
Aquarium, Pet and Zoo Industry Discussions and Experiences of the Wildlife Trade.
Welcome Regretful Pirates!
Their Best, Is At Best, The Worst!
The Aquarium, The Zoo, The Sea Rescue Killing Wildlife in the Name of Conservation, Education and Fun, is Nothing more than Captivity Indoctrination Pushing Torture on Innocent People and Even More Innocent Animals.
The 5 Compromises to Freedom of the Animal Welfare Act, Fail to List the Soul Purpose of Every Living Species to Pass Down Better Knowledge to Offspring.
The Aquarium Industry wants a WhiteList in Hawaii But Doesn’t want one in Canada. There’s No Legal Trade without an Illegal Trade of Life for Death in Exchange for Fun and Money in the Light and Dark of Extinction Caused by Animal Exploitation.
The Love of #TheDarkHobby Supporting Extinction is the Theme for the 33rd #TheTradeShowConnection of Likeminded Serial Killers of Innocent Creatures Known as the Aquarium Industry.