last Coral Reef for an Amazing Pile of Dirty Money as a Tribute to Our Greatness, We Proudly Call Conservation and Education.
Historic Hypocrites Passing the Buck to Descendants Paying the Price of Today’s Greed and Tomorrow’s Extinction.
Saving Animal Crackers
We live in a World that Saves the Imaginary Cartoon Animals on a Box of Baby Crackers while Doing things to Real Animals that Wouldn’t Be Allowed on TV Due to the Graphic Nature. The Box Shows Happy Animals Ready to Eat by Children Who will Grow Up Thinking we’re Better than the Animals We Keep in a Box.
Perhaps the Shapes of the Cookies Should Be of Cats and Dogs Boiled Alive or Skinny Whale Sharks with Crooked Tails. How about Orcas with Drooped Fins or the Wildlife Ambassadors…Still Behind Bars. How about Real Animal Crackers that Show What We Really Do to Animals in Our Worldwide Circus of Aquariums and Zoos.
We are Confusing Our Children with Fake Teaching But Real Killing. This is the Generational Gap Hiding the Truth and the Very Answers We’re Looking For.
Planet Ark
The Wildlife Industry is Going to Great Lengths and Spending Much Money To Deceive the Public into Believing Home and Public Aquariums and Zoos are a Collective Ark for All the Animals and Fish in the World. Gathering, Selling and Displaying Many of Every Kind is a Boatload of Money on the S.S. Conservation Sailing into Extinction. Life Needs a Planet to Grow and Fill the Bio-Sphere and All the Cages, Tanks and Tubs in the World will Never Be Enough Room for Life to Flourish Free on Planet Earth…All Aboard!
Community Conservation Spreading the Word about Helping Nature in the Wild is the Best Way We Can All Do Something that Will Truly Make A Difference in the Fight to Keep Life Free.
Reef Masters
Anyone with Enough Money to Throw into a Box of Saltwater Can Become a Master Over Pieces of Reef. We Don’t Need an Aquarium Figure Head to Tell Us How…But If We Should. World’s Biggest, Largest Marine Conference and All the Hobbyist’s Gets is Hired Conflicts of Interests Stroking the Egos of Their Future Little Masters of Lower Life Forms. Needing to Master Their Own Fundamental Flaws in Their System of Old Uneducated Guesses Destroying Our Environment…For No Good Reason. Teaching Others a Financially Skewed View of Our Role in Helping Reefs Worldwide.
What the Aquarium Employees and the Downstream Media Won’t Report is the Truth and Reality. The Primary Cause to the Destruction of Reefs Around the World are Reef Masters Who Can’t Keep Nature in a Bottle Known as the Aquarium, Pet Store and Zoo Industries.
Life Finds A Way
Aquariums, Zoos and other Businesses Making Money from the Exploitation of Animals or Fish, Train All their Captive Creatures to Be Examined or Fed By their Trainers on Command. This is the Main Reason People Think they Can’t Be Released into the Wild. They’ve been Conditioned to Exist in a Cage or Tank and will Forget how to Live…if Set Free.
Most of the Life on Earth Learned how to Survive Long Before we Even Existed to Claim Superiority over something we Actually Know Very Little About. Uneducated Guessing by Hired Experts can only work within the Narrative of the Companies who Pay them to Say they’re All Unreleasable and Won’t Survive without Us making Money from them. Tugging at the Public Heart Strings with the Familiar Tune of Corporate Profits Paying for One Side of the Story to Look Good, while Doing the Opposite, is the Real Job We’re Paying For.
True Conservation and Rescue would Release Most Captive Commodities into the Environment where they Will Survive and Reproduce…Because Life Always Finds A Way.
Nature’s Rhythm
Sitting on the Ocean Floor
I Hear the Raging of the War
Moving Back and Forth a Bit
Nature Has a Different Pitch.
Feeling All the Harmony
In the Movement of the Sea
Tidal Forces Moving Free
But Together Like the Bees.
Moving with the Ebb and Flow
With Others As a Giant Whole
The Changing of the Sands of Time
Begin with the Crossing of a Line.
Working Together For Us All
Before We Take Another Fall.
Give Me Three Steps
First Step is to Admit What We are Doing Now Isn’t Working and Change is Necessary. Nature and Our Environment are Only Getting Worse Under the Ways of Today Learned from the Past.
The Second Step Involves Our Rethinking of Our Relationship with Animals and Nature Together as One Whole Community that Needs Each Other to Survive the Future.
The Next Step Should be a Symbiotic Harmony in the Treatment of Animals, Nature and One Another in the Universal Mission of Life.
Designer Invasive Species
Tampering with Mother Nature and the Web of Life by Designing New “Mutations” that Will Inevitably Be Released into the Wild is a Recipe for Disaster in the Making. “Genetic Soup” can be Poisonous to the Health of our Planet and Should be left to Nature, Not the Business of Misusing Creatures for Profits.
This is Very Important and You are Being Warned Right Now. Genetic Meddling is the Greatest Existential Threat to the Environment and the Web of Life in Danger from Profits Before Anything. Unknown Repercussions will Ripple throughout the Entire Planet if these Children are left to Play with things they Ought Not Touch!
Conservation Leeches
Many try to Attach themselves to Others working on Real Conservation Efforts, while actually being the Exact Opposite. Take the Aquarium Magazines for instance, Notice how they share an Article of a Reef Restoration Project in the Wild and Link it to their Collect, Sell and Destroy All the Corals in the World by putting them in Tanks called an “Ark” (Extinction Project).
The Real Story Here is, the Reefs…Can Be Restored in the Wild. Not in Tanks for Money Sold by False Propaganda Advertisers Pushing the Addiction of Destroying Life in Captivity.
The Business of Selling Wildlife…Will Never Be the One to Save them and will Only Help Destroy Nature Faster by Taking it From Nature. This Environment Restoration Proves we Don’t Need the Aquarium Industry and their Army of Home Aquariums to Save the Reefs at All and in Fact the Business of Selling Marine Life is the Cause Not The Cure.
#AquariumsKill #FreedomSaves
Like A Beautiful Blue Balloon Floating on the Surface…The Aquarium Industry has Many Killing Tentacles Under the View of what can be Seen. Harvesting Many Creatures from the Sea to put on Display for a Short Time, Only to Be Replaced with another upon Death. Humans have Declared War on Nature and the Environment, Feeding Off those Below for Nothing but our Amusement and Someone Else’s Pockets.
Getting Fat and Reproducing their Destructive Entities Spreading around the World as Conservation, Education and Even Non-Profit, while Causing the Extinction of their Prey…Known as Wildlife.
Sand Bars Of Gold
Every Month During a Full Moon we Harvest a New Batch of Migrant Workers Used as our Clean-up Crews in Aquariums, Pet Stores and Zoos Worldwide. Snails and Crabs are the New Treasure found Exposed During a Low Tide as they Scurry for Safety or Huddle Together. Bucket Pirates pick up Millions in Tiny little Life Forms Worth Their Weight in Gold Sold into Involuntary Servitude till Death. When for another Price, they’ll Be Replaced again and again.
This Wasteful Business Always Seems to Need More to Feed the Black Hole of Aquariums, Pet Stores and Zoos for the Price of Our Last Coral Reef.
Gimme Three Steps
First Step is to Admit What We are Doing Now Isn’t Working and Change is Necessary. Nature and Our Environment are Only Getting Worse Under the Ways of Today Learned from the Past.
The Second Step Involves Our Rethinking of Our Relationship with Animals and Nature Together as One Whole Community that Needs Each Other to Survive the Future.
The Next Step Should be a Symbiotic Harmony in the Treatment of Animals, Nature and One Another in the Universal Mission of Life.
216 Jobs
The same Aquarium that was begging for Money to stay open during the Pandemic, is Proud to Announce the Ground Breaking on another Million Gallon Aquarium. Generating Tens of Millions (Annually) of Tax Free Dollars for 216 Direct and Indirect Jobs at the Cost of Thousands of Marine Creatures. Claiming Access for 70,000 Maybe Students, Gets to cover the Whole Animal Exploitation Business with a Cloak of Education…Teaching others Captivity Instead of Real Conservation that Doesn’t Need to Display Creatures for Profit Disguised as Non-Profit. Instead of Wasting Money and our Resources on Old Wrong Ways, making False Claims, we Should consider pumping the same amount of Money to Good Worthy Conservation efforts in the Environment, where Life Belongs.
Aquariums, Pet Stores and Zoos are a Hidden Cause to the Decline in the Numbers of Wildlife, Making Billions Destroying our Environment and are Not Worth the Price.
Charity Pie
Aquarium and Zoo Conservation Charities, Get to Include the Purchasing of New Animals, Food, Habitat Upkeep, Employee Pay, etc. in the Bigger Portion of the Charity Navigator’s Pie Chart used to Grade Charities. All Listed under “Conservation” Grading on a Curve of Skewed Public Deception for the Motive of Hundreds of Millions of Tax Free Dollars Used to Run an Aquarium or Zoo Selling Tickets for the Public Execution of Animals on Display.
Perhaps we should Grade the Charity Navigators of the World by what they Put In the Pie, so we can See the Real Grades of the Businesses Selling an Illusion of Helping Animals by Causing their Extinction for Profits.
Some Non-Profits can make the Most Money of All while getting an F in Reality. Donate and Support those Truly Helping Wildlife in the WILD, Not a Tank or Zoo.
#ConservationCamouflaugeGoldMine #SliceOfAnimalExtinction
Coral Whistle
The Aquarium Magazine’s Attempt, at some form of Reporting the Other Side of the Coin, is Nothing more than a Dog Whistle to the Industry to Buy as Many Australian Corals as Possible before it’s Too Late.
You and I See a Link to Someone with a Title, Their willing to Repeat, about the Business of Selling Corals Causing Even Further Damage to an Already Stressed Environment. They See Impending Disruptions to the Supply Chain of the Ever Growing Aquarium, Pet Store and Zoo Demands. One More Step in the Inevitable End Game of the Business Exploiting Nature and it’s Pending Doom.
For the Extinction of the Wildlife Trade is the Only Hope for Wildlife, whether we Learn it Now or the Hard Way. Many More will Step Up and Be willing to Warn the World about Our Own Wasting of Life Around the Curve or Tomorrow.
Hanging Crab
We would Regularly Check the Walls of the Bridges throughout the Florida Keys as Mile Marker Pirates Collecting Marine Life for the Aquarium, Pet Store and Zoo Trade. The Walls would get covered with Algae that Attracted the Sea Life that Ate it, so we would Target these Creatures for the Trade as Clean Up Crews.
Snorkeling along one of these Walls one Fine Day, we came across a Large Crop Circle in the Algae on the Wall. In the Center, like a Large Underwater Spider was a Hanging Crab with Fishing Line Grown into one of it’s Legs. Surviving off the Little Circle of Algae, Hanging on a Wall, Underwater at MM 67, the Crab Did What It Could until Someone came along and Cut the Line.
Aquarium Show
My Aquarium Dream Job Started with Mopping the Floors, Looking for Dead Fish and Making Chum Buckets for the Guided Tour and Feeding Shows. Equip a Microphone from the office and Gather Everyone at the Touch Tank for a Programmed Speech about Helping Animals while there was a Room Full of Replacement Creatures in the Back. Stop and Ooooh & Ahhhh over the Miserable Starving Stingrays Left Hungry to Perform and make a Big Deal about the Turtle Net Excluder, which We Had Nothing To Do With. Sneak a Mackerel in the Water of the Shark Tank (for the smell) To get them Moving So the People…Go “Wow” when they Snap a Fish in Half from My Hand. Make a quick pause at the Giant Turtle Pool, to Claim it’s Happier in a Small Hair Algae Infested Concrete Pool than Free in the Wild. OH And Don’t Forget the Yellow String Rays that are the Only Thing having Cute Babies All of the Time, So we could Claim Conservation. Then Gather Everyone around the Large Shark Tank to Feed them from a Stick and String with a Fish Tied by the Tail. Everybody Say… Ooooh & Ahhhh as We Replace the Lemon Sharks on a Regular Basis. Concluding in the Atlantic Shores with Trained Fish and Birds, that were Soooo Cute when they Ate from Your Hands. They Looked Soooo Happy While Starving to Death.
Then it was into the Lab for the Daily Testing and Chemical Dosing of the Tanks and Pools to Keep Disease and Deaths To a Minimum, To No Avail. There were Constantly Boats, Vans, Trucks, Buckets, Coolers and Boxes Bringing in New Replacement Display Animals and Fish, While the Water in the Whole Aquarium Overflows and Dumps back into the Gulf/Atlantic/National Marine Sanctuary. The Curator was Set In His Ways and Spent More Money on Replacing Life Instead of Taking Better Care of the Display Animals, which was Cheaper and Easier.
I Didn’t Realize it Then, How Much We were Damaging the Environment with our Wastewater and Wasting Life for Our Aquarium Conservation Show.
Sharks For Sale
I was on the phone with a Livestock Wholesaler in Florida, placing an Order for Atlantic/Gulf Fish and Inverts. They Recommended some Small Baby Nurse Sharks to finish the Order, they were only $30 Bucks and they had 6 of them in a 75 gal. (I was told). So I said “add a couple and we’ll try them”. We had No Idea what we were in for when we opened the boxes and said “Sharks”.
I’ve worked for other Pet Stores that Sold “Sharks” But these were Get Real Big Sharks, we had No Business Selling at a Mom and Pop Pet Store in the Midwest.
Nurse Sharks Do Not! Only Grow to the Size of their Soon Too Small Tanks and will Inevitably Get 10 to 14 Feet if Kept Alive.
Most Don’t Live Long in the Hands of Unequipped Hobbyists and a Public Aquarium Won’t Take Them if they Grow Large. We eventually became Nurse Shark Advocates and Helped Rescue Several from the Pet Trade. We still Fight to Stop the Sale of Nurse Sharks for Pets.
These Smart Caring Creatures are Still on the InStock Lists Today and Can Be Bought By Anyone with Money.
Million Dollar Animals
The Zoo Said, it Takes a Million Dollars a Year to Display One Panda including Food, Trainers and Habitat Upkeep, while the CEO of the Conservation Society that Own’s the Zoos and Aquarium, Makes over a Million Dollars a Year and the Executive VP of Public Affairs Makes Even More. This Billion Dollar Company has Released a Hand Full of Animals over the Years, But it is Wasting Far More Wildlife in the Business of Exploiting Animals for Display Tickets and a Donation to the Cause of the Exact Opposite of the Original intent, Flawed by Profits.
It Doesn’t Take a Million Dollars a Year to Keep 1 Human alive and it Shouldn’t Cost the Extinction of the Very Animals being Helped to Death.
We can’t afford the Cost of this kind of Conservation Wasting our Precious Resources for Nothing. When we Learn that Giving More Money to the Company’s Causing the Problem will Never Solve the Problem?
When we Stop Seeing a Conservation Charity and Realize they’re Just Killing Animals for Money too.
#DoingMoreHarmThanGood as #ProfitableConservation
Not My Zoo
Many People Claim Their Aquarium or Zoo is Different and Helps Animals Because that’s what they’ve been Led to Believe. Far More Money is Spent on Marketing than Animal Care. The Amount of Animals Lost to Display Life Always Exceeds the Magnified Few Used as Conservation Camouflage By the Business of Making Money. Breeding More Minion’s than Wildlife is a Recipe for Extinction, when the Job is Wasting Life at the Zoo. Helping Animals in their Natural Home is True Conservation, But Displaying Animals in an Aquarium or Zoo For Money or Donations…is the Exact Opposite.
#ThinkingWhatYourTold #NotMyZoo
Data Addicts
With a Degree in Animal Experimentation, Many Scientists and Animal Care Experts will Always put the Over-All Welfare of the Test Subjects Last, behind the Data that comes First. A Public Aquarium or Zoo will Risk the Life of the Display Animals for Worthless Data, Measuring and Weighing Everything just to find out Why they’re Sick and Dying in Captivity.
Another Example is Shark Tagging, it has become a Profitable Business Selling Tickets to Catch, Drill, Release and Possibly Kill the Very Sharks they’re Claiming to Help, just for Another Worthless Blip on a Donation App for More Money.
History Shows Science Shifting with the Sands of Time as We Learn things, We Didn’t Need to Know at All and were Wrong to Begin With.
From Riches To Purpose
When We had our Second Fish Store Morphing into a Saltwater Rescue Center, We took in Unwanted Saltwater Creatures and Found New Homes For Them. For Money. We Sold Rescues and Rare Species We Bred For a Living, while Believing it was Somehow More Honorable than a Pet Store. We Refused to Sell Life to Those Who Couldn’t Properly Take Care of Them and used Terms like “Adoption” or “Re-Homing”, But we “Still Sold Fish” According to the Rising Tide of People Against Aquarium Pets.
We went to Both Sides and Tried to Compromise with Better Ways to Exploit and Waste Life for Amusement. But in the Middle, We Realized the Only Way to Win, was Not to Play and Stopped Selling Any kind of Life for Fun or Money. Once, Not Far Enough, We are Now Too Far in the Opposite Direction of Selling Life, We still Don’t Fit on Either Side!
Wasting Any Life…No Matter What it’s Called, is Wrong and Needless, Giving us a New Purpose.
Free Birds
As I watch the Birds Fly Free…To Poop on my Car, from a Tree…
Or Go to the Neighbors to See…If Their Food’s Better then Me…
They Decide Where to Go for the Day…No Trainers or Cages For Enrichment Today…
Some Animals Don’t have a Choice…They’re Told What to Do by Voice…
Blowing a Whistle, They’re Told Where to Stand…To Look Cute and Make Money For The Man…
Why are Some Animals Free to Fly…While the Cutest are Put on Display to Die…
If We Think about it for a Bit…A Free For All…Would Seem to Fit.
A Shot of Blue Legs
We were working with this Livestock Wholesaler on the Gulf of Mexico who knew how to Collect Marine Life but knew Nothing about keeping them Alive. A bunch of tiny Little Tanks All Running Together and a Pool for a Filter under a Boat cover by a Canal leading Directly to the Gulf. Just missing the Moratorium cut-off of (Marine Life Endorsements) MLE’s issued by the Conservation Commission, He somehow Grandfather into Taking Unbelievable Numbers of Sea Life out of the Atlantic, Gulf and National Marine Sanctuary even though He didn’t know how to Care for Marine Life at All. No license or knowledge is Required for the Welfare of Fish, Corals and Inverts.
The Dead Hermit Crab Shells were Several Inches Deep, so we had to wait for the ones left alive to climb up some seaweed to be shaken into a Cup used to measure a Thousand Lot. Using Air Cargo as a known Shipper to Sell the Environment’s Destruction to the other Wholesalers, Aquariums, Pet Stores and Zoos while Costing our Own Reef’s Cleanup Crew.
The Main Commodity that keeps this Sea Life Killing Machine going is Blue Legged Hermit Crabs worth $100 a Shot Glass Full at the other End of the Supply Chain.
If One Small Aquarium Collector Did this much Damage because He can…What must the Whole Business Be Causing?
Who’s Hope?
The Aquarium, Pet and Zoo Industry Hopes to Educate the Public into Believing their Hobby is Going Extinct while their Passion for Taking Wildlife is Somehow Sustainable, when there’s More Aquariums Every Year and Much Less Animals, Corals, Fish and Inverts. What they Call an “Aquatic Defense Fund” is Money being used as a Tool to Keep the Business of Selling Creatures for Amusement From going Extinct.
We Hope to Educate the Public in the Deception of a Business Hiding their True Nature of Exploiting Wildlife as a Hobby of Extinction Selling Everything they Can under the False words of Conservation, Defense, Education, Protection and Sustainable.
The Hope’s of the Future, Depend on the Hope’s of Today…
Hope we Decide to Help Save our Environment from Those Selling False Hopes.
Please Let them know We DO NOT SUPPORT!
Article Link: https://www.reef2rainforest.com/2020/06/10/call-for-support-from-hawaiian-fisherman-and-marine-fish-wholesaler/
Shrimp Tales
The Floor of the Gulf of Mexico is Missing Many Father Seahorses Taken in our Shrimping Fleet Every Night. Caught as “By-catch” because they’re Large and Slow Carrying their Offspring of Next Generations that will Never Be. Aquariums, Pet Stores and Zoos Create the Demand but it’s our own Greed that will lead to the Extinction of Seahorses For Amusement and Rubber Buffet Shrimp.
One Could Become Many if Left Free.
We would like to Wish All the Missing Fathers (Theirs and Ours) a Happy Day.
#HappyMissingFathersDay #ExponentialGenerationalExtinction #GoneForever
Hawaiian Front Line
Hawaii is the Battle Line of the Sea War between the Aquarium Industry and Our Environment being Wasted for Amusement and Profits. The Spoils of this Global War for Wildlife are Extinction or Survival of the Life we Choose as Valuable or Worthless to Human Use, Instead of the Environment.
The Future is Depending on Us to Protect the Environment Today. Nature is our Natural place to View Wildlife and is the Only place Big Enough for it All to Live like they were meant to.
Please follow the Link to Hawaii’s Land Management and Leave a Comment In Support of Wildlife in the Wild and Against Any Aquarium Collection.
Zoos Bad! Wild Good!
A Zoo is a Business that makes Money from Exploiting Animals on Display. Marketing themselves as Good for Animals while using the Same Animals to Deceive the Public into Believing that Captivity is Somehow Better than the Wild. Good Intentions, by Some But the Same Results of Animals Disappearing from Nature as a Whole. Taking even More is the Opposite of Conservation and an Education we could Do Without.
Magnifying the Easy to Breed as a Honorable Reason for Donating to their Cause of Extinction for the rest of the Species being Wasted for our Amusement. The Conservation Camouflage is Anything But Sustainable and Should be Rethought as an Old Version of Involuntary Captivity Imposed on the Products we Use for Profits at the Expense of Nature and it’s Wildlife No Longer in the Wild. Painting with a Broad Brush Reveals, they’ll Always Do More Harm than Good in the Business of Displaying Animals for Nothing.
Please Don’t Buy what they’re Selling, For Real Animals and the Truth are Always Free.
My First Pet Fish
The Only Kid in the neighborhood to turn their Baby Pool into an Aquarium filled with Local Wildlife caught with a Butterfly Net. I think I was Born Addicted to Captivity but it was a trip to Florida (as a child) that gave me a Case of Saltwater Fever to have Marine Life in Captivity. I fell in Love with Seahorses and wanted to Grow the Babies from the Pregnant Males for $5.95 at the Local Pet Store or the Pygmy ones for a few bucks in the back of All the Comic Books of the Day. But First, one has to have Food for the Father’s to Be, which happens to be other Live little Fish or Brine Shrimp. So I searched the Local Pet Stores for a Pregnant Black Molly who was ready to give Birth soon. She was my First Pet Fish and I Didn’t Hesitate to Feed the 42 tiny Babies she had, to the Hungry (starving to Death) Daddy Seahorse. I eventually was Successful at Breeding Seahorses but All are Long Since Dead and Gone. I wonder how I was ever left to Use my First Pet Fish to Feed another Wasted Life for my Amusement.
Just because you Can Do something…Doesn’t mean You Should. Learn from my Mistakes and Please Teach Your Children Not to have Wildlife as Pets.
Teaching From Our Mistakes
We are Taught many Wrong things when we’re Children, by Parents who just don’t Know any Better until Someone Learns what’s really going on and Passes it down to the Next Generations. Learning from our Mistakes while Never Teaching what we have Learned to others is Selfish and Dead Ending True Knowledge known as Wisdom. It’s our Responsibility to Help Our Descendants to Do Better than We Did by Telling others what we have Learned from Life.
So use what you Got, Do what you Can to Share Your Message because the World Needs to Know what You Know for the Sake of All.
Endangered Species Auction
World’s Rarest Living Goby in Captivity on Earth and We Sell it to the Highest Bidder (into the Thousands of Dollars).
A Better Alternative to Cyanide and a Vacuum Starts a Five Day Process to bring the Thin-barred Goby to the Surface for a Meal of Sea Monkeys and En(rich)ment. “Approved for licensed use in the State of Florida by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission”.
Only a Few Ever Found and their Only on the (ICUN) Red List as Threatened by the Aquarium Industry of Amusement.
If this was the Last Yellow Tang on Earth…Would we Really Sell it on Ebay and Call it Conservation? Would the Fish Still be Considered Wildlife in an Aquarium? Should a “Wildlife Conservation” Business be Allowing the Licensed use of Chemicals for Extinction?
I understand the Greed and Lack of “Care” of the Humans in the Business of Selling Life for Nothing, but to Allow a Company Hired to Protect Rare Species to Sell the Approval of the Opposite, is a Path that Will Doom Many More Endangered/Threatened Species for Profits…Not Conservation For Wildlife!
If this Story is even True, coming from an Aquarium Magazine and the Wildlife Business Selling Extinction, Life and Subscriptions, It’s Time for the Rest of the Story and Real Protections for Rare Animals No Matter what they’re Labeled or Worth…SOLD!
Protect Hawaii’s Sea Life
Dear Hawaii,
I have been in the Aquarium Industry for Decades and have seen the way Sea Life is Treated throughout the Supply Chain Selling Life for Amusement, Money and Nothing of Any Value to Anyone but Those Taking the Wildlife. Covering the Truth of Who we Are and what we Do With Misused Words, is Now a part of our Job to Protect the Passion we have for Taking Wildlife for Fun while Promoting our Business as Conservation, Education, Protection and Sustainable in our Aquatics Defense Fund and Excuse Bag.
It’s Our Direct Removal of Marine Life Causing a Decline in Numbers and the Extinction of Many Species in our Ever Growing Population of Aquariums Needing More from a Static Marine Environment. Any Livelihood that Destroys and Wastes the Environment and Wildlife For No Good Reason, should be apart of our Past for the Sake of our Future and Theirs.
Learning and Teaching from our Mistakes is How we Grow and become Better People Living Symbiotically with Nature.
Please Protect Our Environment and Wildlife from Needlessly being Wasted, for it would be Better to Feed a Whole Country with Fish from the Sea than to Torture the Same Amount in an Aquarium for Fun.
Someone who found Honor in a New Livelihood, Earning Freedom for Others. Mahalo
Act For Wildlife…Don’t Donate!
The First Step in Real Conservation is Not A Donation to the Industry who’s Causing the Decline of Wildlife in Nature. The Science of making Profits Exploiting Animals for Amusement is Deceiving the Public, with Paid for Propaganda on the Captivity Network, exposing Animal Porn as the Secret Motive of The Zoo.
Acting for the Zoo, their Mission is Breeding Animals for other Zoos and using this False Conservation for Profits from Donations and Ticket Sales while Causing the Extinction of the Very Animals they Claim To Help and Care about.
Every Animal or Creature that is Not in the Wild, Isn’t adding to Nature as all the Offspring they would have had as Wildlife.
Sometimes the Best Way to Help Animals…Is to Not Help at All…Nature Finds A Way without a Donation.
#KeepYourMoneyForWildlife #SetThemFree #DontBuyATicket
At our First Pet Store we Sold Baby Gator set-ups, for mostly kids and their egotistical parents who wanted something different to show off. We had our Display Tank with Cute, Tame, Farm Raised little Baby Gators we bought at a local Zoo or through the Pet Industry Livestock Dealers for about $25 and Sold for $100 plus all the junk. We got a call late one night from a Zoo (some friends of ours) that couldn’t make the trip to Air Cargo for the Shipment arriving that night. They asked us if we could get them because they got lost in Shipping and were Days Late with probably Dead or Dying creatures. Being Animal Lovers and making the trip every week for our own Livestock, we Didn’t Hesitate and left immediately for the 2 hour drive. We got back and started ripping open boxes and found a burlap sack of 30 tiny, fresh, hungry baby gators ready to Get Out Of That Bag (among other horrors). One of the employees grabbed the First Little Fella and held it up to their Face (to give it a kiss) like they did our Store Gator (Mr. Wiggles) and it Clamped Down on their Nose leaving two scratches down each side, it was one of the Funniest things I’d every seen but as I think back on all the No Longer Wildlife we helped Kill it’s Not Funny at All.
Blurred Fine Lines
Different as Day and Night, there’s always a Dusk or Dawn between the Fine Lines of one side or another. It is within this Confusing Moment that Lives the Wildlife Trade of Aquariums and Zoos. One Foot in Destruction and the other Profiting form Conservation, Educating Cage Raised, Captive Bred Lemmings to follow the Path of Extinction for the Amusement of Learned Animal Abuse. Blurring the Reality of Exploiting Nature and the Public into Believing they’re all better off in Captivity than in the Wild adding to the Bio-diversity of the Whole Planet.
Day and Night and For All Time instead of that Short Flash of Life for the Price of a Ticket and the Next Generations.
The White Tang
The little Fish swam as fast as it could but the unfamiliar Net Scooped it up and put it in a bucket of Scary walls that covered the Whole Ocean on all sides. It was dropped into Acrylic Boxes of long rows filled with other Fish it had never seen before along with many other Fish who looked just like it. Unable to Breath in the Chemical, Disease Infested Water, the little Fish Wondered what it had Possibly Done to Deserve being Treated like this. Caught in another Net and placed in a bag of clear plastic, lowered into a Dark Box and shuffled around for what seemed like Days, it emerged in a Far Away Land only to be put in another row of Tanks full of other Fish for Sale as Pets. A strange Creature came in and started looking at the New Fish in a Tank labeled Captive-Bred, Tank-Raised Yellow Tangs $100 but the man asked “Why are they White and not a Bright Yellow like the picture?” Another Human told him, “They’re just Scared and will return to Normal in Your Tank.” Another trip through Net, Bag, Dark and Tank would be the Final Resting Place for the Little White Tang…Far From Home.
Marine Die-ology
By the time I started school, I already knew I wanted to be a Marine Biologist, when I grew up. But life took me down another path of Experience in the Field I Loved and Worked through for Decades. Now having a complete picture of hindsight in the Business of Marine Life, I’m so glad I Didn’t have my head filled with old wrong useless information passed down from Nutty Professor to Unwitting Student’s of Future Misinformed Experts Lacking any Common Sense in the Reality they Spout as Science. Without hardly any Practical testing in the Real World of Marine Life being Sold into Extinction under the False Flags of Conservation, Education and Sustainability. Only getting Worse under their Expert Care and Watch, Wildlife Needs Common Sense Science that Doesn’t come from a think they already know it all Degree in Wrong before it’s too late for us to Realize, Nature is Smarter then we are. Which may be the reason they’re such a part of Destroying it.
#ShiftingScience #AcademyOfSponsors
Passion for Protection
There are Two Sides of the Wildlife Coin. Those who Have a Passion to Protect Wildlife and those who want to Protect Their Passion to Remove Wildlife. Experienced in the Complete Picture of Passions on Both Sides, We are Uniquely Qualified to tell the Whole Story, from Destruction to Protector.
One Side Loves to put Animals in Cages and Tanks for Control and Ego, while the other only wants Animals to be Free in the Wild because they Love them. Money is the Driving Force for the Side of Captivity while a True Protector of Nature will work for Free…Forever.
Misdirection and Misused Words are Used by the Side that has the Most to Hide or Gain, Exposing the Motives of Both. The Wrong Side wants to Grow the Bio-diversity of their Hobby, while the Side of Right would rather Ensure the Sustainable Future of the Environment.
Educating the Public in their Deception takes Clubs, Conferences and Magazines, etc. but Teaching from One’s Mistakes is Passed Down through the Generations of Every Evolving Life. It is Impossible to Protect Life in the Wild Environment while Protecting the Business Exploiting Nature for Amusement, Control, Ego and Profits Claiming to be Sustainable and Conservation.
Heads or Tails, All Animals and the Environment Needs Protecting from Old Passed Down Wrong Ways by so-called Experts and the Lemmings that Believe them.
#WhatAreYouProtecting #WeAreConservation
Water Change
Slowly Dying in their own Waste and Toxic build up, any Life stuck in a Tank can only Hope their Masters will Do a Water Change to extend Captivity a little bit longer for Nothing but Amusement.
Millions of Innocent Creatures are Displayed and Tortured by an Unevolved Species Copying what they’ve seen others do before them. Like Lemmings falling off a cliff following the Fools before them instead of taking the Bridge over Troubled Waters of Extinction for Profit.
Changing the Direction of those who come after us is the only way to become the Responsible Stewards of Nature and the top Animal leading the way to our Enlightened Destiny.
Addicted to Extinction
The Passion Protected by an Aquarium Industry is the Systematic Removal of Wildlife for Amusement called Captivity in the Name of Money.
More like a Drug Addiction, their Need to have More Life in a Tank Supersedes the Destruction of the Environment and the Extinction of many Species for Fun. Control over Helpless Innocent Creatures is their only Medication to the Addiction Causing the Direct Decline in the Numbers of Life they Claim To Care about, Plaguing our Wildlife for No Good Reason.
Pulling from the Largest Excuse Bag on Earth to place the blame on Anything but their Pumping Pipelines, feeding the Insatiable Cravings, is the Business Supplying the Addiction to Extinction.
The Only Cure to this Cause, is a Moratorium of taking Any More Wildlife for the Needless Wasting of our Natural Resources.
Attention: Aquarium Hobbyists
I have worked at and owned many Pet Stores, while also Learning to Collect Marine Life from Florida Wholesalers. The Main Theme throughout this Business of Selling Fish, Corals, Inverts and Junk is Deception for Profits at the Expense of the Wasted Life, Time, Money and Your Love of Animals.
“Sell it to them before it Dies on us”, is the Business Model of the Wildlife trade, making even More Money off the bottles of Snake Oil and Useless Equipment your told you Need to Fix what they’ve broken to begin with.
Mostly Healthy Life is mixed all together spreading Diseases to Most by the time they are Sold to Die on someone else down the Supply Chain. For even more Money they’ll tell you how to “Cure” them with the Expensive Quackery spread by their Propaganda Machines known as Clubs, Magazines and Online Groups Paid for by Sponsored Ads.
The Only way to Win at this Shell Game…is Not To Play.
No Profit
Being the Founder of the World Sea Life Foundation given Tax Exempt (501-C3) Status to Rescue Marine Life Sold as Pets and Re-home them in exchange for a Tax Donation. I found that even Rescuing Life for Money to be Unethical and Against Our Mission to Help Sea Life. Making No Money from Life is the only way to untie the connections of motives binding the Hands of Real Change in our Learned Animal Abuse, Exploiting Nature for Profits.
Having America’s First Saltwater Rescue Center, taught us that making Money, even if it was called an “Adoption Fee” or “Re-homing Fee” was still being apart of the Business we were trying to Expose and Stop.
Many Non-Profits are making Millions Destroying our Wildlife in the Name of Conservation, Education and Rescue while Doing Far more Damage than they Falsely Promote as something Good. Much of the Non-profit, Tax Free Dollars go to Marketing for More Donations and Pay for more Propaganda to cover the Truth while spending very little to Help Animals after Large Salaries and False Hope. We will Never make Money from Innocent Life again as a True No Profit bringing a Sea Change to our old wrong ways.
Sincerely, The Regretful Pirate
#NoProfit #ProfitableConservation
No Little Fishes
Any Waste of Life is unacceptable when every One counts, in the Big Picture of Learned Animal Abuse for the Extinction of our Wildlife. It doesn’t really matter their origins when All are doomed to a useless Death in a Tank for Nothing but Compromise. The First Step for their kind, is Rethinking Captivity All together in an Evolved Society of Humans Protecting the Innocent from the Guilty by Admitting our Mistakes costing Our Descendants and the Next Generations that will Never come if we don’t change the ways of the Past. Please Do Not Fall for the Re-branding of the Business Selling Life and Lies.
The Conservationist
They call me all sorts of names and try to put me in their Box or Tank with a Label, that just won’t stick because I know who they are and what they do for a Living off the Dying of others. I am a messenger for the Future Fighting for what will be Gone Tomorrow if someone won’t Do something about it Today, according to the Past’s hindsight that shows the Extinctions to come.
Even if I’m the only one Fighting and Speaking for those who can’t, it’s my Duty as a True Conservationist to Protect the Innocent from being Displayed, Tortured and Wasted for Nothing.
A Fish by Another Name…
Is still a Fish and Deserves the same Respects and Rights as any other Animal.
Using Misdirection to confuse/deceive the Public into thinking that a Fish called Aqua-Cultured, Captive Bred or Tank Raised is somehow okay, to Torture and Kill for Amusement and Profits. The business Selling Pet Fish to their Deaths, wants everyone to Believe wasting these Lives is the better Future of the Marine Industry. Even though many of the new methods used, Do the most Environmental Damage ever Done to Falsely Label Fish, so people will feel better about Destroying a Little Creature for Fun. It doesn’t matter where they come from or what names they’re given, All are Doomed to a short worthless Half-of-a-Life in a Tank for Nothing.
I for one…Will Not Teach my Children or Grand Children to Believe in this Re-branding Marketing Ploy, still Killing Life.
Below The Table
Many Aquarium Industry Wholesalers are involved with illegal Wildlife Trafficking!
From California to Florida some of the Big Name Livestock Suppliers are Selling illegally caught Peppermint Shrimp along with other Sea Life bought from the Shrimping Industry in the Gulf of Mexico.
Smaller sized nets are sewn into the larger mesh Shrimp Nets, so small By-catch sea life will also be scooped up Every Night in our Shrimping Fleet. Most of the Peppermint Shrimp Boats Do Not have a “By-catch License” to remove other species besides Buffet Shrimp but the Aquarium Industry asks no questions and greedily buys them from local Marine Life Wholesalers, catching and Selling Life from Below the Table and Radar.
As Aquarium Industry Whistleblowers having personally witnessed these activities, we feel it Is our Duty to Report the Rest of the Story.
Bees Please
Having been a protector of Wildlife for sometime now, I thought I’d see about helping the Bees, being in tune with Nature and the Needless Perils they face from Old and New wrong ways.
Being only ankle deep, I’ve already found ways to compare it with other Life being forced to work, while their mistreated in the name of Profits before Rights.
If we took all our Home Aquarium Fish and put them in the National Aquarium for a few months a year, they too would come back Sick and Infected with many Diseases spread through the mixing of said creatures with No Rights.
Why would we send most of our Bees to the Almond Fields, to mix with other Bees from around America, causing the spread of Mites and other Diseases Plaguing our Bees Now?
Attention All Bee Keepers! Do Not Sell the Health of All our Bees to the Factory Field’s of Almonds.
Un-Sustainable Fish Keeping
Anything but Practical, the Mixing of All the Fish in a Central Filtration System, whether Aqua-cultured, Captive bred, Tank Raised or Wild Caught, is the Cause and Fundamental Flaw Plaguing the Fish Business since it’s Conception. Poisoning all Fish being Sold to Hobbyists (that will spend way to much money, trying to keep the Doomed Fish alive) will inevitably need to replace the Sustainable income of the business model of Keeping Fish. Having more Advertisers than Articles promoting their Sponsors, the Aquarium Magazines have Never been able to tell the Hobbyists the Rest of the Story, due to the Conflicts of Interest’s of the Companies Paying them far more than their Subscribers. These Half News, Cover the Truth, Biased making money off Fish, Corals, Inverts and Hobbyists, can only Report what Fits in their Narrative and Pockets. Their Misdirection, Blocking, Deleting, Threats and calling anyone who knows things they don’t, Names with Cookie Cutter Links to their own foolish nonsense, will Never help us kill less Fish for fun and their money.
The First Step in Real Aquarium Industry Conservation is to Admit the Realities of our own Mistakes and Flaws for the Sake of the Greater Good. Is there not one among your Aquarium Club willing to Discuss the cause of your own Destruction? It Must be Practically Impossible to See and Report the Truth…when your so busy trying to cover it up.
#UnpracticalFishKeeping #CollateralKnowledge
Aquarium Wastewater
There are Many Public Aquariums and their Suppliers in the Pet Business who pull saltwater from a well or directly from the Ocean or Gulf to run through their Tanks or Pools only to Dump back into the Environment along with Many Chemicals, Meds and/or Invasive Species as Contaminated Wastewater.
Many of these same Companies claim Conservation for a Donation to the Cause of Extinction. Using False Words like Rescue to Collect, Non-Profit to make Tax Free Money and Conservation to Kill but it’s their Wastewater doing the Most Damage for the Price of a Lousy Ticket for Amusement.
National Marine Un-Sanctuary
In 1975, when I collected my First Saltwater Fish there was No Sanctuary, until that year but there Were a Lot More Fish and Much Less People then. Helping the Aquarium Industry Grow while Fish, Corals and Invert Population’s Dwindled according to Anyone who Dived or Snorkeled back in the day of “Look at All the Fish”.
We Now have a False Label on our Only Dying Coral Reef in the Continental U.S. Allowing More Collection/Fishing then Ever for the Lousy Price of a Fishing License or Endorsement from the Business who’s Job is to Protect our (disappearing on their watch) National Resources.
Perhaps Everyone should revisit the Dictionary for the Real Definitions of Conservation, Sustainable, National, and Sanctuary before it’s to Late to protect Nothing in our Only Dead Coral Reef in Florida.
#KidsWatchingTheCookieJar #AquariumWastewater
Attention All Hobbyists and Public at Large!
You are being Deceived by the Business Selling you their Lies, you Seem to be Glad to Pay for. The Words and Creatures they throw around, mean Very Little Compared to the Most Important Profits Driving Any Demand. No longer will the Aquarium, Pet Store and Zoo Industry be Allowed to Make Up their Own Definitions and Misused Words to Sell More Life and Junk to their suckers Aqua-Cultured Every Second.
“Tank-Raised” Creatures are Collected from the Wild using Plankton Tows or Spawning Shoal’s Harassment at the Source of All Sea Life on Earth, Destroying Trillions to Raise a Few is Falsely being Promoted by Aquarium Magazines as Something Good, when in reality it is the Most Harmful Environmental Damage to Date.
Fish, Corals, and Inverts Do Not have a Humane Society to Protect them because these Creatures Do Not Have Rights like All the other Animals, so there are No Rules in their Care, Treatment or Lies they Can use to Sell more Junk and Replacement Life for even More Profits.
Do they Teach Aquarium Magazines to Tell the Truth…because They Suck At It!
This Business Model now Includes False Advertisement, Misused Words and the Outright Scamming of Unwitting Hobbyists.
#HomemadeDefinitions #LookBehindTheCurtian
Foghorn Conservation
There’s a generational Fog hiding the Reality of Animals, Corals, Fish and Inverts cause of Extinction. A thick blanket of Paid for Propaganda permeates All Aspects of our Unwitting Society, with Biased Businesses Doing the Exact Opposite of what they Really Are and Do to Innocent Creatures for Nothing More than Fun and Money.
Once apart of the Public Deception Exploiting Life for Amusement, we Now Blow Our Horn to Expose the Way for Generations to come, How to Live Symbiotically with Nature Instead of the Old School Aquarium’s, Pet Store’s and Zoo’s Lies trying to Keep the Illusion and Scam going. Every Fog bank Inevitably clears with the Dawning of a New Sun on our Horizon of Tomorrow by showing the realities of Today.
Please Join Us in rolling back the Fog of Deception, they’re Paying You to Say and Hide.
#NowThatWouldBeConservation #AquariumPetStoreZooWhistleBlowers
Sponsored Censorship
Aquarium Magazines can Not Report the Whole Truth nor even the “Truth” because of their many Sponsors they Sold Their Souls to for a few bucks. Unable to admit there could be room for Improvement in their archaic methods, they won’t even have a rational Discussion because of their Uncompromising Views and Beliefs. Hanging on to a Dying Profession their arguments have No Merit in the Reality of Extinction anyway.
From Reef to Rainforest, Aquariums, Aquarium Magazines, Pet Stores and Zoos are the Cause…Not the Cure!
$100,000 an Hour
Welcome to the Florida Keys…May we take your Order?
With the removal of the barricades on the HWY. U.S. 1 Wildlife Route, All Life in our National Marine Sanctuary is in Danger Once Again from the Mile Marker Pirates Plundering and Pillaging the Treasures of Today.
On June 5th there will be a Full Moon Low Tide at Mile Marker 79 on the Atlantic side that will Expose Millions of Blue Legged Hermit Crabs worth a Dollar a piece. The Bucket Pirate Brigade will make A Hundred Thousand Dollars an Hour to scoop up the natural clean up crew of our Only Dying Coral Reef. #MileMarkerPirates
That New Pet Store Smell
Our first Pet Store was a Full Line have everything under the sun mix of just about every Animal, Fish, Invert, Rock and Coral we could get our hands on at the time of Cheap and Plenty. Following the Pet Store for Dummy Manual of those who came before us we quickly learned to “Sell it to them before they died on us” due to the poor conditions of the Life Products arrival and archaic treatments. Which requires no knowledge of how to care for any creatures at all.
The business model of a Pet Store relies on using people’s Love for Animals to sell them into the false hope that they too can have this magical illusion in their house to show off or have control over. But the reality is whatever they’re trying to keep alive like Nature, is Impossible for most and they will spend even More money to try and save the Sold Sick Creatures with Quackery, Snake Oil or more Equipment but the Inevitable replacement is a renewable, sustainable income Pet Stores count on.
The smell of a Pet Store’s Success Stinks to those being sold to those being sold. #PetStoresStink
Calling All Conservationists!
Once again the Aquarium Industry has it’s sights on Hawaii’s Wildlife as a source of unnecessary Extinction for Amusement. Even though our mission is to Save resources from needless waste, they Label us anything but what we truly are…Conservationists!
We may seem fanatical and uncompromising but our passion for Life to be treated fairly actually belongs to All that have not forgotten…We’re All in this together.
Please take a Few Minutes to Show how much We Care. Even though they’re “Just Fish”, they matter too.
Let them Know we DO NOT SUPPORT – DLNR’s adoption of the Final Environmental Impact Statement analyzing Issuance of 10 Commercial Aquarium Permits for the West Hawai’i Regional Fishery Management Area (WHRFMA).
“Sustainable” Debunked!
To Understand the Future, we have to Look into the Past when there were many More Fish and much Less People. There’s Obviously a Direct Correlation between Our Population and Theirs. A Yin and Yang if you will.
Science and History Proves that as we have Doubled our Population since the beginning of the Aquarium Industry, the numbers of Fish have Drastically Declined because their business model always needs More. While the Territory and Population of Hawaii’s Fish remains Static or Declining.
Hawaii will Never be able to Keep Up with the Demand of our Ever Increasing Population of Aquarium’s Destroying the Environment for Amusement. “Sustainable” Debunked!
The Sustainability Zealots of a Dying Profession are just Today’s Horse and Buggy trying to Convince us to Exploit Animals and Fish for Nothing more than Fun and Money. Whether Barbecued or Squandered in the Aquarium Industry, All are Lost to the Bio-diversity of Nature…but it’s still Better to feed a Whole Country with Fish from the Sea, than to Waste the same amount for No Good Reason!
Waste Not! Want Not!
“Walt Smith was forced to return most of the fish he had in stock back to the ocean to keep them healthy during the shut down”.
Since the days of Bob Fenner’s Conscientious Marine Aquarist, the Business of Selling and Mistreating Fish, Corals and Inverts, has changed very little. The archaic mixing of water in their Central Filtration is the Fundamental Flaw causing the need of many Quackery Chemicals killing even More, so more can be sold next month!
Unable to even Admit there Could be room for Improvement, it would Seem the Aquarium Industry is Uncompromising and Set in their Ways, like the False Zealots they Label Anyone who Doesn’t Agree with the Needless Wasting of Life for Nothing.
Life Needs A Planet! Not another Tank in someone else’s Name.
International Moratorium
Effective Immediately:
All Aquariums, Attractions, Encounters, Marine Parks and Zoos will be Repurposed for Repopulation of the Wild Environment known as Earth.
For Centuries the Wild Life Business has been taking Life from Nature for Display and Profits causing the Decline in Wild populations to the point of Extinction. Blaming everything but their direct removal of Life for Money they’ve convinced/deceived the public into believing they help Animals. But the Inevitable tide of the truth has them doing the exact opposite of what they once were.
Inevitable News Network (INN) bringing you the Inevitable News of Tomorrow…Today.
Miscellaneous Mischief
I solemnly swear we were up to No Good. Ever chase lizards on the walls of most houses down South? As a collector for Aquariums, Pet Stores and Zoos we found the easiest way to catch Anoles for Pets, Potions or Snake Food, was to find them sleeping under the leaves of a Mangrove tree at night. Land Hermit Crabs can be found walking the paths at Night in the Florida Keys. Large Tree Frogs can be found on the side of the road through Gator Alley. Fiddler Crabs can be tricked away from their holes near Tampa Bay. Sponges can be chiseled out of the Gulf of Mexico and sold in Miami for 75 cents. Snails can be collected by leaving a piece of meat in the water (if the Sea gulls don’t see). Millions of Blue legged Hermits can be picked up on a Full Moon Low Tide at M.M. 79. Seahorses and Barracudas can be found on the wall at M.M.35. Lettuce Slugs can be found at the South Side of the 7 Mile Bridge. Spiny Lobster can be found under Car Hoods on Big Pine Key. A Giant Tarpon can be caught off the Island of Marathon. Jumbo Turbo Snails can be found on the sides of Crab Traps baited with Pigs Feet. Starfish are under most rocks at Night. Seahorses can be bought From the Shrimpers near Weeki Wachee. Octopus are found in old Mussel Shells in Tampa Bay or under the rocks in the Keys. Flame Scallops are under a ledge at M.M. 67.
There are many Wizards teaching at Hogmore’s School of Collecting but it’s the witchcraft at the other end (who’s name we dare Not say) that Scares me the most.
Experimental Sharks
One block away from our precious National Aquarium the University of Maryland is doing Research on Sharks for the Drug Company Pfizer. Large Nurse Sharks are kept in tiny closed tubs waiting on the torturous Experiments that will lead to their inevitable deaths. The University of Florida Sells tickets to drill holes in Live Sharks just to have another worthless Blip for the Data Addicts to Falsely Call Conservation.
Public Aquariums Promote the selling of baby Sharks as Pets that will outgrow any Home Aquarium (they won’t take) because they use the same Wildlife Trade Business. Just because a Shark is considered a “Fish” with “No Rights” doesn’t give anyone the Right to Treat them anyway. Innocents is Innocents and Freedom Should Be For All in any Country on a World that needs Us all Now, more then ever.
#FreedomForAll #MarylandsMischief
Cancer Crabs
While helping a Soft Shell Crab Sloughing Operation in Maryland, I discovered the Archaic System of placing Blue Crabs in Bay water topped off Daily with more Bay water, with a death rate of Most just to Sell a Few. Redoing their system like we were going to breed a delicate species had unexpected results. Not only did the death rate drop to only a few but everyone started asking “why do your Crabs taste so Good?” The Chesapeake Bay is so Polluted, the Crabs, when brought out of the Dirty water they give off a Slime of Contaminates into the clean water picked up by the filters leaving a much cleaner, healthier Crab to eat.
We used the same “purging” process for Flathead Catfish from the Mississippi River many years ago. The Fish were a dirty looking brown color when caught but a few days in good clean well water, the Fish turned to a nice darker color and the meat would change from yellow to white. Not to support Eating Sea Life or Catfish, but it seems to me if we can truly take better care of what we do take, we would end up taking less and help people.
Bangii Trash
The Bangii Cardinal Fish is Endangered and going Extinct just because of the Aquarium Industry. So it seemed like the perfect breeding project to ramp up to a Commercial Scale. We were one of the very first to Aquaculture and Commercially sell Bangii Cardinals for the Pet Trade. The path to their Extinction is paved with Good Intentions but mixing all the fish together still Dooms even Endangered, Threatened, Aqua Cultured, Tank-Raised (whatever they’re called) to the Same Fate that kills most Fish brought into Captivity within a few weeks so more can be sold next month.
I thought I was going to save them All by doing what I was told was honorable and some kind of False Conservation. In theory, True Conservation would find ways to take less of a resource by using things like Aquaculture to raise our own but if they All just end up in the same Trash, it’s Not Conservation or something Good at All.
In Fact, it’s still just another way to waste Life for Amusement and their Profit at the Expense of Life that really doesn’t belong to us to begin with.
Perhaps if they would “Aquaculture” them to go Back into the Wild, Just “Threatened” would Not be Okay.
Shark Sand
While running the First Saltwater Rescue Center for unwanted Pets. We received 2 Nurse Sharks from a Children’s Museum that couldn’t house them any longer do to the size they would grow to, along with 2 others sold as Pets. Growing extremely fast, we soon realized we also would be unable to house the 14’ Sand Sharks for much longer. Everyone commonly asked “Why don’t we talk to the National Aquarium (less than 10 min. away) about taking them? Surprisingly their response was “We don’t take Living Donations!”. Only Dead Presidents seemed to be all they cared about, even though they’re 50 Million Dollar a year Non-Profit made all sorts of False Claims to keep the National Scam going. We learned many important things from those Sharks while we knew them. They taught us they’re not just Dumb Sharks that deserve No Respect and in Fact their an Important part of the Environment by making Sand, Yes Sand. Once used for Surgical Sandpaper, the Skin of a Nurse Shark makes the Sand found on our beaches unless their Sold into Pets or Display.
Who’s Watching the Cookie Jar?
It would seem that the Last Life on Earth would be watched over by those that would Protect the Precious Resources against All who seek to take the contents of our Community Jar. But like anything else in their Control, the Kids will eventually empty anything they can get their hands on.
AZA, CITES, Fish and Wildlife and any other children left in charge, have overseen the Extinction and Destruction of everything their Selling through Licenses and Special Activities Permits. Making more Money than those taking the Life, is the Business of the Kids Watching the Cookie Jar of the Wildlife Trade.
#WatchTheWatchers #KidsWatchingTheCookieJar
Ticket to Extinction
Whether For-Profit or Non-Profit a Ticket to an Aquarium, Attraction, Encounter, Marine Park, Zoo or Anywhere that Exploits Animals or Fish for Money, is also Paying for the Extinction of the very Display Life everyone Claims to Care about. To Look and Touch something to Extinction isn’t Logical nor Sustainable for our Future or Theirs. The Archaic Roadside Fake Conservation Show sold for the Price of much more than a Ticket will be replaced by Observing Nature through Today’s Technology in the Wild…
Where Nature Belongs!
Coward of the Country
Everyone considered them, the Hero’s of the Country. No one ever stood one single time, to prove the Cowards wrong. Their Money Named them National, but folks just paid them Green. But something always told me, they we’re getting it all wrong. They are only ten days old, when they usually Die in Prison. They look after Nature, cause they want it for themselves. They still recall the Misused words, they like to Falsely call it. Son my Life is over, but yours is just begun…
Promise me Son not to do the things I’ve done, walk away from Fishin’ if you can. Now it won’t mean your weak, if you help to Set them Free. I hope you’ve Seen enough to Understand…Son you don’t have to Fish to be a Man.
Some Bum told everyone, the National makes them better. In their hands they think that, their the better Men. But everyday they go workin’, the coffins they keep comin’. And They wouldn’t take my Sharks…there was three of them. Taking only Dead Presidents, nothing that needs saved. The Torn Souls, the Little Tank, was more than they could stand. We reached out to higher places, but they’d always turned us down. As my tears fell on the Poor Sharks Face, I heard these words again…
Promise me Son not to do the things I’ve done, walk away from Fishin’ if you can. Now it won’t mean your weak, if you Help to Set them Free, I hope you’ve Seen enough to Understand…Son you don’t have to Fish to be a Man.
The National Aquarium laughed at us, when we made it in the newspaper. One of them got up, and made the TV on the Air. By the time it turned around, the Dolphins and Sharks were leavin’, but you could have heard a Pin Drop…when they Shipped them out the Door.
20,000 Species, was bottled up inside them. They are holding most of it back, we’ll Never get it All. And If the Children will listen, Not an Aquarium will be standing. Our Sons will be lucky, if they watch the Last One Fall. And I heard him say…
I promise you Dad not to do the things you’ve done, I’ll never catch another Fish again. Now I don’t think I’m weak, cause I want to Set them Free, and Papa I’m sure glad I Understand…The National Aquarium is a Scam.
Now everyone, considered them…the Coward of the Country.
Flash of Common Sense
It was at Jerry’s Marine Life I first realized the cure to the Aquarium Industries Cancer. Row after row of different size kritter keepers setting under pvc pipe fed drip tubes of water coming from the filter flowing into each plastic box with a single fish which made bagging easy and fighting none. But the water overflowed through the screened lids onto trays that led to the bottom and back around again, leading to an Infestation of Ick spreading to all eventually the longer they stayed in the Central Filtration System. Even though they were separated by plastic the Parasites traveled easily in the returning water.
If the returning water was filtered down to a size smaller than the smallest baby Ick and the containers were funneled, then as the white spots on any Fish put in would fall off away from the host curing them from the Inevitable Cancer Plaguing the Fish sent out to die.
Saltwater can be pumped out of the ground near sea level and fed through this same type system to cure fish from the wild returning them healthy and the water harmlessly back into the ground again.
Maybe if we didn’t just needlessly waste so much Life, it wouldn’t be disappearing.
For the Love of Porky
I had a Friend that was a Porcupine Puffer early on in my adventures through the Wildlife Trade. He was as smart as any dog and could melt any heart with those Big Magical Blue Eyes. But one day I noticed a single spot of the Inevitable Ick Tide coming. Seeking advice from every Expert one could find at the time, only prescribed every bottle of Quackery from Dr. Donothing’s School of Old that only speeded up his Death with Cloudy Eyes so he couldn’t see me there with him as we said Goodbye.
You see Porky was a “Fish” and they have “No Rights” like all the other Animals and Creatures. Any so-called medicine doesn’t have to Do or Be anything they Claim on the bottles of False Hope for $19.99 each. Fish are mixed together spreading Diseases and then Nuked with Chemicals that Don’t Work, they’ll be glad to sell you.
Pet Crabs, Shrimp, Seahorses and any number of thousands of other Creatures from the Sea, classified as “Fish” can be legally mistreated.
For the Love of Porky and All other Fish Please don’t fall in Love with Tanks and Fish deserves Rights Too!
Why Does a Seahorse Lose It’s Color?
Wild Seahorses comes in Bright Vivid Life Like Colors that only last a short time in Captivity. A little boy once asked me after the Aquarium Show why do the Seahorses look so different than the pictures he’d seen in books. I had remembered some BS preprogrammed answer about getting some color enhancer from their natural foods, he quickly accepted and passed on to who knows who throughout the rest of his life. I would like to go back and tell all the people I gave wrong information to, that after 45 years of study on both sides of the same coin…The Rest of the Story.
After hunting Seahorses in their Natural Habitat of Unbelievable Beautiful Camouflage that is their Living Backdrop, it’s Neon compared to the Dull Reproduction of a Tank and Any Creature would Lose it’s Color after being taken from their Family and Paradise.
Sea Sells
Slimy is the New Money in the Animal Exploitation Business Plundering the Seas of Today. It’s a Shell of a Game keeping everyone looking for Nothing while Taking us for Everything we’ve got Left with an Army of Cranes Plucking Sea Life. Pillaging the Seas for a Buck for a look through their peep show of a very narrow view of nothing but their Side of the Story breeds a new sucker every second through the Kaleidoscope of False Hope and Words.
Step Right Up and purchase another ticket to the Conservation Show hiding Reality behind the Curtain of Illusions just because Sea Sells.
The only way to win…is Not to Play!
The Shipwrecked Pirate wrote his Final words in the Sand. His Last thoughts were to the Sea.
Letter In The Sand
Dear Mother Ocean,
You have been my Love, my Life and my Lady but I have done things under another Flag against the very depths of your Creatures that grants me a Ravagers Death.
I have Broken your Code and don’t blame you for leaving me here but I have one final request my Love…Brandy, Please don’t let our children grow up to be me.
If I Were a Dolphin
If I were a Dolphin I would wonder what I did to these simple Creatures to Deserve Life in Prison. I do Everything they Ask of me but they Won’t let me go Home to my Family. Their Data Addicts check my weight, length and blowhole but I’ll always be homesick no matter how many times they Blow that Damn Whistle!
Somebody Please tell them I’m waving my Flipper of Surrender and would do Anything for Food, Home and Love…But I can’t do that!
Dolphins are Friends…Not Attractions.
Strange Sharks
Warning! Many Creatures were Harmed in the making of this Journey through the Aquarium Industry and the Names have been changed to protect the Guilty.
In the summer of 1975 I got splashed by Shamu and the Crap Scared out of me by Jaws on the movie screen in South Florida but the Saltwater Fever drove me to Collect my First Saltwater Fish anyway. Grandma said “Put it Back”, Grandpa said “Put it in the tank”. I didn’t realize that moment would become my life’s Yin and Yang or Ebb and Flow I prefer to call it.
My Grandpa showed me how to live off the Ocean as a Captain, Long-liner and Pirate but the shock off my Grandmother at her Funeral later that Winter may have just been static electricity but my Life would come full circle helping Animals instead.
I have found Friends to be Sharks but Sharks to be Friends in this Strange World.
Aquarium Barbie
This years Unexpected Gift is the Dream of many little girls to grow up and be just like Aquarium Barbie. She comes with a whistle, How to Train your Dolphin Manual and is Dressed in Standard Minion Attire. She comes Fully Programmed with Fake Words like “Conservation” and “Positive Reinforcement”.
Making a Great Living for their Water Daddy’s Enrichment, this is truly girls work according to the Manual of Propaganda. Unable to make decisions for themselves being led by those gushy feelings, their less likely to realize what they are doing is just plain Wrong to begin with.
Mama’s Don’t Let your Babies grow up to be Aquarium Barbies. Teach them to think for themselves and not to just believe everything they are told by those who seem Bigger than them. For the little boys who get a kick out of Controlling other Creatures and the Direction of your Children have Power they shouldn’t have over All of us if we do.
Pet Store for Dummy
There once was a little boy who went to the Pet Store for the first time and fell in Love with All the Animals so much he wanted to grow up and have his very own Pet Store someday. Everybody told him he could Be Anything he wanted to be when he grew up but Nobody ever told him if he Should. He worked and lived at many Pet Stores and learned all about many different Creatures from those who came before him so he could have his Own Pet Store, which he Loved…At First.
But as he went to the Suppliers of the Animals and Fish he was Selling he seen how the Creatures were Treated and how many others Needlessly Die Just to Sell a Few. He learned that Pet Stores and All the other Businesses who use Animals for Money are Hurting the Very Little Critters he fell in Love with so long ago.
He realized that He was a Dummy for wanting a Pet Store and wished someone would have told him.
It would seem one can be or do Anything one chooses but any dream that hurts another is a Nightmare that can’t be Unlived.
0 Marks the Spot
The Southern most Treasure in Paradise Spewing the Fountain of Yuk as the Sunset Party Sets at the End of the Road on another Species in the name of Fun. Welcome to the Sanctuary…May we take your order? We have over 300 Drinking Establishments on this Little Island and Thousands of other Creatures from around the World Dumping out back as our Invasive Species Conservation Program.
From Gulf to Ocean in the Conch Nation we have Flushed away the Color of our Bright White Corals in Exchange for Gold, while Hunting Down those Last Pesky Unicorns.
Whatever happens in Key West Doesn’t stay in Key West…Our chemicals and Human feces have spread to other waters throughout our National Marine Sanctuary for the Sake of our Children to See and Touch them for the Price of a Ticket.
Mile Marker Zero is doing our part in the Unsustainable Extinction of Lower Life forms on the Island of Misused Words and Fish. 0 Marks the Spot!
Display Life
A creature forced to Amuse others by being on Display for Profit.
A ticket will buy a skewed view inside the Glass Prison like a Sideshow at the Circus of Involuntary Servitude for the Ring Masters known as Aquariums and Zoos who claim to own the very Ambassadors of Nature. Companies who Build Glass or Iron Cages shouldn’t throw scrapes at their Captives from their Ivory Towers while Deceiving the Public with their Conservation Show for their foundation is built on a house of cards from the past.
The First Step in Stopping the Extinction of Wildlife is the Extinction of Display Life.
Sea Change World
Almost 7 Million Dollars for Sea World Executives, while the Orcas are forced to work for fish and the Brainwashed Employees get the shaft. The pandemic tides have revealed that the Needless waste of Life is Not worth the price of a ticket and Injustice Deceiving the public by Exploiting Animals for money. A tsunami of Change is on a New Horizon of Traditions healing our World by learning from our mistakes and teaching a new generation to do better than Us. The trade winds of Displaying and Selling Innocent Creatures for Fun is blowing for Freedom to brighter waters filled with Life in the Sea of our World.
Dear Captivity
Dear Captivity,
I was just a child when you came to me in my Dreams of what I wanted to be when I grew up. With baby pools and a Butterfly net I already knew I wanted to be a Marine Biologist with a Masters in Captivity someday. You splashed me with Shamu and showed me your Pet Stores, Aquariums and Zoos . We’ve done things in the moonlight that would make a Pirate blush but there’s just some things I won’t/can’t do for the feeling of Love and Money anymore.
Love is a decision to treat someone or something how you’d like Love to treat you. Not a Feeling, Cage or Tank. The Enrichment of your businesses is Not Our Positive Reinforcement and your Wildlife is not Wild enough for your Conservation Show called a Documentary. False Words and False Hopes from a Captive who puts us in a Cage for our own good and their profit in the name of Amusement is the exact opposite of what you made me believe.
Therefore, you’ve left me no choice but to move on and warn others Not to fall into Captivity for it’s Their Independence Day!
Lose my number, get me out of your heart and Please don’t impose your Captivity on Another Living Soul.
Regretfully yours,
Wildlife should be Wild! A Documentary should Tell the Whole Story Instead of a Propaganda Show. Conservation would Add Life Instead of Taking It for Fun and Money. Rescue would Release Animals Back into the Wild Instead of Displacing them For Profit. Accreditations Should be someone other than themselves. Science Can be Trusted but Scientists who Think they Know it All, Can’t. Education Should be left to those who Don’t have a Financial Incentive Blinding them and the only Expert is Nature while All others make Miseducated Guesses. Misused Words and False Definitions are Tank-Raised, Reef Unsafe and Captive to Those who Believe them.
Last Meal for 20,000
As the Aquarium tries to shovel words like Positive? Rein(force)ment or En(rich)ment down our souls, the rest of their captives get fed what will be the Last Meal for many in the Conservation Parade of the Doomed Animal Ambassadors.
100 Million Dollars buys a lot of Conservation Camouflage from the Animal Exploitation Planet on the Captivity Network with more conflicts of interests than the Aquarium itself.
Making a big deal about breeding something easy while losing thousands of the other smaller unnoticed replacement life is the exact opposite of Conservation and when all the other life used as food to train is added, the Aquarium Destroys much more life and environment than it could Ever Help.
It is Time for us to Rise Up and Change our old wrong ways for the Sake of Our Descendants and Theirs!
A Pirate Looks at 50
As this Pirate puts that one astern, many creatures were harmed in the making of my journey through the Wildlife trade. I was 200 years too late but there was still plenty to plunder, pillage and sell. Changes in Latitude…Changes in price to the fruitcakes in the City had me selling out Mother, Mother Ocean and I have heard your call to the Captain and the kid in my family bloodline of Cheeseburgers in Paradise.
A son of a son of a sailor with fins to the left and fins to the right I guess I’m stayin’ home when the Volcano Blows although I’d rather be knee deep in the water somewhere. Jolly man sing through the coconut telegraph, it’s not our last tango in paradise and they’ll be good times, riches and son of a sailors, that’s the difference between lightning and a harmless lighting bug in our freedoms where 5 minutes can feel like a day.
Come Monday it’ll be alright, So sail on sailors and Have a Very Fruitful Day.
A Drop of the Ocean
The Deformed Tails of the Whale Sharks that have already been replaced once,(that we know of) shows their lousy little tank is Barley a Drop of the Ocean to swim circles in and the Genetic Swabs are looking for their next replacement victims. Brain Scans and Useless Data still doesn’t explain the psychotic behavior but just One Drop of Common Sense tells us All their going Nuts from Captivity and should be Set Free. The vast wealth of Mis-knowledge and Money accumulated from years of Captives in Involuntary Servitude is Absolutely Worthless and No matter how many Coral Restoration Orgs they claim to partner with won’t undo their part in the Destruction of the Environment for Fun and Money. Penguins breed like Chickens and Stingrays breed like Guppies but the Rest of the Life is Dying and being Replaced like a Child’s Hamster before the next Conservation Show!
Universal Tides
I hear Universal Laughter ringing out when an Aquarium or Zoo claims Conservation by Self Accrediting themselves to buy more expensive life from each other for public display, not returning to the wild like they make us believe.
The Sea Change coming will Not Include the needless destruction of the environment for Fun and Money by Aquariums, Pet Stores or Zoos deceiving the public with the Illusion their better off in Captivity for the price of a ticket or false Non-Profit Dollars spent on more propaganda to cover the truth and keep the Dolphin Shows going. Donate Here!
The Universal Tides have uncovered the common sense public priorities that will Repurpose these Animal Exploitation Castles of our Past into a brighter future of giving back to the environment instead of taking, which is the True Conservation our Planet needs before the Tide comes back in.
The Aquarium…is a place where fish and other creatures are put on display for a short time until they die and need replaced for the price of a ticket.
The Aquarium…orders far more life than it happens to breed.
The Aquarium…uses the life on display to deceive the public.
The Aquarium…claims Conservation while Exploiting life for money.
The Aquarium…is really a prison for Animals used to do tricks for food for our Amusement.
The Aquarium…is Guilty of Involuntary Servitude!
The Aquarium…is a Biohazard usually being close to water with a history of releasing invasive species.
The Aquarium…is a Chemical Hazard dumping their waste water out back.
The Aquarium…is Bad for the Animals, Environment and People, except those who OWN them.
The Aquarium…is a Blackhole for all the life who enter but never come back out. Non-Profit Roach Motel!
The Aquarium…spreads more propaganda on the Captivity Network than Food for Tricks!
The Aquarium…Accredited itself and others they Sell to. AZA=Kids Watching Cookie Jar!
The Aquarium…is the Problem Not the Solution!
The Aquarium…is Lying to You!
The Aquarium…Does Not Own Nor Speak for the Ambassadors of Wildlife!
The Aquarium…Must be Exposed for what it really is…Please…#theaquarium…
Aquarium Conservation Debunked
If we were as opportunistic as the sharks we claim to protect… Now would be the time to point out that as the Pet Industry Supply chain stops pumping life to Aquariums and Zoos everywhere.
Empty tanks will reveal the Illusion replacing the constant dying life by our best Experts for Fun and Money.
As the Wildlife trade takes a Moratorium from their direct removal of Animals, Fish, Corals and Inverts from the wild… Real Conservation on a Global scale shows these businesses are the Cause… Not the cure to our declining numbers of Wildlife.
For decades we have been taught to believe Aquariums, Attractions, Encounters, Pet Stores and Zoos are somehow good for Animals. Now is the time to teach from our mistakes and encourage repurpose before reopening into repopulation of the Wild, giving back instead of taking.
Now THAT would be True Conservation!
Human Ick
As we get infected by our own version of communicable diseases, we can learn valuable lessons about the pandemic plaguing the Aquarium Industry’s top product.. Fish!
Mixed in their Cruse Ship-o-Quarantine, most come out sick or doomed from the chemical treatments used on All. For decades our best Experts have always fundamentally mistreated Fish by mixing them all in the same water, chemicals and Ick they now falsely call Quarantine.
With a Death rate of most, the replacement businesses and Fish Magazines dictate the meanings of words and progress in the reality of wasting less life. (True Conservation). Aquariums, Pet Stores and Zoos make up most of the Wildlife Trade, but the way they treat Animals and Fish for fun and money gives us All Human Ick.
Coral Ark Hits Coronavirus…Sinks on Maiden Voyage!
As Nature tosses us about like a toy at sea, the Miseducated still claim Mastery over things they really know very little about or have control over at All. Unable to get shipments of constantly needed supplies or even the helpless Corals they prey upon while flying under the false flag of Conservation, the business of selling Corals can Not keep Corals Alive Indefinitely or take better care of them than the Ocean they come from nor ever put them back into the wild once the scapegoat excuses magically pass. The last unicorns they have their sights on Must be protected from the True Danger, of THEIR needless taking of Life for Fun.
All Aquariums and Zoos should be Repurposed for Repopulation and a Moratorium placed on all other Needless taking of Life.
That would be Real Conservation!
Take Less Conservation
As I listen to the Aquarium or the Zoo claim Conservation by Association or breeding some captive creatures to be sold to another Aquarium or Zoo, it always brings me to the original Definition of Conservation, which is to Conserve from a Waste of a Natural Resource by the Businesses taking them.
It would seem the most Logical place to start truly saving Wildlife is to Stop taking them for Public Display, Fun and Profit for Aquariums and Zoos.
For Centuries these Businesses have been Taking Wildlife and the only way for them to Conserve is to Reverse and Re-purpose for Environmental Re-population and Start Adding Life Back where it belongs.
Can you say Mor-a-to-ri-um?
The Lonely Turtle
Public Aquarium side effects reveal themselves in strange ways as you work a Dream job in Paradise. The thousand pound Loggerhead Turtle in the small enclosure outback needed cleaned constantly due to the hair algae flourishing from the chemicals in the water. Daily scrubbing of the Turtle and his tank were a real chore due to his strange behavior. You see, he was Real Lonely and would get ahold of the scrub pole with his back flippers and… um…have his way with it. An embarrassing tug-o-war would get questions and snickers from the customers watching but repetitive humping of the concrete while searching for a mate even after hours was, at best… one of the saddest things I’ve ever seen.
The Turtle and many other creatures died long ago but are still being replaced and tortured to this day at the Southern most Bio, Chemical Hazard in our National Marine Sanctuary.
Animal What?
As I found myself trying to explain PETA’s behavior to my Grandchildren and why we’re a different kind of Animal “Activist”… I quickly realized PETA gives a bad name to those who care about Animals but don’t Hate Humans. Petitions, Protests and Disrespecting a Country into Shaming what you want seems to actually have very little effect or Animal Cracker results in the real world.
In fact, with new laws against filming Animal Abuse, one could argue they’ve made it worse for the rest of us. Loving Animals until you become one and learn to Hate Humans goes against the Ethical Treatment of Both.
The Grandkids and I agreed that perhaps Animal “Advocate” would be a better term to describe helping people take better care of Animals by encouraging them to lead by example.
We can still “Act” when needed but there’s so much more we can do as “Advocates” Teaching others from our Mistakes while fighting for those who can’t.
Loving Corals To Death
As the Aquarium Industry struggles with it’s fundamental flaws and internal conflicts of interests, Corals continue to quickly disappear from the wild because of their decades-long systematic removal of life for money. While trying to re-brand themselves as some kind of protectors of their prey/product, the false conservation claims are becoming more like fantasy than reality.
On the one hand their “Coral Ark” claims of growing the corals indefinitely but on the other, the Aquariums warn the coming shutdown of the Indonesia Pacific Wild Coral Pipeline. Exposing their sell, die and replace business model that will collapse without a constant resupply from the wild because they really can’t take better care of life than Nature. Corals need a planet Not another tank with a price tag.
Life Needs A Planet
From childhood we are taught to catch life and put it in something. To get our hands on everything we can, to call our own. We even grow up and believe life is better off belonging to Us. That we can somehow provide a better life than Nature can.
Some even go so far as to claim they’re going to help life by catching and selling life, by putting it on display or in an Ark. Life experiences will teach the exact opposite as we learn Life can only flourish when set Free into the wild. Like a seed that won’t grow unless put into the ground. We’ll never know their True Value unless we let them go, stop exploiting them and Truly help them live in their planet too.
So… As you look at that life in a Box, ask yourself if the value it adds to your life, is More Important than the life your looking at.
Coral Ark
The People who Kill the Most Corals, now Want Us to Send the Rest of the World’s Corals to Australia Claiming a “State of the Art” Fiberglass Tubs and PVC Pipes Facility. This Misstated Phrase from the Island of Misused Words is At Best, Half-A$$ed Compared to Mother Nature, which they Should Run For if they Think they Can do Better. Since it is 2020…How about a little Clarity towards a perfect Vision of what’s Really Going On? 2020 Pun Checked.
What this Aquarium (Coral) Magazines Don’t Tell you, is their Industry Kills More Marine Life on a Daily Basis than They will Ever Grow in their Fake Ark. Their True Hidden Agenda is Conservation by Association. They Want everyone to Believe Life is Better Off in Their hands and the Best Way to Do that is to Deceive the Public into Thinking Their Tanks are Apart of some kind of Fake Community Good while Actually Causing the Extinction of the very Corals they Claim to Care about.
The True Story would Reveal the Facts that Public Aquariums, Wholesalers and even their “State of the Art” Facilities are the Cause…Not The Cure as Bio., Chemical and Environmental Hazards Pouring out of their Wastewater, Causing the Very Pollution they Now Claim to Want to Protect the Corals from.
Another Fact they Conveniently Omitted is once in Captivity they Can’t Be Released Back into the Wild for Very Good Reasons. Anything Raised in Captivity is Nothing More than a Faded Copy of what Once Came from the Wild and Wouldn’t Survive Separated from the “State of the Art” Daily Chemical, Plankton and Rotifer Dosing but Would Probably, In Fact, Wipe Out whatever’s Left of the Wild Populations as Collateral Damage.
Life Needs a Planet, Not Another row of Tanks on the S.S. Titanic Going Down with All the Sea Life On It.
Ebb and Flow
My Grandfather in Florida was a Captain, Pilot and Longliner who taught me to live off the Sea but my Grandmother had a Trophy sized Sailfish cleaned of it’s parasites and set free the same year she died of cancer causing my life’s yin and yang. It was the summer of ’75 when I learned to crab with some string and a chicken neck. But when I collected my first Saltwater fish I was Hooked. Even though my Grandmother told me to put the fish back, I didn’t listen. Having spent most of a life thinking my Grandfather would be proud while learning my Grandmother wouldn’t is the Ebb and Flow of a Regretful Pirate’s Life and the destiny of some before Squid Ink was ever put to Parchment but there’s still hope to make some wrongs right by teaching from our mistakes.
We come into this World believing things that are the exact opposite by the time we leave. It’s our responsibility to pass down better knowledge through the Ebb and Flow of our own experiences.
Hunting Seahorses
Hunting Seahorses is like looking for Mushrooms among the plants. It’s more of a shape your scanning for as you float above the rocking sea grasses below. The elusive camouflaged creatures use the timing of the ebb and flow to navigate forward while using their little tiny fins to steer.
It’s the movement of fear that catches the eye of the Snorkel Pirates and dooms the unlucky Seahorses, for if they would just rely on their natural camouflage and stay still… most would get away.
When it was a job, filling orders for Public Aquariums, Pet Stores and Zoos with the Seahorses we Hunted or got from the shrimpers, seemed like a responsible thing to do. But looking back I was just a bounty hunter doing the most irresponsible thing in my life.
Sounds of the Sea
There are some beautiful sounds coming from the Sea that connect us to the natural rhythm felt by all who enter. But there are some sounds best left unheard or unmade at all. Like the Down Your Spine sound of a Hammer and Chisel 30 foot below the boat whacking away at our only living Coral Reef for 75 cent sponges to be traded in Miami for other life just to get an invoice to cover more life coming out of the Keys. Or the chill felt every time bacon is frying in a pan that happens to make the same little snaps, crackles and squeals as live Seahorses left in the Sun to dry… worth more Dead than Alive. One of the sounds that haunts my memories the most is the Hack Saw used by the Public Aquarium Curator to saw up that month’s Dead Lemon Shark. Ordered to stand on the dock above and hide the gruesome dismemberment through the slats below, while directing costumers away the Disney Cruse Ship was playing their signature tune to the rhythm of the sawing up of the sea creature… is something I will Never Forget. But the sound that should be heard around the World is the Dumping of the Aquarium’s Wastewater back into the Sea. For that is the Worst Sound of All.
Pirates of the Florida Keys
Cannons No Longer Thunder but there’s Still Plenty to Plunder in the Florida Keys. Our National Marine Sanctuary is Nothing More than a Barrel of Fish, Corals, Inverts and Other Sea Life for the Taking. Today’s Treasure is No Longer Gold or Silver but Something Worth Far More than All the Treasure that has ever Sailed the Seven Seas. Pillaging Life is the Life of Today’s Pirates in the Florida Keys. Using Mile Markers on Highway U.S. 1 as Destinations for Snorkel Pirates Collecting Billions in Marine Life for Very Little Overhead, but the Big Money is Still Made by Boat.
The Flagships of the Pirate Fleet are Marine Life Endorsed by Fish & Wildlife and N.O.A.H. as the Sinking ARK of the U.S.S. Sanctuary Going Down in the Name of Conservation, Fishing Licenses and Diver Down Flags.
X marks the Spot from Paradise to Key Largo, from Pirates to National Permission our Nation’s Greatest Need is a Sea Change in this Tradition.
Saltwater Wasteland
A few years back I was having a discussion with fellow Saltwater peers “Experts” about old archaic Central Filtration Systems still used to mix all the fish in the same water, causing the so-called need for many different harsh chemicals to slow the inevitable spread of diseases and parasites. Their old school degrees from Nuke’em High have been passed down from professors to students for decades. Unable to admit there was even a need or any room for improvement with all their so-called knowledge and technology they were already sold to the Industry paying them. I used an example of ordering a rare “Jewel Tang”. They would be kept in True Quarantine, either in the bag they came in or a tank all to themselves because of their value, about $500 each retail. But at that time $40 Hawaiian Yellow Tangs were mixed in with 10,000 other fish because they were cheap enough to waste. With the Hawaiian domino falling, Yellow Tangs are now worth much more and are kept separate, like a “Jewel Tang” from the still Cheap Fish. In this land we waste life to feed wasted life for a few dollars and even though there are better ways to treat life, it’s still Survival of the most Expensive from the Experts with the most money. The rest is disposable and wasted because they’ll just order more.
Disappearing Dictionary
When we were in School the Teacher Told Us To Check the Definition of a Word We Needed to Know in the Dictionary. We were All Taught the Meaning of Many Words from the Pages used as the Standard for Life that Couldn’t Be Changed. One knew where they Stood with it’s Unwavering Definitions used in Communications Worldwide. But the Days of So Called Smart Technology brings us Marine Parks Using the Word “Rescue” to Collect Display Animals for Ticket Sales. Or the Word “Conservation” by a Public Aquarium Losing Far More “Ambassadors” than it happens to “Breed”. The Word “Education” is Used by Zoos to Teach Children Public Animal Abuse Making Millions in “Non-Profit” Dollars.
The Dam is Broke and the Dictionary is Dead! The Unraveling of Society has Begun through the False Words Used By All.
Our Only Hope is to Revive Our Roots of True definitions in a Living Dictionary and Hold Those Accountable that Misuse the Words that Make Us Human and Responsible for All Life On Earth.
Colored Seahorses and Mermaids
Not far from the Florida Mermaids there are Shrimp Docks and Boats bringing in their Daily Catch every Sunrise. But Bubba Gump never mentioned 5 gallon buckets of Colored Seahorses being off loaded every morning. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Brown and every color in-between are sold in buckets for beer and gas money on the side of their Shrimp Businesses. Most of these rare Colored Seahorses are Pregnant Males too slow to flee from the Shrimp Rollers and Nets. Each carrying about 200 of the Next Generation of Seahorses are sold for a few dollars to a Pirate with a Marine Life Endorsement from a company hired to protect Nature.
Orders from Public Aquariums, Pet Stores and Zoos create the Demand and Profit provides a Motive. But How do you look your Children and Grandchildren in the Eyes and tell them that you Kill Seahorses for a Living?
Do You Know The Mushroom Man?
Saltwater Mushrooms are Big Business and worth far more money than most other kinds of shrooms we know. A Florida Ricordea Mushroom can be worth it’s weight in gold and found by the hundreds unable to get away. Easy pickings for the Pirates of the Florida Keys!
All good Aquarium owners have a good Mushroom Man they use to get stock to move on to the Mushroom Melter’s known as Display Tanks and Hobbyists. Some make money, most loose money but almost all Mushrooms are lost in the process known as the Aquarium Industry. Like little rare beautiful flowers plucked from our garden we call a National Marine Sanctuary they are lost forever and may never be seen again.
One Mushroom Man’s Gold is everyone’s lost Biodiversity of Nature.
Do You Know… A Mushroom Man… Down on U.S. 1?
Like A Fish Out Of Time…
Most Aquarium Fish Don’t Live a month, like fresh cut flowers cut from the dirt, their time is ticking and their life is slipping into a trashcan somewhere along the archaic supply chain. Some are lost by the Collectors who usually Harvest More than Needed. Many More by the Wholesalers who mix All the Fish together in (Quarantine?) Chemicals and the same water. Whatever’s Left is Sold to Another before they Die on Them, leaving only a Very Few Left for Nothing.
When I was a Child the World taught me Aquariums, Pet Stores and Zoos were a Good Thing but when I Grew Up and did all the things I was Taught to Believe in, I Found Out my Job was actually Killing Life For Money and Lying About It to Hide the Truth…Animals Don’t Belong In Captivity At All. We don’t ever Really Care for Them Properly and the Only Way to Know their Real Worth is to Set Them Free or Let Them Be.
Lobster Hoods
One of the strangest things I learned while working at a Public Aquarium was collecting Lobsters by car hood. A co-worker took us to a secret location in the FL. Keys to a field of underwater car hoods that when flipped revealed 6 to 12 Spiny Lobsters easily picked off, then reset. Presto… the perfect Lobster trap and I thought they were for cars, silly freshwater conchs. I also watched as they chopped up their Dead Sharks dumped into the shipping lane under the cruse ships, then replace them with their very own fishing poles in a drunken weekend at the Curator’s house. Constant Chemicals and Dead Sea Life pouring out back left me no alternative but to Rethink what it was to work at a Public Aquarium and move on. The corruption in Florida runs deeper than the water they claim to love and is already lost as our last Marine Sanctuary.
Research has always been used as an umbrella to cover things most of us wouldn’t want to see. But for a Public Aquarium to claim Research on the Whales they want to display is like McDonald’s wanting to do Research on cows and chickens. It’s never really about the well being of the Animals but whatever their selling, whether tickets or hamburgers it’s always about Profits, not Conservation, Education or Research falsely claimed to the public while actually being something bad for us and them. Believing everything we’re told by the business selling it to us, is very naive, old school and obvious with a little common sense. We must Rethink everything we have been taught, so we can learn to Rebelieve everything we know to be true.
Seahorse Falls
We used to build Beautiful Aquariums filled with amazing life from around the world that would make anyone look good. But the truth is there are very few with the rare ability to keep most creatures alive for more than a few weeks. Those of us who have that special Blue Thumb can create an almost magical paradise that makes it look so easy that anyone with enough money to waste thinks they can have a tank just like it.
We had one particular Display Tank that was a poster child of the business we use to be apart of. A wild mated pair of Seahorses just trying to go on with their only purpose in life by repopulating the wild with more Seahorses was having about Two Hundred babies every month like clockwork. We must have sold hundreds of other Seahorse setups just because of that one “Reef Ready Tank” that sucked up all the babies into the filter (of my own design) into a pile of dead orange baby Seahorses lost forever. It was a baby Seahorse killing machine and everybody wanted one just like it.
All the life we sold is probably dead and gone now but the lessons we learned from them will live on, teaching others through our mistakes. In the wild creatures add to the Biodiversity of the whole world and are priceless but in our hands they are only worth a few dollars, for a few moments, for nothing.
Pirate Sanctuary
An Aquarium magazine recently said the Fish or Wildlife Business South of the Florida Border was well regulated and organized or something to that effect. I’m Paradise phrasing, of course. Nothing could be further from the truth or reality of the Pirate like pillaging and plundering by the legal and non-legal methods destroying our only Living Coral Reef Sanctuary in the Continental U. S.
Anyone can stop at a Walmart in Florida, buy a fishing license to collect 20 of pretty much Anything they want, including 6 octo colonies (gorgonians) A Day. Bring along the wife, kids and some friends times 20 a day each and what a haul of a well organized and Regulated Protected Marine Fishery.
But the Real Damage is done by the flagships flying under a Pirate Permit Grandfathered into a Hammer and Chisel 30 ft. down Chopping 1 inch around said Gorgonians or Sponges as Legally Allowed by the Business of Looking the Other Way For Local Businesses.
Florida is the Wild West of the Sea and 1 of America’s best Pirate Sanctuaries. Don’t believe everything coming from an Aquarium Magazine that has a Vested Interest through their Sponsorship Program.
Welcome to Florida, may we take your order?
Aerial Burial
It is said that 9 living things are lost as “By-Catch” in the archaic shrimping process dragging through our Ocean’s nurseries worldwide for each shrimp harvested for consumption. While not even taking into account the damage done to the corals, sponges and other sea life on the sea floor. It is widely unknown most of the Angels, Crabs, File Fish, Peppermint Shrimp, Puffers, Seahorses and various other creatures are fed to the birds of the air swooping in by the hundreds on the sides of any shrimp boat as the By-Catch falls of the side boards.
An unfitting End to our declining Sea Life for an overcooked peace of rubber that could’ve, should’ve been “Farmed” anyway.
In this world going to the Birds in an Aerial Burial coming back as bird waste in the circle of life to feed the next batch of shrimp for your local buffet.
Creatures on a Plane
The most important weapon in the Arsenal of a Wildlife collector is their “known shipper” status with the Airlines. The ability to pump life for money around the world begins at the Airport. Cargo from everywhere goes everywhere, but You can’t bring a piece of fruit or wood through Customs. Invasive species travel the friendly skies headed for Aquariums, Encounters, Pet Stores, Parks, Universities, Zoos and possibly your local waters.
Accelerating the Environmental destruction several hundreds miles an hour with creature cargo they never ask, look or care. Or Stop for that matter.
Please ask the Airlines to Please Stop shipping Creatures on a Plane for our Planet’s sake.
Mile Marker Zero
Ground zero for the destruction of our only National Living(?) Coral Reef Sanctuary in the Continental U. S. Archaic Aquariums and their suppliers continuously dump their contaminated wastewater into the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean behind their facilities.
With an extensive record of Invasive Species loose in our waters and now unexplained, unprecedented die offs of corals and many other species, we need to look at All possibilities and causes plaguing our seas before it’s too late.
Paradise never looked so dead blow the sunset party in Margaritaville at the Southern most direct cause of the mass extinction for the price of a ticket at the end of the road.
Mile Marker Pirates
Following the advice of our salesman at a wholesaler in Florida we met at the South Side of the Skyway Bridge where I saw some of the most amazing things I had ever seen at a rest area off I 275. I also met a Pirate collecting horseshoe crabs and nassarius snails, which this spot was famous for in Tampa Bay, I would come to find out later.
I joined the Pirate on my first trip to the Florida Keys. We finally stopped at a boat ramp near Mile Marker 79 just after dark. With the full moon rising over the Atlantic I could almost see as we parked on one side and walked over U. S. Hwy. 1 to the other. Flashlights revealed an extremely low tide and strange rows of what appeared to be rocks or seaweed at first glance, but when I reached down and grabbed a handful and brought them closer to the light I could not believe my eyes when I realized they were blue legged hermit crabs worth a dollar each at my Pet Store up North. There must have been millions stuck until the tide came back in. It was at that moment kneeling in the sand, greedily scooping up hermit crabs in what would be the Atlantic Ocean again in a few hours… I believe I became a Mile Marker Pirate. My nights of crawling on the ground looking for dew worms worth a penny each was over.
I spent the next few years working with various Pirates collecting at various Mile Markers up and down the Florida Keys. Blue legs and Turbos at MM 79, Gorgonians and Sea Hares at MM 50, Lettuce Slugs and Starfish at MM 43, Corky Sea fingers and Sea Horses at MM 35 and so on.
Now, my Grandfather was a Captain and a Longliner who made his living from the sea in a boat but I often wonder what he would think of me making a living collecting sea life out of a truck instead of a boat as a Mile Marker Pirate on U. S. Hwy. 1 in the Florida Keys.
Retired and Regretful I think back on all the destruction to the environment I’ve seen over the years and wonder why and how it’s still going on in our only National Living Coral Reef Sanctuary in the continental United States. Truth is… our National unsafe Sanctuary is just a Mile Marker Barrel to fish in.
Touched Tanked
It’s in our human nature to want to see things up close and touch them. Aquariums and Zoos take advantage of this innate inner desire by selling us an illusion of real life in a fake habitat. Enticing us to see strange creatures up close and even touch them for our amusement.
This old practice is causing the very creatures we find so fascinating to disappear from the wild so we can see them up close and let our kids touch them for a few bucks. But what about their kids? What will be left for them to see, let alone touch?
Since the days of Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom we’ve had the ability to see life behaving naturally in the wild through documentary’s and other media that doesn’t harm the environment at all.
Better to “look but don’t touch” I’ve always heard and with today’s webcam technology… Why would we still need to put animals in cages or tanks to appreciate or learn about them?
Anyone who still says their better off Tanked must be Touched.
Environmental Theft
Occasionally nature produces a rare, one of a kind creature never seen before. The unordinary miracle emergence of a new life on Earth with unknown possibilities adding to the biodiversity of the entire planet. Unfortunately these once in a lifetime lightning strikes are captured in a bottle and placed in a tank for someone else’s kid to watch.
Stolen from the environment and our descendants these creatures are gone forever to the nonsense and nothingness of the Aquarium Industry. What about our kids? What will be left for them to put in a tank? Nature is for All of us, Not just a few and the only way to know their true worth is to let’em go or don’t steal them at all to begin with.
Help stop the unnecessary destruction of Earth’s next generations. DO NOT support Aquariums, Pet Stores or Zoos!
10,000 Faces
Owning our first Pet Store we soon found out the wholesalers would send the sickest and soonest to die before the better looking livestock. Handpicking was our only option if you wanted the best chance to sell a fish before it died on us.
Not far from our live rock supplier we decided to visit our largest fish, coral and invert supplier to chose our own shipment. We grabbed a stack of colored buckets and a cart. Excited to see so many different creatures from around the world, we eagerly began scooping up fish from the hundreds of tiny little tanks all running together. Row after row after row we walked down as the thousands of little scared faces looked back in fear. Like an animal abuse commercial, some were sick, hurt, lost and scared but all were prey to a colored bucket and an airplane ride to their inevitable death for when we came back the next week there were 10,000 New Faces.
Many things in the world have an indirect effect on the environment but the Aquarium, Pet Store and Zoo business directly pumps mass amounts of life and their would be offspring out of the wild doing the most environmental damage of all.
Aquarium Society
Collecting my first saltwater fish in 1975 a passion developed into a serious hobby, breeder, Pet Stores, collector, wholesaler, Public Aquarium, Aqua farm, Rescue Center and Sea life Foundation. Living the pieces since the dawn of the modern Aquarium Industry, I now see a complete picture of one society feeding off another.
Aquarium Clubs, Magazines and their Sponsors along with Public Aquariums, Pet Stores and Zoos promote Captivity at all cost. Paid for by the society of unknowing, unwitting victims buying their junk, propaganda and countless lifeforms needing replaced on a regular basis.
Pleading with my Pirate Peers to kill less life was met with Status Quo and Public Aquarium Figures spouting degrees in old school from Nuke’em High. Unable to admit any room for improvement in collection, holding and treatment of mass amounts of life that won’t live a month. Like addicts to a flame they’re unable to accept the reality of their destruction to the environment for their amusement. A society of people who believe in keeping creatures in cages and tanks by the business selling the cages, tanks and life for money.
Our very own Aquarium Society has become a driving force causing the extinction of thousands of species we claim to care about for nothing more than a lie I used to believe.
Car Hoods & Pigs Feet
Fishing for a replacement lemon shark lost at our Aquarium that week, my co-worker and I decided to move the boat to a better spot when suddenly he yelled “stop, turn around” from the bow. We anchored, put out our dive flag, donned our pirate gear and jumped into the middle of nowhere. Being a freshwater conch I was not expecting what came into view as we swam further away from the boat. A field of car hoods were scattered here and there as far as you could see. We spent the rest of the day flipping car hoods for spiny lobsters who lived under the obviously placed traps.
Heading out of Marathon with another Pirate in a boat full of crab traps and 50 lb. bags of Pigs Feet for bait. We spent two days checking traps for crabs and any by-catch unfortunate enough to get trapped inside. The Pigs Feet started out as whole feet that ended up a pile of bones that were just discarded in the water and replaced with fresh Pigs Feet.
Almost every wholesaler we visited in the Keys to buy or sell Marine Life from was running their systems with local saltwater from the Atlantic, Gulf or well with no protocols for their wastewater dumping out back after being mixed with chemicals, Meds. and possible invasive species from other parts of the world.
Now this ol’ Pirate ain’t no environmental “Expert” but if our only living Coral Reef Sanctuary in the continental United States is experiencing unknown, unprecedented die offs… Shouldn’t we be looking at everything being dumped in the Ocean as a possible threat?
Screaming Seahorses
After running large nets through the turtle grass all weekend, we drove our catch to the lower Florida Keys somewhere below the seven mile bridge. We were introduced to another Pirate who was the main supplier of dried pygmy seahorses for the hobby stores.
Having gone to great efforts to keep the seahorses alive I was shocked when she started laying the little seahorses on a table to dry. I’ll never forget the tiny squeals, screams and pops they made as they gulped their first and last breaths of unnatural air. Like life frying in a pan until they stopped moving in a final gasp shrinking into stillness. It was at that moment I realized sometimes some life is worth more dead than alive and it doesn’t matter to any laws how they are tortured and killed, it’s just part of normal.
Whether slowly starved in an Aquarium filled with their own wastewater or stomped on in the street these beautiful creatures deserve more respect and protections than the box we have put them in. All life has certain rights and must be protected from mistreatment by those who consider them a commodity to be ordered and reordered. These are living creatures and just because you can’t always hear them scream doesn’t make them disposable wasteful products dead or alive.
Bridge of the Skyway
Next step on the Pirate map is the South side of the Skyway bridge where snorkel Pirates can be found hunting Seahorses and other marine life for the Aquarium trade. Wanted dead or alive large horseshoe crabs, sand dollars and seahorses are dried for the curio trade by the same collectors. But the real treasure they’re hunting only comes out during an extremely low tide. Tiny nassarius snails and baby horseshoe crabs come out of the sand by the tens of thousands to scurry for deeper water when they are scooped up by waiting bucket Pirates who will sell them for about a quarter each, times thousands. Change a few latitudes and longitudes and these tiny creatures are worth a small fortune sold into involuntary servitude as our own tiny little clean up crews for the Aquarium trade worldwide.
But at what cost to the environment and our own descendants who’ll only hear tales of what once was? The needs of the many have always outweighed the needs of the few plundering today’s treasures.
Calling all Regretful Pirates to defend and protect these vulnerable creatures during this collection event a few days each month during a full moon low tide at the south side of the Skyway bridge.
Mile Marker 79
Top spot on the Pirate map in the Florida Keys, this special location not only serves as a base camp with a boat ramp and a place to hide Pirate treasure (fish, corals and inverts) in a cove behind the mangroves but it’s also the source of Blue-legged hermit crabs for the environment and the Aquarium Industry. Just across U.S. Hwy. 1 on the Ocean side behind the jetty is a large shallow area exposing piles of tiny blue-legged hermit crabs during an extreme low tide. Bucket Pirates scoop from the source at will with no regard to the damage being done to the wild populations of our only living coral reef in the continental United States falsely labeled a Sanctuary.
Becoming the Industry standard to pillage the most vulnerable when they are the most vulnerable by the business of collecting, displaying and selling life for fun and money will be the cause of extinctions worldwide.
Calling all Regretful Pirates to protect these helpless creatures during a full moon low tide a few nights each month at mile marker 79.
The Next Generations
When we display animals, fish and creatures of all kinds in bowls, cages, tanks and pools for amusement today, we are only taking from the next generations of people and animals.
Passing down environmental theft as some cute thing we just do to educate our children today about the animals that will be gone tomorrow because of the old school education.
All animals should be free to add to the biodiversity of nature and the next generations who won’t be there if we keep pumping them from the wild to teach the next generations of people to do the same thing.
Shouldn’t we be teaching people how to take better care of the environment by not taking life from it? Life needs a planet and people need the truth for the sake of the next generations.
“Sell It to Them Before It Dies on Us”.
These words have echoed throughout my life since I first heard them working at my second Pet Shop. Knowing the puffer was sick with ick and the customer didn’t know any better, my boss told me to “sell it to them before it dies on us.”
Starting my own Pet Store to do it better, I soon found out most fish come in sick (cure not included) because of the old archaic supply chain. Wholesalers who supply Public Aquariums, Pet Stores and Zoos mix all the fish together (sometimes called Quarantine) in the same water spreading diseases to most before they leave. Working at one of these wholesalers I soon found out they have the same motto. “Ship it to them before it dies on us.”
The whole business model of the Aquarium Industry is about passing the deaths along to the next victim until there are none left so more will be needed next month. Whether Aqua-cultured, Captive bred, Tank raised or Wild caught all run through this fundamentally flawed treatment of fish and are doomed after the sale.
Somehow Allowed to Remake Their Own “Working Definitions” To Deceive the Public Using Nice Words to Cover Even More Destruction Of Nature. Aqua-cultured “Live” Rock is Covered with All Sorts of other Incidental, Corals, Plants and Inverts Ripped From the Ocean/Gulf floor Only to Live In a Tank For Mere Moments. Tank Raised Fish Are Collected From the Wild with Plankton Tows Dragging Behind a Boat Doing Far More Damage than Traditional Fishing Methods.
At Their Annual Captivity Convention This Year the Addicts and Their Host Sponsors Will Celebrate and Push These Fake Terms as Something Good For the Environment. But Does it Really Matter Where they Come From If We Are Just Torturing Life To Death For Amusement and Profit. There is Nothing Good Coming From the Continuous Taking of Marine Life For Fun and No Matter What Words They Try to Hide Under, They’re the Cause Not the Cure.
The Sea Change Needed is Not How and Where We Get Our Fish, Corals and Inverts but Whether We Should Keep Them At All.
Pet Store for Dummy
Marine parks, Pet Stores and collecting my first marine fish the same year Jaws was released in Southern Florida left me with a case of saltwater fever. The driving passion to collect, display and eventually sell marine life is much like an addiction you don’t even know you have until you grow up and look back and see a complete picture of the wildlife trade you’ve become a part of. Fooled from childhood it turns out I was the dummy for believing that keeping creatures in a box for sale was somehow an honorable business to be in.
Selling the addiction to others so they will have a cage or tank to fill with stuff and life that won’t live for long, nor survive without another bottle of snake oil, filter, pump, light, and all the other junk that only leads to an inevitable death and replacement anyway.
This perfect scam one doesn’t even realize they’re getting into is just plain killing life for money by exploiting people and nature.
Should anyone ask, pass it on … Pet Stores are for Dummies.
Cure Not Included
The Aquarium Industry’s Supply Chain of Fish, Corals and Invertebrates, is a Sloppy Archaic Network of Little Tanks all Running Together, Spreading Disease and Invasive Species.
Most Fish enter the System Fairly Healthy but Some Have Parasites or Other Diseases that Quickly Spread To the Rest of the Fish. Harsh Chemicals and Drugs Are Used to Slow the Spread but Have their Own Side Effects that Usually Are Terminal After the Sale. This Fundamental Flaw called Central Filtration Hasn’t Changed in Fifty Years. It Seems they Make even More Money By Selling Bottles of False Hope to Cure what They Have Caused and Replacing the Dead Fish with More Doomed Fish…Cure Not Included.
But Wait there’s More…for an Extra Ticket They’ll Triple the Damage to the Environment, Call it Non-profit, Conservation and Education.
Unfortunately Public Aquariums, Pet Stores and Zoos Use this Same Old Flawed Mistreatment of Creatures to Fill Their Display, Reef and Touch Tanks. While Quietly Discarding and Replacing Many Small Creatures They Claim Conservation Hatching Eggs to Be Sold to Other Aquariums and Zoos.
Conservation – “prevention of a wasteful use of a resource”
It Seems Fixing Their Own Wasteful Use of Life Should Be Their Main Focus Instead of Their Professional Experts with an Old School Degree from Nuke’em High Promoting the Need For the Cure…Common Sense Not Included.
Growing Diamonds
Having spent a better part of my life searching for the best way to make money from nature, I was shocked to find out just how much some Pirates make exploiting nature and people.
From pulling dew worms out of the ground for a penny a piece to scooping up piles of blue legged hermit crabs worth a dollar each, I’d thought I’d seen it all until I met the signature coral man growing specially selected corals in his basement worth their weight in diamonds.
Taken from other parts of the world, tiny chips are brought into the U.S. grown and sold as exclusive, signature and no one else has these corals for unbelievable prices.
Greedily gobbled up by the Aquarium Industry, no questions asked, promoted by Sponsors and held up as some kind of “better if we have them than nature” Conservation. Some growing several inches a year in his tanks but dying in most others it’s considered to be Sustainable because they always need more (at $2000 a chip).
This is the most profitable pirate move I’ve seen in my travels…by far.
Peppermint Shrimp Boats
Most people don’t know that our shrimp boat fleet is killing many species dragging around the marine nursery known as the Gulf of Mexico.
Smaller nets are sewn into the back of the bigger nets to catch smaller prey like peppermint shrimp for the aquarium trade. Massive bi-catch and shrimp are dumped on large boards and separated according to type or value. Sliding what’s left off the side to waiting seagulls and other predators as an easy meal, with most not even hitting the water.
Having witnessed this total destruction first hand, I was most unsettled by the amount of pregnant seahorses doomed in the buckets. Too slow to swim away from the rollers most of the seahorses were pregnant males of all colors. Even if the father lives a few months in captivity not one of his offspring survives past birth. This collateral waste of life to feed our amusement and bellies is causing the extinction of many species by destroying the next generations.
Fascinated by seahorses since childhood, I had no idea that the demand for peppermint shrimp created by the aquarium industry was the reason of the drastic decline in so many species collected in the Gulf.
This Pirate fleet goes out every night and the business of pumping life out of the wild never stops, not even for holidays. Once apart of this plundering I soon realized I had been deceived. Finding myself on the wrong side and regretful, I now sail under a different flag fighting for those who can’t.
Full Moon-Low Tide
When I worked at a wholesaler we kept a 1 oz. shot glass next to the Blue legged hermit crabs to quickly measure out a 100 lot and a coffee cup to save counting a 1000 of these tiny crabs going to Aquariums, Pet Stores and other wholesalers.
Being the bread and butter of the industry this tiny life-form and how it’s captured, treated and sold is very emblematic of what plundering by pirates means today.
In a real pirate move these hermit crabs are taken advantage of during a natural event that happens a few nights each month. Gathering by the millions in piles revealed by the low tide during a full moon unprotected shovel fulls are just scooped up and sold for more than $10,000 a Gallon.
Because of their vulnerability and an endless demand as cleanup crews in Aquariums worldwide this great hermit crab gathering is pillaged on a regular basis only to be sold into a business that always seems to need more, instead of cleaning our own reefs on a regular basis.
Perplexed Experts can’t explain the mass die offs plaguing our reefs because they are the same pirates causing this environmental disaster to the most unsafe marine sanctuary in the world.
Welcome to America! May we take your order?
Cause not Cure
Having a Dream of Working At an Aquarium Since Childhood Developed Into an Adult Nightmare, When Given the Chance to Make Animals Do Tricks For Food. Fooling the Public Quietly Discarding and Replacing Display Animals On a Regular Basis while Claiming Conservation Was Our Real Job.
Maintaining Copper and Other Chemical Levels that were Constantly Dropping Due to the New Saltwater Well Water and Sick Fish Being Added To the Tanks, was Also Part of Our Daily Routine. All Drains Lead To the Ocean at Sea Level. Overflowing Endlessly with Who Knows What, for the Price of a Ticket to Mis-education and Extinction Due To the Poison Water Being Dumped Out Back. Which is the Only thing Sustainable.
Having Fish, Corals and Inverts From Around the World On Display With No Protocols on the Possible Release of Disease or Invasive Species Through the Waste or Overflow Water into the 3rd. Largest Marine Un-Sanctuary in the World. The Aquariums, Encounters, Theme Parks, Universities and the Wholesalers Who Supply Them, Are A Cause of the Mass Die-offs Because of their Old School Ways Of Treating and Displaying Life For Profit. Claiming to Be The Cure For the Very Mess They Help Create, this Conservation Goldmine makes Even More Money than Shark Tagging while Blaming Anything But Their Own Activities and For the Price Of A Ticket or a Donation to Their Scam. You Too Can Be Apart Of this Animal Cracker Conservation.
Destroying the Environment while Killing Creatures and Lying About It Was Not What I Signed Up For and the Reason I Am a Regretful Pirate.
Conservation Camouflage
The Aquarium, Pet Store and Zoo Industry Known as the Wildlife Trade, is Causing the Extinction of the Very Animals They Display or Sell For Profit. Needing Replaced on a Regular Basis, Their Business Model Is Deceiving the Public Into Believing In Captivity by Using Our Natural Love of Animals.
Selling Tickets to an Illusion of Happy Creatures, Conservation, Education and Rescue, Hiding Their True Nature of Exploiting Animals For Money By Killing the Very Attractions They Claim Is Their Number One Priority. Which If True, They Would Not Order Them to Begin With.
Hundreds of Millions of Non-profit Dollars are Spent Every Year, to Condition Us From Childhood to Adult, that Helping A Few Covers the Destruction Of Many. Or Breeding a Few Easy Animals For Other Aquariums and Zoos, Somehow Outweighs Their Constant Need to Reorder Many Other Creatures For Display, Pets or Food.
#ConservationCamoflauge…Money Grubbing Businesses Exploiting Nature for Amusement Using Conservation as a Cloak to Cover What They Really Are.
Survival of the Most Expensive
Human Selection Now Determines the Course of Natural Selection According to the Value each Species has to Our Industry’s Bottom Line. Creatures are the New Currency Plundered by the Pirates of Today. Ordered Daily by Aquariums, Pet Stores and Zoos, etc. Worldwide, the Demand for Wildlife is at an All Time High and So is the Price. Change a few Latitudes and Longitudes and Their Value Increases so Drastically that even the Seaweed is Worth it’s Weight In Lobster. Crabs Worth their Weight in Silver, Fish Worth their Weight in Gold and Corals Worth their Weight in Diamonds, along with the Rest of the Priceless Display Animals Collected in a Sanctuary with a Special Activities Permit Sold by the Very Business whose Job Is To Protect Them. Cared for According To Their Value To Us Instead of True Conservation Protecting Them According to Numbers or Environmental Value.
We have Become the Driving Force in a Species Survival or Extinction for the Price of a Ticket to An Illusion of Conservation Exploiting Animals For Profit. The Price is To High for Their Future And Ours.
According to Charles Darwin and others, Natural Selection Chooses the Path of One Creature or Another According to How Fit It Is through it’s Evolution Up The Tree, Starting with the Big Bang and Ending With Humans. Truth is, Life was Created to Evolve through Natural Selection, but Now Human Selection Determines the Path of Life, Not Nature! We Decide Whether Life Lives or Not According To It’s Value To Us.
In Florida, the Blue Legged Hermit Crab is Restricted Because it’s Worth Money to the Industry, even though there are Trillions. But the Poor Red Legged Hermit of which there are Very Few of and could Possibly Go Extinct are Not Restricted and people can Take as Many as they Want (For An SPL) because the Industry doesn’t Want as Many.
In Hawaii a Jewel Tang is Kept by Itself so it Don’t Get Sick with All the Others that are Not Worth as Much All Mixed in the Same Water.
In Alaska they Shoot Wolves from a Helicopter because of the Value Difference between Them and Elks, and in Every Corner of the World there are Rich Slobs Laying Around Doing Nothing For Society but Depleting Resources and Surviving, while Hard Working People Die Everyday because Humans Selected Them According To Their Value.
We may have Selected Natural Selection out in Exchange for the Value to Human System.
But? What if Nature Chose By Value? Whether We Add to the World or Just Took From It. How Much Would We Be Worth? Would We Still Be Here?
Maybe We Better Give the Choice Back To Nature Where it Belongs Before the Choice is No Longer Ours.
Slimy is the New Money
There’s a category of creatures known as “Fish” that don’t have the same protections as all the other Animals. Treated as a lower form of life, this commodity has only number and size limits imposed by another business only looking to Make Money. Involuntarily sold into a shorter life of serving people on display for Amusement, Ego and Profit.
Turning up the fire on the dancing dolphin and orca shows has caused an increase in the use of “Fish” which don’t need explanation when quietly discarded and replaced. Even a whale shark will do tricks for food given no other choice. Although to show it in a light of conservation by the animal exploitation planet on the captivity network or to call the 100 Million Dollars they make a year somehow Non-profit, should be just as much a crime as the fish they abuse to death because they can.
“Fish” which includes Anemones, Corals, Crabs, Rays, Sharks, Seahorses, Shrimp, Snails and a whole host of other creatures who deserve the same rights as all Other Animals, are being abuse and mistreated because they have no laws to protect them like Birds, Mammals and Reptiles.
In a tank they are only worth the price of a ticket but in the wild they are pricelessly replacing the generations taken by their owners claiming it’s for their own good to be on display or no one will care about them at all.
History will judge us by the way we treat ALL animals!